He's crazy

The Brightest Star in my Dark World ♥


Ricky’s POV:

L.Joe hyung has gone nuts. He was put into a hospital to avoid the press making bad reputations about him.

“I almost killed her brother!” L.Joe hyung said.


“BUT why is it HER BROTHER?!”

“I don’t know”

“I could go to jail for this”


“But I don’t want to! I’m still young and innocent”

Chunji hyung spits out his drink “INNOCENT?! DUDE, YOU COULD’VE KNOCKED THE LIGHTS OUT OF THAT GUY. And you still call yourself innocent?!”

“Yeah well. How would’ve I known it was her brother?!”

“You could’ve talked to her privately and asked. Anon wouldn’t lie.”

“How would you know?!”

“Has she ever lied to you?”

“No … but still. She might be cheating on me with that guy.”

“Don’t believe me, eh? Here” Changjo was watching the CCTV video from the fight.

“Ow!” Anon said.

“NOONA!” The guy said.

“BARO!” Anon laughed and took his cap off to ruffle his hair.

They laughed and he tickled her, kissing her on the cheek.


“Wait, what did she say?” Chunji hyung asked.

“Baro?” Changjo answered.

“BARO?! AS IN B.A.R.O?!”

“Yes hyung, you didn’t need to spell it out”

“Wait, Baro is her brother?!”

“That makes Anon, the girl that Chunji hyung brought home”

“Haha, that is Baro’s sister”

“Need I remind you that she’s also your girlfriend?”



“You mean, my Anon, sweet bubbly loving Anon is ~~~?????????!”

“Yes. You couldn’t figure it out?”


“Me and the maknae line, yup.”

“CAP hyung?!”

“I just followed around”

“But why did she call us by our real names?”

“Because we introduced her that way”

“Ani, when I first met her, sure, I used Byunghun and my hair was kinda out of place. But when we stayed at her dorm, why didn’t she say anything?!”

“And why did you always feed her?”

“How come she always hangs out with you, Chunji hyung?”

“She hangs out with all of you!”

“But when L.Joe is gone, she’s with you!”

“You guys are blind.”


“Aye hyung. Are you saying we’re blind cause we don’t acknowledge your together-ness?”

“that’s for me to keep secret and for you to find out”


Chunji hyung *mehrong*-ed

“I killed somebody” L.Joe hyung amused.

“Huh?” we responded

“Can’t you see that I killed somebody?” L.Joe said in a happy-crazy voice.

“You didn’t kill him”

“Yes I did, I swore that I wouldn’t let anybody touch Anon that way” 



Your POV:

“~~~, do you know who did this?” Ryeowook oppa asked me.

I shook my head, lying to them.

“You’re lying” Umma was still there. She went to me and squeezed my shoulders.


“Umma, please …”

“What? Now you’re gonna go against your mother on this too, Siwon?!”

“Aniyo, umma. Don’t get mad at oppa. Alright, it was a guy named Byunghun”

“Okay, his name is ByungHun. Got that?” I think Appa was talking on the phone.

“Did you call the cops?”

“No, dear.”

“Then? Appa, who did you call?”

“Your cousin’s gang is helping us”


“Ne. Wow, she’s a smart girl” she was mocking me.

“Why did you drag U-KISS into this?!”

“Because we don’t have enough money to hire the cops and it’s faster this way”

U-KISS will cause blood if they’re involved in this. 



Kevin’s POV:

“His name is ByungHun?” I asked Uncle.

“Yup, Byunghun” he answered through the phone.

“His last name?”

“I don’t know”

“Okay, thanks uncle”


“So, this guy’s name is Byunghun, huh?” Hoon asked.

“Yeah, but we don’t know the last name”

“How are we gonna find him without a last name?” Soohyun asked.

“We can’t”

“We could try ask around” Dongho said

“But we might end up with the wrong Byunghun”

“hmm, true.” The others agreed

“Call your uncle and tell him that we can be their bodyguards” Kiseop said.



“Uncle, we can’t find that guy without a last name”

“Alright, I’ll try to ask ~~~”

Through the phone, I heard ~~~’s voice:

“Umma, I DON’T KNOW HIS LAST NAME” ~~~ cried.

“You’re lying. Tell me right now before I remove you from the family register” Aunty was taunting her.

“But I don’t know”

“Don’t tempt. Me, ~~~” Aunty was losing patience.

“But umma. I’m telling the truth”

“Alright, she won’t budge, Honey.”

“Don’t think that you can get away next time, ~~~” I heard door slamming.


“Mianhae, Kevin. We couldn’t get the last name, either”

“Gwenchana. ~~~ must be tired. I will try next time”


Narrator’s POV:

Ryeowook was by your side through the whole process. You were most comfortable with Ryeowook at that time. You snuggled next to him like a couple. Ryeowook never left your side and would keep all ears for you.

Baro was getting better and Yuri came by after her schedules.

Baro was done having a check-up.

“So, how is he, doctor?” You asked the doctor.

“He’s getting better, but he might not be able to see for a while”

“Is he going to turn blind?”

“No, just his eyes need to adjust to the environment for a few times”

You smiled and rested your head on Ryeowook’s shoulder. He put his arm around your shoulder and your hair. 


Hi everybody! How do you like my latest updates? Do you like them? 

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Anyway, I've been making my characters curse a lot, right? Because it's the

I'm trying to finish this fic in less than 30 chappies ~  

Btw, once I'm done, I'm thinking of  writing one-shots for the people who subscribe on my fic. 

PM me if you want a one-shot, but sadly I can only make the one-shot with the characters I'm using. Mianhae ~

- B1A4  - Yesung - Ryeowook - Sungmin - Kyuhyun - Eunhyuk - Donghae - Siwon - Teen Top - U-KISS. 

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ailisu #1
yay!! happy ending ^_________^
ailisu #2
so byunghyun isnt crazy anymore? o_o
oh well~ i hope they dont find out its him and then ~~~~ wont get in trouble for "lying" :(
ailisu #3
HAPPY!! oh god, if it was sad
i'd be bawling tears ;A;
ailisu #4
omfg.... i was tearing up :'''(
ailisu #5
.... DUN DUN DUN..............

did baro call ~~~ a ?? O:
ailisu #6
BARO??? oh god
so protective l.joe >o<
ailisu #7
OMG.... i hope jessica isnt gonna do anything... >_<
and byunghyun!! :DD
lol~~ and baro is too cute ^-^
@Arlene, it just stating that Siwon never came to pick OC up from that cafe ~
Arlene #9
I seriously don't know what happened after ch 13 and they ruined c.a.p hair with going crazy and this new promotion
ailisu #10
declared his love for her~~ ;)