SJ is coming home ...

The Brightest Star in my Dark World ♥


Your POV:

I’m finishing up my stupid Science project that I was supposed to do last week. SJ is supposed to arrive in *beeps watch: 8.15 PM* 40 minutes. Jessica came by just now to take Baro to the airport.

“You sure you don’t wanna come?” Jessica asked me for like the millionth time.

“Ne.” I answered her shortly. Reaching for some glue.

“Noona, kaja. Hyung will ask about you” Baro, my dongsaeng told me.

“So? Baro, can’t you explain to him?” I told him.

I’m pretty sure that they were behind me. I don’t know, the voices seem to be coming from all directions.

“If noona not going, then me no go too” Baro whined.

I heard him do the ‘hmph’ thing.

“Aigo, dongsaeng-ah” I said, reaching out to him with my hands.

“You have to go and greet Yuri. She’s your twin” I found him and pinched his cheeks.

“Aish, noona. That hurts!” Baro said, breaking free of my pinching.

“~~~ kaja. Oppas will worry. Donghae oppa hates it when I’m late” Jessica pleaded. She took my hands gently.

“Sica, you know that if I don’t finish that … that … that, I don’t know what the heck that is, I won’t ever get it done. Siwon oppa will throw me off if I fail that subject” I told her, firmly.


Amber came barging into the room.

“Hey, what’re you guys still doing here?!” Amber said.

I felt some wind in front of my face, I think she’s flailing her arms.

“My dongsaeng will be in the airport in 5 minutes!” Amber said again.

Henry’s Amber’s dongsaeng, he’s in the group with Siwon oppa.

“~~~’s not coming with us!” Jessica said to Amber.

“Aish, will you always be this stubborn?” Amber said. I’m pretty sure she was talking to me.

“Ne. there’s nothing you can do to change that” I told her, feeling for my Science project. I trip over something.

“Aish, noona. You said you wanted to finish up some work, you can’t even find it!” sighed Baro.

He guided me to the table. I kissed his hat.

“Gomawo, Baroro” I told him and started gluing pieces to the project.

“She’s never going to come, is she?” Amber said, behind me.

“ANI!” I told them.

“Kerome, kaja. We’ll ride my car” Jessica said.

I heard some keys jiggling. Hae gave Sica a brand new car and she’s been bragging about it, A LOT. Who wouldn’t? Donghae’s girlfriend deserves the best … I mean, it’s LEE DONGHAE!

“Duh, you’re the only one here with LICENSE” I heard Amber emphasizing the word.

“Aish, noona. You could’ve had your car by now if you didn’t spend it on motorbike license!” I heard Baro complaining.

I giggled at the scene taking place behind me.

“Just leave already, would you?!” I said them, turning my head to the back.

“You’re kicking us out?!” Jessica gasped.

“You were the one who said oppas would worry” I said to her.

I don’t know where she is, I just said generally.

“Ah, n-ne. Baroro kaja.” Jessica said.

I must’ve used my im-not-kidding-around voice. Sica’s usually like that when I use that kind of voice.


I went back to the table to finish my work. Suddenly, I heard a really loud knock from the door.

“Ttuguseyo?” I asked. I was DAMN scared. I was alone in that huge house.

“OPEN THIS DOOR!” the voice sounded so deep and loud.

Then, the door burst to pieces. I felt some debris of wood on my sleeve.

“Take everything! The paintings, the money, the jewellery and THE GIRL!!” the voice yelled.

I’m pretty sure he’s the leader of this whole thing. I panicked and I felt something or someone grabbing me and I guess I was put into a bag.

“AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!” I screamed from inside the bag.

I struggled and fought whatever it is inside the bag.

“Aish, shut up!” the voice said. I was surprised that I wasn’t beaten. Something feels different. 


The first chapter! How do you like it? 

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BTW, I don't have my poster yet, waiting .... please be patient .... 

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ailisu #1
yay!! happy ending ^_________^
ailisu #2
so byunghyun isnt crazy anymore? o_o
oh well~ i hope they dont find out its him and then ~~~~ wont get in trouble for "lying" :(
ailisu #3
HAPPY!! oh god, if it was sad
i'd be bawling tears ;A;
ailisu #4
omfg.... i was tearing up :'''(
ailisu #5
.... DUN DUN DUN..............

did baro call ~~~ a ?? O:
ailisu #6
BARO??? oh god
so protective l.joe >o<
ailisu #7
OMG.... i hope jessica isnt gonna do anything... >_<
and byunghyun!! :DD
lol~~ and baro is too cute ^-^
@Arlene, it just stating that Siwon never came to pick OC up from that cafe ~
Arlene #9
I seriously don't know what happened after ch 13 and they ruined c.a.p hair with going crazy and this new promotion
ailisu #10
declared his love for her~~ ;)