Cross the fire

Courage and Confession


Amber's POV

I have a bad feeling about this, why won't she listen to me. I lost sight of her as she turned right on the corner. Calm down Amber... calm down. You're being overproctective, nothing's gonna happened. She can take care of herself.


This is not working, something tells me there's something wrong. The line isn't getting shorter, the bald guy is now arguing with the cashier.


Damn, I throw the basket on the floor and run out towards Krystal's direction.



I couldn't believe my eyes as i saw her surrounded by two guys, one of them trying to touch her.


I grabbed Krystal's hand and pulled her into my arms as I hit the guy who tried to touch her.

"Don't you dare laying your dirty hands on her."



I could feel Krystal shaking on my arms

"You ok, Krys?"

She nods, and buried her face on my chest.



"Well, well, who do we have here?? Girl, you have a pretty boyfriend. He's so skinny, i bet he can't show you good times. C'mon pretty, we're gonna show you what real men like"

These bastards, i looked at them to estimate the danger.


These two, the one with the nose piercing and the one with white hair don't feel that dangerous. They have big mouths, but i don't feel much of a threat.


On the other hand, the guy at the back, something about him makes me shudders.

"Listen guys, i don't want any trouble. We're just gonna leave, ok?"

"Wow, Furu, do you hear that? I think it's English. So they're foreigner, he? Hahhaha this is just getting better. I never taste a foreigner before. Wonder if she tastes different"


"Yeah, hey buddy, we also don't want any trouble, just leave your girlfriend with us tonight, and we let you leave. You can also watch if you want to..."

And they started laughing.


These disgusting jerks, it's good that they don't recognise that i'm a girl. Otherwise they would just attack us.



I took Krystal's hand and say "Let's go"

"Where you think you're going?"

The one called Furu with the white hair tried to stopped us, he was using so much force that as i dodge his attack, he went straight face first on the street.

"You kid, don't be cocky just cause you can dodge him", the other one with the nose piercing yelling and preparing to attack.


I let go of Krystal and told her to stay behind me.


Ok Amber, you never got into real fight before, but this is not just about you, you have to protect Krystal...


I was telling myself and hoping all those Taekwondo lessons would come handy.


I don't know if it's adrenalin or just that this guy so lousy that after 2-3 exchange punches und kick i was able to kicked him on the crouch and leave him crying on the floor holding his best part.





I was about to turned to Krystal and tell her to go as i felt danger from the right side. I instinctively hold my arm up to protect my head. I don't know what hit me, but it hurts like hell.


I looked around and found the other guy ,who was just standing behind.

"Oga..." the two erts crawled behind him, "Oga... you have to get our respect back"

"Shut up!!!" And those two shivered for fear.

He's dangerous, he's not like those two. I see he has no interest on Krystal, maybe he let us go.

"Listen, i already said to your friends, i don't want any problem. They started all this, what you say if i just take my friend and leave?"

"Hey kiddo, i wasn't interested in the first place cause i don't think that you even have a chance against these fools. I was wrong, you have skill kid, and now i'm interested. I don't give a damn about your little girlfriend, she can leave if she wants to."

This is ok, if Krystal is save then it doesn't matter anymore.





I turned my head to her "Run, Krys!!"

BUt she didn't move, she shooked her head and froze at her spot.

I didn't have a chance to say it again as i feel Oga's fist on my cheek....




Krystal POV


"Run, Krys!!!"


I couldn't move, i was to scared to even move my feet.


I just shook my head and screamed as i saw Amber fell down after Oga's punch hit her straight on the face.


She got up in no time, i saw blood coming from her lips.

"Not bad, kid..." I heard Oga said " There are a lot of men who couldn't get up after that punch"


I couldn't watch anymore, although Amber tried to fight back, and managed to counter him once in a while, she's not his match.


It hurts me to see her falling back and forth, he kept throwing punches and kicked her on the stomach.


But why is she always getting up??


Amber stop.. stop.. don't get up.. don't get up.




Amber POV

He's strong... too strong.


I don't have the strengh anymore to cover my body, it seems forever. I can feel his fists on my face, his feet on my stomach till i lost count. It hurts so much that it started to get numb.


I barely see with my right eye cause of the blood dripping from my forehead. I can't give up, i can't let Krys all alone with these monsters. That thought is the only thing that kept me awake.


Krys... run..


I got up only to get another kick on my side. I fell to the ground, i saw Oga walking toward me, i was preparing for the worst.


But he stopped, my japanese is not that good, but i think he said

"You're not a bad fighter, you don't have the skill but you have the spirit. You have my respect"

He turned around and left.



I couldn't believe my ears. He left just like that. I knew that he was different, he might be blood thirst, but he has his own rules and dignity. He won't tortured a wounded enemy.




As I thought that danger is over, I heard voices from behind.

"Hey pretty, looks like your boyfriend won't be able to please you tonight, so why don't you let us take his place... I promise i'll be gentle"

Those erts, i forgot about them. They weren't so much of a trouble before, but in this condition, I wouldn't be able to protect Krystal.



I saw one of them tried to touch Krystal's face as he let out a scream. Apparently Krystal bit his hand.




"This !!!"

I couldn't believe my eyes as he slapped her hard causing her to fell on the ground.

"Listen , you're going to pay for what you've done. Who needs you anyway...."

He lifted his feet, ready to stamp his prey


I managed to get in between and felt his shoe on my back, he was surprised at first to see me bending over Krystal proctecting her from his rage.

But then it made him more mad...




"You bastard... then die for her"

He stamped again and again.

The other one came from side and started kicking and crushing my fingers with his shoes.

I position myself so Krystal wouldn't get the blows.

The rain got heavy, the only thing i wish is that someone finds us before i died, someone has to save my princess....



"Furu, Tojo"

It's Oga's voice, didn't he leave before? What does he want?

"Didn't I tell you to leave them alone?"

"But Oga..."

"Say another word, and you'll see...."

Both hesitating, kicked me the last time and started to leave, I guess they feared him that much to left their prey.

I can barely breath, I tried to check how Krystal is doing. Her breathing is steady, I think she fainted.

What should I do, I don't have my cellphone cause i was in such a hurry, screaming for help wouldn't do any good, if there were anybody, they would've already help us.

Beside i don't have the strength to scream.

Where's this music come from? I recognise the song, it's Gee from SNSD.

Wait, Krystal's cell.

I found it, it says "Unnie" on the display... It's Jessica!!

"Jess..." i said on the phone "Help"


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exiguousnobody #1
Chapter 16: ????
2078 streak #2
Chapter 15: "Now if you're a racist or a homophobic just turn off your TV because you ain't gonna like my show." Oh my god haha. So funny
batbts #3
Chapter 16: Love your work♡
King_Aston #4
Chapter 16: Wow ahjumma that was great *claps*
Chapter 16: Author.. Ive read your story a lot of times already specially when i miss kryber.. Even if ive read it over and over again i still cry at the end! .. Youre doing great author..
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 16: Woah this story is beautiful.. I wonder if real f(x) as solid as fiction f(x) here after ssul have kicked out from group..
I like this one ;)
sefexclusibo #7
Chapter 16: No words can justify how good this story is, author. Thank you so much for this. I just hope f(x) won't disband in real life just in case one (or more) of the members comes out. I hope people will love & admire other people because of their personality & talents, not because of what they have in between their legs. <3
bluegandalf #8
Chapter 16: Dear author, seriously you need to consider writting a book! You made kryber alive. And I would totally advertise the sh*t out of that book!!!
Chapter 16: Da*n, the last part made me cry. The image of them (the one on the pic) years ago flashed in my mind. They're a f(amily) no one can just destroy them. With all the happenings in kpop, in f(x) and gg made me depressed. I'm glad that they made it through. Kryber ftw!
Chapter 16: Kryber, Taeny, Yulsic. How i love them so.