
Courage and Confession


Tokai University Tokyo Hospital




Jessica's POV




It's been 5 days since the accident. Krystal only suffered minor injuries, I can't say the same about Amber.



SM is paying VVIP room, so even though Amber is still on ventilator, she got her own room.



I looked through the window. I never thought i see her like this. It seems like thousand of iv lines coming out of her. I was lost on my thought 


as i heard voice from behind me






"Hey stranger...."


I turned my head and see Jackie. She flew right away to Korea after she heard what happened.


Mr. and Mrs Liu coudn't come, poor Mrs. Liu was in shock after hearing the news, that she has to be rushed to the hospital. She's allright but


the doctors said she should stay for a couple of days.






"Hi... how are you?"



Jackie sat next to me. "I'm ok, I guess. This whole thing still feels like a bad dream that won't stop"



"I'm sorry..."


Jackie looked at me " You don't have to"






She stared at the floor "You know... my sister is a simple kid. She's a nice and energetic kid and always tried something new. If she really likes


something you could see stars in her eyes. The first time i saw it was,as she first played basketball. Then as she started taking the dance and 


singing class. As she first got to Korea, we called almost everyday. She cried a lot, felt lonely and not being able to express her feeling 


because of the language."





"It must have been hard for her"



"Yeah, and then one day as i called, I could hear that she was extremely happy that day. Even that we were thousand miles apart, i could


almost see those stars coming from her eyes.... She was telling me she met the most beautiful girl she's ever seen, and she comes from San


Fransisco so they can talk in English, she was talking about her like for 2 hours, how she looks, how she talks, how beautiful her hair is."




I chuckled "Krystal is not an easy kid. We barely see each other because of my schedule. But that day she called me and told me that she's


going to debut on a girl group called f(x). She was telling me one of the member is a handsome girl from LA, and said if she were a guy, she


would definitely date her."




We laughed together.






Jackie said, " Either way it's not gonna be easy for them" She stood up "I'm hungry. Want to grab something to eat?"



I shook my head "I have to pass, mom is making spagetti for dinner. I'm kinda looking to it"






As she left, I looked at Amber once again "Stupid kid, you better get well and tell my sister how much you love her...." 















Next on Courage and Confession



CEO Kim and Uncle Lee are staring at me, waiting for my answer. 



"Why, Amber? Why did you risk your life to save Krystal?" CEO Kim repeated the question



"Because I love her..."




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exiguousnobody #1
Chapter 16: ????
2078 streak #2
Chapter 15: "Now if you're a racist or a homophobic just turn off your TV because you ain't gonna like my show." Oh my god haha. So funny
batbts #3
Chapter 16: Love your work♡
King_Aston #4
Chapter 16: Wow ahjumma that was great *claps*
Chapter 16: Author.. Ive read your story a lot of times already specially when i miss kryber.. Even if ive read it over and over again i still cry at the end! .. Youre doing great author..
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 16: Woah this story is beautiful.. I wonder if real f(x) as solid as fiction f(x) here after ssul have kicked out from group..
I like this one ;)
sefexclusibo #7
Chapter 16: No words can justify how good this story is, author. Thank you so much for this. I just hope f(x) won't disband in real life just in case one (or more) of the members comes out. I hope people will love & admire other people because of their personality & talents, not because of what they have in between their legs. <3
bluegandalf #8
Chapter 16: Dear author, seriously you need to consider writting a book! You made kryber alive. And I would totally advertise the sh*t out of that book!!!
Chapter 16: Da*n, the last part made me cry. The image of them (the one on the pic) years ago flashed in my mind. They're a f(amily) no one can just destroy them. With all the happenings in kpop, in f(x) and gg made me depressed. I'm glad that they made it through. Kryber ftw!
Chapter 16: Kryber, Taeny, Yulsic. How i love them so.