Circle of life

Courage and Confession


8 years later





“Yo whazzup guys, welcome to Jay's corner. Here's your host Jay Park. Now if you're a racist or a homophobic just turn off your TV because you ain't gonna like my show. If you stupid head can't except diversity and being hurt about it just stuck you damn head somewhere else”


“Go Jay!” there was someone cheering from the crowd.


“Hahahaha thanks dude! Now today topic is korean's most taboo word. Yup, everyone's favorite. Let's talk about same relationship today. You know guys, I just don't get it why people are so allergic to the word. I mean, there are dude who loves another dude and girl who's in love in another girl. So what? I dunno why so many people are being so sensitive about it. You guys remember what happened 8 years ago, that a girl group disband because their 2 members are in love with each other?”


“YEAH” the crowd answered.


“You guys remember that there were more members from another girl group who came out that day? The next day, the news about the 2-girls in love and that their group being banned were all over the place and there was NO single word in Korean press, I mean not even a damn single word about the other girl group.”




“I had to give it to Taeny and Yulsic though. They resigned from SNSD as protest and they are active as speakers for same relationship, they even grounded as foundation to support young people who needs help, who is confused about their orientation. I'll promise you I'll invite them as my guests next time”


There were applaus and cheers from the crowd.





“My guest today is the one who start speaking out and standing out for who she is. Ladies and gentleman, please give a big applause for Amber Liu”


Amber bowed to the crowd and bro hug Jay before she sat down.


“Thanks for coming”


“No probs. It's quite funny being back in Korea though. It's been so long”


“So this is the first time you are back in Korea after that day?”


“Well, yes. They deported me a week after the press conference and I haven't been back since”


“It's been 8 years. Didn't you miss Korea?”


“I do. So many memories I had, Korea is for me like me second home”


“Tell us, what happened to you after that day?”


“Well, I lost contact to my members at first. I went to college, got my degree and now I teach math at UCLA”


“WOW Dude, that's impressive”


Amber laughed, her smile and her laughs didn't change a bit.


“And how's life? I mean your life”


“Life is good, dude. Let me introduce you to someone” Amber got up and showed a sign, a little boy came running in her arms. Amber lifted him and put him on her lap.




“Hey buddy, that's Uncle Jay. Why don't you introduce yourself?”


The little boy nodded, gave his small hand to Jay and said “I'm James, I'm 3”


“Hi James, you've got some grip there” Jay laughed “He's your boy?” Jay asked Amber.


“Yeah” she said and ruffled James' hair.


“Nice, you're married?”


“Yeah” Amber blushed “5 years ago”


“Oh, is your wife here?”


Amber nodded and said to James “Buddy, can you get Mommy here?”


The boy nodded and run backstage.


“You got a handsome boy there. And it's funny that your Korean is a lot better than as you were here. Even James speaks perfect Korean. How could it be?”


Amber grinned “It's because....”


She stopped speaking as James was yelling “Daddy!” he was holding hand with a beautiful woman, short black hair. The crowd stood up and applaused as she walked in.


Amber got up, lifted James on her arms and put her hand on the woman's back.


“Jay, meet my wife”



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exiguousnobody #1
Chapter 16: ????
2072 streak #2
Chapter 15: "Now if you're a racist or a homophobic just turn off your TV because you ain't gonna like my show." Oh my god haha. So funny
batbts #3
Chapter 16: Love your work♡
King_Aston #4
Chapter 16: Wow ahjumma that was great *claps*
Chapter 16: Author.. Ive read your story a lot of times already specially when i miss kryber.. Even if ive read it over and over again i still cry at the end! .. Youre doing great author..
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 16: Woah this story is beautiful.. I wonder if real f(x) as solid as fiction f(x) here after ssul have kicked out from group..
I like this one ;)
sefexclusibo #7
Chapter 16: No words can justify how good this story is, author. Thank you so much for this. I just hope f(x) won't disband in real life just in case one (or more) of the members comes out. I hope people will love & admire other people because of their personality & talents, not because of what they have in between their legs. <3
bluegandalf #8
Chapter 16: Dear author, seriously you need to consider writting a book! You made kryber alive. And I would totally advertise the sh*t out of that book!!!
Chapter 16: Da*n, the last part made me cry. The image of them (the one on the pic) years ago flashed in my mind. They're a f(amily) no one can just destroy them. With all the happenings in kpop, in f(x) and gg made me depressed. I'm glad that they made it through. Kryber ftw!
Chapter 16: Kryber, Taeny, Yulsic. How i love them so.