
Courage and Confession



“Oh Gawd, I can't believe this” Jay was laughing as he saw Amber's wife


The woman beside Amber laughed and bowed “Annyeonghaseyo”



“Bwoah guys, this is awesome. You guys did make it” he could stop smiling as she saw the same girl who was standing beside Amber just like 8 years ago.


“Yeah, we did” Amber laughed, looked longingly at her wife and her back gently.


“Why don't you introduce yourself, there might be young audience here who doesn't know you” Jay said to the woman next to Amber.


The woman turned to the crowd and bowed “Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Soojung, or you might know me as Krystal”




“I know I said it, but I'll said it again. I think this is awesome. But Amber I thought you said you lost contact with your member”


“We did” Krystal said “My dad was furious, he locked me down in my room without anything, no cell, no computer, there was no way for me to contact Amber for a week. If it wasn't for Unnie..”




“Yes. She was the one who got me out from my room. She tried to talked to Dad but he was beyond mad and disowned me as I said I want to be with Amber. Unnie gave me money, bought me ticket to LA and I've been with Amber ever since”


“We lived at my parents' house for a while, we both worked part time jobs to pay for college and we finally got our own place. We got married after I got my job at the university and have this little rascal two years afteward”




“I hardly recoqnise you” Jay said to Krystal “I mean with short hair”


Krystal laughed “Yeah, I cut my hair a few weeks ago”


“I liked your long hair” Jay said


“Hey, don't flirt with my wife” Amber punched Jay playfully.


“Hahahaha, I'm not, dude. And I doubt there'll be something that can separate you after all you've been going through. But seriously, you look amazing in short hair, but I still prefer your long hair”


Krystal laughed “Kahamsamida. As I was carrying James, I had a lot of problem with my hair. It got better after he was born and I did grow my hair again. Now that.. well ummm.. I decided to cut it in advance” Krystal's face turned red.


It took Jay a while to understand what she meant. “OH... Are you?!”


Amber grinned from ear to ear “We are expecting our second child”


“Woah, dude, congratz!”


Amber couldn't hide the fact how proud she is and couldn't stop grinning dorkily the whole time.





“Have you heard from your other members?”


“Mmm, we kept contact with Vic Unnie, she has 2 children already, doing great as MC on Happy Camp” Krystal said “We don't have direct contact with Luna Unnie and Sulli. We read on newspaper that Luna Unnie is engaged with Onew Oppa, and Ssul is the most wanted actress in Korea nowadays, but we never talk ever since.”


“I can imagine that they are not allowed to, though” Amber said “But we still love them just the same”




Jay suddenly got up “Hey guys, I have a present for you today”




“Yeah. Why don't you guys stand here. Our guests didn't hear a single word from our conversation until now. They only know that they are going to be guests on this show”


Amber put James down, exchanged looks with Krystal wondering who the guests are. There are numerous closed doors and as three of them opened, tears were flowing down their cheeks, they were crying like a child..



All 5 of them, finally back together.

















The 8 years didn't change their hearts, the fact that they have to separate, all those thousand of days being away from each other didn't change the fact that they were a family, that they are still a family.



They slowly broke the hug, smiling and grinning to each other. Just like old times, they put their index fingers together and shouted “f(x)!”



Times may fly, things might change, but no one can erase f(x) from their hearts. Because that 'f' doesn't stand just for flower but for f(amily)... for f(orever)





--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fin





Annyeonghaseyo, here is the ahjumma *deep bowing*


So the story has come to an end ^^ I hope you guys liked it even if it only for a little bit. It broke my heart to write that f(x) has to disband, because they are the only Kpop group who can make me smile and cry at the same time.


Because of f(x) I met a lot of new wonderful friends, those who you might never be able to see in person for life but they are the ones who leave you message when you're down, the ones who laughed along with you on dorky y times


I'll be on my hiatus after this, but I'll be lurking around and rolling panda style on twitter and on Aff(x) sbox. Hope I'll get to see some of you there ^^


Ahjumma last word before rolling away downhill. Be proud of who you are, stand up for what you believe. It's not easy being different but it's better being different and live your own life than pretending to be some one else you're not.


YOLO! Bwaahahahahhahaa



79alexandreia bowing to all of you who has been reading my stories, willingly having headache from my english and getting a liver problem after consuming a box of aspirin afterward XD


Woof you guys.



Bye Bye 






79alexandreia peace and out

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exiguousnobody #1
Chapter 16: ????
2078 streak #2
Chapter 15: "Now if you're a racist or a homophobic just turn off your TV because you ain't gonna like my show." Oh my god haha. So funny
batbts #3
Chapter 16: Love your work♡
King_Aston #4
Chapter 16: Wow ahjumma that was great *claps*
Chapter 16: Author.. Ive read your story a lot of times already specially when i miss kryber.. Even if ive read it over and over again i still cry at the end! .. Youre doing great author..
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 16: Woah this story is beautiful.. I wonder if real f(x) as solid as fiction f(x) here after ssul have kicked out from group..
I like this one ;)
sefexclusibo #7
Chapter 16: No words can justify how good this story is, author. Thank you so much for this. I just hope f(x) won't disband in real life just in case one (or more) of the members comes out. I hope people will love & admire other people because of their personality & talents, not because of what they have in between their legs. <3
bluegandalf #8
Chapter 16: Dear author, seriously you need to consider writting a book! You made kryber alive. And I would totally advertise the sh*t out of that book!!!
Chapter 16: Da*n, the last part made me cry. The image of them (the one on the pic) years ago flashed in my mind. They're a f(amily) no one can just destroy them. With all the happenings in kpop, in f(x) and gg made me depressed. I'm glad that they made it through. Kryber ftw!
Chapter 16: Kryber, Taeny, Yulsic. How i love them so.