
Courage and Confession


Yosh! It's ahjumma... hohoho long time no see


This story is hard to write o.O bcos I'm not allowed to write any PandaGuide-19 stuffs here *kicking that other ahjumma on the *


Well here's another chap, hope you like it.




Happy reading and happy valentine to you guys *waving flabby paws to all of you lovely (byuntae) readers while rolling out Aff*








Amber's POV


Owwww.... how come it hurts everywhere. I opened my eyes at least i think i did, but it's all dark. I tried to move only to have excruciating pain on my right side. Ummmph... i groaned.


Where am I? I tried to remember but it only bring headache. It feels like i'm in someone else's body. What happened to me? How come i couldn't see anything. I couldn't move my hand.


At that moment i could hear the door opened




Jackie? I can't see but I'm sure it's Jackie's voice. I tried to say something but my voice wouldn't come out.


"Amber, you're awake.. Thank God"


I can feel her squeezing my left hand. But how come i can't see? And can't speak??


"You're gonna be ok, i'm calling the doctors to say you're awake"


She was back in no time. I could hear a stranger's voice


"Good day Ms. Liu, nice having you back with us. My name is Dr. Okumura, you've going through alot for the past 13 days"


Doctors? Why can't i remember a thing?




He checked my vital signs and was happy about it. I still have bed rest to prevent the wounds from opening up, but other than that, he's quite happy with the results. I broke my left collar bone, the sling has to stay for the next 6 weeks, but I can move my fingers, it doesn't seem like the damage is too big.


You scared me, dude” Jackie said


Sorry” I said. My voice sounds funny, but at least I can speak. Suddenly I remember something “HOW'S KRYSTAL? IS SHE ALRIGHT?”


She shook her head and mumbled “You almost die and the first thing you remember is how Krystal is doing?”




She's okay. She had some bruises but she's fine. Jess is with her”


I exhaled. Good.





When are you planning to tell her?”


I lifted my head “What do you mean?”


Stop playing stupid with me, dork face. Does it have to be more obvious that you're madly in love in with her?”


I...” I lost my words. I do love her, but what can I do?


It hurts not knowing, you know”


You think I don't? She's everything I want, but... it's just complicated”


It's your life, Am. I know doing this is your dream, but how long is this gonna last? Are you going to give up on your feelings like that? She's not going to wait forever for you”


I know, Jack...” I sighed “But what if she doesn't feel like the way I feel about her? What if we become awkward, what about our group?”


What if you spent the rest of your life regretting that you never told her how you feel? What if BOTH of you ending up with someone else you don't really love?”


Don't play mind game with me”


Like I said, dude, it's your life”





I was about to open my mouth as the door opened and I saw Jess and Krystal at the door. Both froze as they saw me sitting on my bed.




I grinned “Hi Jess, yeah, sorry about that”


Stupid!” She slapped my head




She really slapped my head without considering that just woke up from my coma or whatever you call it “You are going to send me back to ICU from that”


Sorry, Amber” Jess flung her arms around me “Glad that you okay”





I laughed but then stop because Krystal hadn't say a thing. She stared at the ground and didn't move from her spot. Jackie noticed that I was staring at her


Hey, Krys... look who woke up” Jackie took her hand and guided her to my bed.


Nobody said a word, the air was so heavy. Krystal kept avoiding my eyes.


Hey Jess, you still owe me food” Jackie put her arm around Jess' shoulder and they went out.





I opened my mouth to break the ice after Krystal and I were left alone in the room.


Hey, Princess”


She didn't react, she hung her head low.


Krys...” I whispered her name as I saw drops of tears start falling on my bed “Don't cry” I tried to move but the pain on my side prevented me from doing that.


Don't scare me like that ever again” she said between her sobs “I thought I lost you forever”


I'll never leave your side.”


I was so scared” she said and sat herself next to me, I lifted my right hand and placed her head on my shoulder.


I'm here now. Don't cry Princess. You know I don't like to see you cry”




It took her a while to cry her heart out. I brushed her cheek with my thumb as she was finished “Now, now, your sister is going to kill me because I made your beautiful face all messed up”




I laughed and watched her carefully. She looked so tired, so thin. But as beautiful as ever, the girl I fell with love with. The only girl I would like to protect for the rest of my life. Our eyes met, no words are spoken, each tried to read another's mind.






Why are you looking at me like that, Amber? The way you look at me, does it mean something?



I'm madly in love with you, Krys. Can't you feel it?



What am I to you, Am? Friend? A group member? What? Tell me.



I love you. I love you so much but I'm scared.





I broke our stare, scared that I can't contain my feelings for her and say that I'm in love with her.




I lifted my head and met her eyes again.


Why, Am? Why did you do it? Why would you put your life in danger to save me?”


Her eyes were demanding, I opened my mouth. Because I love you. Those were the words I wanted to say, but no syllabe came out from my throat.


Tell me, Am. Tell me how you feel” her words were barely audible but it was enough for me to hear. Her tone, it was more like a plea.





I searched for answers in her eyes. What do you want me to do, Princess? Do you want me to confess my love to you? Do you feel the same about me?


I examine her carefully.


Her beautiful face.


Her deep brown eyes, pleading.


Her lips, slightly opened, waiting for my answer.






I opened my mouth again, this time just like the last time, I couldn't find my words. Instead I forgot the pain on my side and leaned closer to her.




She didn't pull back.


I leaned a little bit more and she closed her eyes.


I closed my eyes and moved closer, our lips brushed slightly against each other.






I love you, Krystal Jung.



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exiguousnobody #1
Chapter 16: ????
2078 streak #2
Chapter 15: "Now if you're a racist or a homophobic just turn off your TV because you ain't gonna like my show." Oh my god haha. So funny
batbts #3
Chapter 16: Love your work♡
King_Aston #4
Chapter 16: Wow ahjumma that was great *claps*
Chapter 16: Author.. Ive read your story a lot of times already specially when i miss kryber.. Even if ive read it over and over again i still cry at the end! .. Youre doing great author..
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 16: Woah this story is beautiful.. I wonder if real f(x) as solid as fiction f(x) here after ssul have kicked out from group..
I like this one ;)
sefexclusibo #7
Chapter 16: No words can justify how good this story is, author. Thank you so much for this. I just hope f(x) won't disband in real life just in case one (or more) of the members comes out. I hope people will love & admire other people because of their personality & talents, not because of what they have in between their legs. <3
bluegandalf #8
Chapter 16: Dear author, seriously you need to consider writting a book! You made kryber alive. And I would totally advertise the sh*t out of that book!!!
Chapter 16: Da*n, the last part made me cry. The image of them (the one on the pic) years ago flashed in my mind. They're a f(amily) no one can just destroy them. With all the happenings in kpop, in f(x) and gg made me depressed. I'm glad that they made it through. Kryber ftw!
Chapter 16: Kryber, Taeny, Yulsic. How i love them so.