Chapter 4 : What's Business Studies? Lets get to know my partner!

The Tale of 2 Sisters (HIATUS!)

Woohyun's POV

Lucky Sungyeol ! I would do anything to trade places with him right now. She's such a beauty. I mean despite her wearing pants instead of micro school skirts, and make up-less face, she's still a beauty. Her piercing gaze totally caught my heart. No wonder she looks kind of familiar! She looks like L because of those eyes! Those eyes that have hidden secrets and stories underneath. I was too caught up by her that Hoya had to pull me to our seats. What?? I'm sitting behind Sungyeol? How nice. Its still okay I guess since I'm still near her.
Sungyeol's POV
Its back to 1st day of school and I'm seated next to an awesome girl?? Woohoo! I must thank Woolim hyung for making INFINITE goes back to school ^^ I'm sure Infinite will make more friends! Seems like this Sehri girl is not paying attention. Lets just take this opportunity to talk to her. 
"Sehri sshi. Are you an Infinite's fan?"
"Deh. I am. And Sungyeol sshi, I am 2yrs younger than you so you don't have to address me as Sehri-sshi." I told him with a smile so that he won't mistook it as rudeness.
"Eh? You're 2 yrs younger than me??!?? Younger than the 3 of us??" Sungyeol asked while motioning to him, Hoya and Woohyun.
"Deh. I am 2yrs younger than the 3 of you and 3 other members of yours; Sunngyu-sshi, Dongwoo-sshi and Myungsoo-sshi." I replied in between laughters, without turning back to look at Hoya & Woohyun.
"Oooohh that makes you & Sungjong the same age friends! And I'm learning the same thing as you? Aigoo. Sehri ah. If you want to pursue anything now, especially in becoming an idol, don't. Complete your education first. Ara?? If not you'll be stuck with younger kids!!" He was a lil too loud because Mr Lam told him to quiet down.
"So you're indirectly saying I'm immature??" I snickered, teasing him.
"Anni anni. Aish!..."
I interrupted him saying "Gwenchana. I was just joking around to break the ice between us." and then laugh it off and I heard him heave a sigh of relief.

Your POV:

"Omona. This Sungyeol is so friendly! HAHA! He doesn't get offended with my teasing!"


Woohyun's POV:

"Wow. She's a dongsaeng. Thats lovely. And sigh. She seems so friendly but why didn't she smile at me just now when we had eye contact?"

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@buangbby more details will be explained in the next chapter :) i leave it hanging on purpose xP Sorry, dear!! :/
@buangbby OMG!!! You for real?? Aww! I'm glad you could relate to this!! ^^ Yesyes. I'll be sure to update more :> Thank you, hon!! :-*