Chapter 11: Thank You, Shakespeare!

The Tale of 2 Sisters (HIATUS!)


You and Myungsoo made your way to the library. Both of you had some conversations about Shakespeare and his famous plays
"So, which Shakespeare's plays should we choose for inspiration to our own play script?" Myungsoo asked you with a hint of nervousness in his voice which you find adorable. The chic Myungsoo is nowhere to be found. You laughed at your own thought.
"Hmm...which of Shakespeare's plays do you like best?" You asked him in return while tapping your right index & middle finger under your chin thoughtfully.
"I like Romeo & Juliet, typical I know hahaha! I like Macbeth and A Midsummers Night's Dream(AMND) too," Myungsoo concluded.
"Ohmygod me too!! High 5!!" You exclaimed and he returned your High 5 with his adorable laughter.
"So I think we should use AMND as inspiration. Romeo and Juliet would be too cliche and common among the girls while Macbeth...."
"..would be too famous among the boys," Myungsoo finished your sentence with a half-smile.
"Yes! Exactly! AMND would be perfect for a boy and a girl that are putting their brains together for this scriptwriting!" You finished.
As soon as you both reached the library, Myungsoo went straight to the computers while you went to the A&L shelves browaing through the books looking for the different versions of AMND. After getting what you want, you sat next to Myungsoo and you both began typing out the drafts for your script. At the same time, you selected the perfect acts and scenes for your script while Myungsoo typed out the script for drafting. Time flew very fast while you both were engrossed in your work till the librarian had to approach the two of you to let you know that the library is closing.
Upon leaving the library, Myungsoo heard your tummy rumbling and he chuckled saying "Yah Sehri ah. Baegopa?"
"Kerom!!" You replied, with an upset & pained expression.
"Kaja. Lets mogo! Shall we eat ramyun?" Myungsoo asked.
"Deh!!!! Ramyun is goood! Kaja!" You replied in extra higher tone of voice because you're excited. You literally skipped all the way to the shop, Flower Boy Ramyun Shop.
While eating, the both of you talked a lot. You both talked about Shkespeare, plays, musicals, and everything related to the stage and arts. And you both realised that the both of yoy had a lot in common.
"I've always wanted to try acting in a movie. Preferrably an action movie or a melodrama. But my greatest passion is to be on stage, being the lead cast in a Musicale," You told Myungsoo. That's one of the similarities you had with Myungsoo: Both of you love acting because thats the only time when you are given the opportunity to be somebody else.
"Then why aren't you auditioning for any theatres or shows, musicals and dramas or movies?" Myungsoo asked with concern in his voice. You were touched by his curiousity.
"Well, I am supposed to be the next heir for our family business because Suhri has already told our dad that she wants to study Humanities after she graduates from High School. So that left with only me," I answered Myungsoo.
"Oh. Thats sad, I supppse since you can't do what you truly wanna do. Instead you had your future planned out by your family's history," Myungsoo replied with pity in his voice.
"Haha are you pitying me right now? Cos you don't have to. I am interested in business too you know!" You replied Myungsoo while laughing.
"Er haha yeah, I guess you could say I'm pitying you," Myungsoo blushed.
"Well, to be honest, even if I don't have passion in business, I'll still do it rather than have my sister's dreams vanished. Or worst, both of us getting disowned. I know you probably think this is too much but you must know that this is like a culture to my ancestors," You explained while Myungsoo observe your facial features and search for any unhappiness in your eyes but you showed none except acceptance of your fate.
"Don't look at me like that, Myungsoo-sshi! I've accepted my fate. There's a silver lining to everything you know," You winked at him. Although it was a playful wink in a friendly manner, you've made Myungsoo's heart rate beat faster.
After you're both done with your meal, Myungsoo sent your home since its already 11pm and he can't let you go home on your own without company.
Myungsoo's POV
While lying in bed, with both palms under my head, I think about the hours spent with Sehri after school. Her wink, her smile, her laughter, her voice intonations and pitch when she speaks changes depending on her emotions. Today will be one of my precious days.
But Woohyun hyung... I know he likes her. Aaarsh I don't know that for sure since he didn't tell any of us. Lets just sleep now.
Narrator's POV
With that, Myungsoo sleeps with a smile formed on his lips. So did you. Both of you looking forward to the next day in school.
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@buangbby more details will be explained in the next chapter :) i leave it hanging on purpose xP Sorry, dear!! :/
@buangbby OMG!!! You for real?? Aww! I'm glad you could relate to this!! ^^ Yesyes. I'll be sure to update more :> Thank you, hon!! :-*