Chapter 14

Rumours & Roses

Kyuhyun opened his eyes to see a white room. Everything seemed to be blurry. He looked around the unfamiliar room. Where am I? What am I doing here?  Kyuhyun tried to sit up but his body refused to move.  He realised that in fact, he couldn't feel the rest of his body. As if it had went numb. He heard the click of the door opening gently, and it closed a second later. Kyuhyun looked up to the person, his eyes trying to focus on the figure but it seemed like he was looking through a translucent wall. There was something there, but he couldn’t make out what.

Zhoumi?” Kyuhyun said but his voice was barely audible. He tried to get up again. The other ran towards Kyuhyun.

“No, you’re hurt Kyu, don’t move, don’t stress yourself.”  He said.

“S-Sungmin?... Where?” Kyuhyun forced out the words but they ended up being nothing more than a choked whisper.

 “Kyu, you really shouldn’t be talking now.” Kyuhyun closed his eyes and kept them shut for a while. He still couldn’t feel anything below his neck, but he could feel the faint touch of the older boy’s hand caressing his arm comfortingly. He drifted off slowly.

“Kyu, Kyu, Kyu! Are you alright? Kyu!”

Kyuhyun opened his eyes to see a boy standing next to him with concerned eyes. “Jaejoong? Wh-where’s Zhoumi?” Jaejoong frowned and sat next to Kyuhyun.

“Kyu, he was the closest to where the truck hit.” Jaejoong paused trying to find the right words. “Kyu, the paramedics were too late. They couldn’t help Zhoumi.” Kyuhyun stared in shock. But he had just...


“He’s in the next room, he’s hurt too; I don’t know exactly how bad it is though.”

He turned his head away from the other boy as tears started forming in his eyes. “I’m sorry Kyu…” Jaejoong said.

Henry…?” Kyuhyun asked with concern.

“He’s in bad condition too; A piece of the shattered glass pierced his heart. They gave him a transplant, and they think he’ll make a full recovery.” Jaejoong said as he ran his fingers through the younger’s hair. Kyuhyun nodded again. He continued as Kyuhyun stared up at the ceiling with unreadable eyes.

“Ryewook, Yesung, Eunhyuk, Donghae and Shindong were sitting on the other side of the bus so they didn’t get hurt as much… they just have a few cuts, no major injuries.”  Kyuhyun didn’t want to hear anything more; his eyes were filled with tears. The younger bit his lip.

“I need sleep.” Kyuhyun said to Jaejoong. Jaejoong got up from his seat.

“Of course, yeah, get rest Kyu.” Jaejoong said in a soft voice. He bent down and kissed the younger’s forehead. “The nurse is gonna check up on you in 20 minutes okay?” Kyuhyun nodded slightly.

 Jaejoong walked towards the door.  He opened it then glanced at Kyuhyun before walking out.  He was still wearing the cloths that he wore the last night before he went to sleep. He had called Yunho as soon as he heard about the accident and the older boy drove him to the hospital. Jaejoong turned to Yunho who was waiting for him outside.

“How is he?” Yunho asked. Jaejoong shrugged, he walked over to Yunho taking a seat beside him and resting his head on the others chest, and Yunho wrapped his hands around the other.

“I lied to him, Yunho, I didn’t want to but I did.” Yunho squeezed the younger boy trying to comfort him in his embrace. He tried to tell himself that he had done the right thing. That Kyuhyun was too weak to handle it. Tears welled in his eyes as he clung on to Yunho.

“How am I going to tell him that it’s Sungmin’s heart beat that’s keeping Henry alive?”

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It was one week after the accident, Kyuhyun had recovered surprisingly fast.  When he was able to walk he visited Henry often. He was told by Jaejoong that Sungmin had brain damage and that he could never live a normal life. For one or two days Sungmin lived with the help of machines. Sungmin’s parents decided to pull the plug because they couldn’t stand watching Sungmin live without living. What made Sungmin, Sungmin, was lost forever. The only thing that he didn’t need a machine for was his heart. And so they gave that to Henry.

Two days later Kyuhyun was discharged from the hospital. He still felt tired, but that might also be becausehe felt weak after what he heard from Jaejoong. Kyuhyun walked down the long hall way in the hospital. He stopped when he reached to door where Henry was. He waited a few seconds before opening it. It was 6:00 PM, Kyuhyun visited everyday at that time knowing that Henry would be asleep then.

Kyuhyun walked in and took a seat beside Henry like he did everyday. He put his hand on the left side of Henry’s chest. Kyuhyun could feel his heart beat, Sungmin’s heart beat. Kyuhyun smiled.

“Sungmin-ah, you’re still here, I can feel you here with me.”  Kyuhyun stared at Henry’s face. He held Henry’s hand. “Henry, get better soon.” Kyuhyun felt like he was being a little selfish by telling Henry to get better so that he could get Sungmin back. Kyuhyun sat beside Henry holding his hand for a while thinking about the times he spent with Sungmin. Minutes ticked past.

Kyuhyun glanced at the clock that was hanging on the wall in front him. 6:30. He got up and got ready to leave quickly. It was almost the time that Henry’s medication would ware off and the pain would wake him up.

He paused for a second staring down at the younger. He pressed his lips against the other’s gently, before walking towards the door.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

“Henry, are you listening to me?”

“Zhoumi you’re here!” Henry ran to the other boy and hugged him. “I am listening.”

“Henry,” Zhoumi backed away from the younger, “I can’t stay. I wanted to say goodbye.” Zhoumi gave the younger a quick peck on the lips and then disappeared.

Henry woke up and tears filled his eyes. His fingertips traced his lower lip. It felt soreal… Henry was struggling to sit up when he saw a figure.  He rubbed his eyes trying to focus his vision.

“Kyuhyun?” Kyuhyun froze when he heard Henry calling his name. He hung his head and turned around. “How long have you been here?”

“Umm… well I came in and you were sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you up so I thought I’d come back later.” Kyuhyun said. Well technically that’s not a lie, he thought.

“Oh…” Henry didn’t know what to say.

“Sorry, did I wake you up?” Kyuhyun asked.

“No, no you didn’t wake me.” Henry smiled. “But I'm glad that you came though… I haven’t since the day of the accident.”

“Hmm yeah,” Kyuhyun forced a smile. He walked over to the bed and sat on the chair beside it, “So how are you feeling?”

“I’m getting better; the doctor said I could leave in two or three days.” Henry said.

“Oh, that’s good.” They kept silent for awhile.

Henry cleared his throat as he sat up straight; he didn’t want to ask Kyuhyun about Sungmin and Zhoumi but he needed to know.  “Sungmin’s and Zhoumi's parents?”

“Sungmin’s parents said that, this would be what is better… for both you and Sungmin.” Kyuhyun paused and looked down, “Zhoumi’s parents… well… they dint want to talk to anyone.”

“Oh” Henry nodded. He felt like crying but tried his best to hold the tears back, he wasn’t going to cry in front of Kyuhyun, who is already heart broken. Kyuhyun scooted closer to the younger boy and wrapped his arms around him and holding him, careful not to hurt him. Henry sunk into his arms without a second thought. They had both lost a best friend. They had both lost love. No one else quite understood it as well. The door clicked open the two turned to the nurse who was coming in.  

“Visiting time is over.” She said as she walked in with some medicines.

 “A-oh sorry, I’ll leave.” Kyuhyun got up from his chair, he waved at Henry. “Bye Henry.” He said.

“Bye.” Henry stared at the door even after Kyuhyun left. Zhou Mi was gone. He still didn’t want to believe it, he couldn’t. Not when he was so clear in his memories, every angle, every eyelash etched into his memory, crystal clear. Sungmin was gone. And now there was Kyuhyun.

He sighed and laid back as the nurse continued to treat his wounds.

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A/N : I know, I know I killed them! And I feel like this chapter is cheesy but yup hope you liked it :) wait for the next chapter~!

Comment Replies:

@raindrops_fall  Thankyou :) but looks like it cant be KyuMi either Shwoory

@ilovpocky93 Then Sungmin and Zhoumi sacrifices their lives so that the supence wont kill you The end /gets shot

@ScarletRosePetals Well... no one is in a coma....

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Kyuteuksung #1
Chapter 14: Nooooo. I want my Minnie back!!! :'(
Chapter 23: What do you mean by a ross and rachel relationship?
P.s. love the fic <3
Aww I love this story so much
U made me experience all the emotions I would when watching a drama obviously that means u r a fantabulous writer love u r stories keep up the good work
in the midst of reading chapter 17. im gonna take a guess and say youve seen the forbidden friendship mini drama? lol its almost the same. i dont think you did it on purpose though, you just wanted to incorporate a god story line? i do that when i write sometimes xD
Love the ending (even if it was an ending)!! This was so well written and ke'ai! <3 Kyury is too amazing. :3 I loved it all! :'DDDDD
It's great to see a story with an original plot line. <br />
Such beautiful writing <3
buingbuingaegyo #8
I love your story!!!