I fell in love with a Tibetan Fox

I fell in love with a Tibetan Fox



Continue with the story~




And so the chapter continues.....

Princess: Wooyoungie.????

Wooyoung: Stop it princess!! I....i...i...really like you. No, I love you. So will you marry me instead of him? 

JYP nation's people: *drop jaws* what did he just say?? Oh no. is he crazy? he''ll die for sure.

Prince Khun: what the f* are you saying? Guards! go get him!

Princess: wait!!! *runs to woo*

JYP nation's people: ohhhhh~~ This is worth watching.

Prince Khun: what the. Princess? why are you going with that bastard?

Princess: You know and I know, that we really don't love each other. Emperor Junho. Please understand my feelings. I'm going down as a princess. I'm just a normal girl now. Goodbye.

Emperor Junho: *shocked from the unbelievable sight that he just saw and heard.*

Princess: lets go Woo!

General Hwang: hey. What about the marriage?

Princess: its all canceled!

General Hwang: and what about the foods? its still not delivered. So if you canceled it. there is no food too.

Woo: it's my fault so, i'll treat you steak someday! *grabs princess' hand and run away*

Prince Khun: hey,!! General Hwang. What are you waiting for? they are running. Go get them!

General Hwang: *still not recovered from the after shock. He just can't believe that there will be no catering*

Prince Khun: Oh. Give me my horse!! I'll be the one to catch them.

Emperor Junho: *end of the after shock. and realize that the princess is gone* eh? we don't have horse. But we have donkeys. *killer smile*

Prince Khun: okey. Get me the donkey!!!

Fairy Su: wait wait~!! what happened here?? where is Woo and the princess? *fairy su said while dressing himself up.*

Prince Khun: who the heck are you? and why are you like that? Your head is unbelievably bigger than your body.

Gen Hwang: You look tasty.

Fairy Su: ahhh~~ Why are the characters in this story are so foolish and crazy people. Do I really need to stay here?

Prince Khun: oh whatever! where's the donkey!!!

Emperor Junho: the donkey is here~!

Prince Khun: good!! hiyaaa~!! lets go!!!

Everyone: "........."

Prince Khun: what the.....its so slow. and so old. Whatever, I'll just run after them!

The Donkey: How dare you brat! Saying that i'm slow and i'm old. I'm only 34 years old.

Prince Khun: whoooaa. You can talk?

The Donkey: yeah. I'm just tired. So give me a sec to stretch my body.

Prince Khun: okey. Just a sec. K?

The Donkey: Lets go bratty! I'm finished.

Prince Khun nod his head and ride at the donkey's back. then....ZOOOOOOOOOOmmmmm~~

Prince Khun: whooooa~~~ your so fast donkey! Go and find them. Hiyaa~~

after 10 minutes.

The donkey: wait. I'm tired. Lets rest for a while.

Prince Khun: what? but they are going further now. Oh whatever. Just wait for me princess and that udon man! *evil laugh LOL* I will take my revenge. Soon!!! Soon!! Bwahahahahha...

The donkey: what is he talking about?

Fairy Su: hey donkey, Can you smell where woo and the princess went?

The Donkey: No, Idk. Do i look like a dog to you? 

Fairy Su: your so mean mister donkey. And that i thought that you are a normal Character in this story! Hmp. Then i'll just go by myself. Yeah. Myself. All by myself~~. *he said as Fairy su walk slowly with no energy at all.*

The donkey: hey. I'll go with you if you want to.

Fairy Su: Really? Oh how about that alien?

The donkey: just leave him be. I don't want to be with him anymore.

Fairy Su: yeah that's a right decission. Cuz, if you stay with him. He'll corrupt your brain and make you his slave forever! Or even eat your brain. He's an alien!!!!

The donkey: what? are you serious? But he looks pretty and stuff.

Fairy Su: that's just his disguise. So don't be fool. And come with me. (yes yes. donkey, be a fool and come with me, and be my companion in this long journey. bwahhahahah) 

And The Donkey and Fairy Su became companions. What will Fairy Su and Donkey do in the scary JYP forest. Now, we know, Fairy Su is like that and not a good fairy at all.




Another Chapter~ :)). Sorry again if its kinda a late update~ :))

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DancingQueenHyoyeon #1
wow! update soon!
LOL, aerobics. but now that princess is back at the palace, what's gonna happen with woo? will khun come back and claim the princess again?? ohhhh, drama~~~ XD
Dimwits and aerobics. I love your story, I truly do :") <3
lalalalala #4
lol... that's how jonghyun and sekyung dating relationship spread out.. I looov how u put her in here suddenly...^^ omo..O_O the princess went back.... awww... cant wait to see what happened next.. update soon...^^
Because we have no female characters (Y) Taeyang is just an insignificant neighbor (Y) OH TAE YOU FOREVER ALONE XD and Wooyoung learning how to 'grow' abs from Jaebeom HAHAHHAHA XD
hellomiraa #6
I thought you forget about Taeyang. HAHAHAHA. But yeah, I love your randomness. It's getting funny ^^!
ROFL, taeyang is an insignificant neighbor who just wanted to tag along! epic win!<br />
i hope there's more to this family in the next chapters~^^
Daesung as a mother.... That would bee fun! Deal with it We have no more Female Characters..... Lol Update soon plz!
lalalalala #9
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......................... The family line is totally funny... daesung+top are the parents......n taeyang... muahahhahahah... jus a neighbour... hahahha... I kinda make me think of bigbang secret garden parody... ( I knw it's x relevent.. but it jus pop up..-___-") looooooov ur update....
mandoowoo #10
Its G-dragon :))