
I fell in love with a Tibetan Fox


Its valentine's day today. But i'm lonely. To ease my loneliness, heres an update for all of you!! Wooo~~ I love you my dear subscribers. But i will love you more when all of you leave comments!! XD



While Wooyoung and crew were on their way to some random place. Princess was trying her best to cook a delicious food for donk....errm, Bling Bling Jonghyun.


Princess: phew! Jonghyun~!!! Come down now! I cooked fried chicken for our dinner tonight!!


Jonghyun came down and princess was sitting pretty by the table. She smiled to Jonghyun and Jonghyun smiled to her too. And so, Jonghyun took a seat. Everything was so smooth not until Jonghyun took a  bite at the fried chicken. Princess anticipating what will be Jonghyun's reaction.




Princess: *shocked* huh? What happen Jonghyun? did you hurt yourself or what?


Jonghyun: This food was terrrrrible~!! *in french accent*


Princess: *with wide eyes. And an "o" mouth. 0o0*


Jonghyun: I've never eaten anything so disgusting~~!!! UWAAAAA~~


Princess: *shocked from what she heard* Its terrible? You said my food was disgusting?*dumbfounded.......with black aura at her back*


Jonghyun: I should've eaten donkey food~~!!! UWAAAA~~


Going to where Woo and his crew where. Woo was outside the ship alone staring at the deep blue sea and singing his emo song..


Wooyoung: ~~Livin' in a world so cold. Countin' the days. since you've gone away.~~~


Fairy Su: What days? *Fairy Su just showed up from no where* We just sailed this afternoon and you are exaggerating it.


Wooyoung: Because i miss princess,,...*sob sob*...And every minute that pass seems like hours...


Fairy Su: Then we should've not gone here..*and suddenly woo stopped sobbing*


Wooyoung: urrrrr...I feel like throwing up....@.@ *walking nearer and nearer to Fairy Su*


Fairy Su: Ah! Don't come near me! It will be yucky~!! And we still have a long journey!


But....Wooyoung can't take it anymore.


Fairy Su: Just swallow it!!!


Fairy Su was too late. Wooyoung just threw up at him. EWWWY!!! like hell. WTH. ERR My! WTF. GRR~!! RAWR!!


Wooyoung: I'm....So...Sor....sorry...Mister


Fairy Su: Aish...Don't explain anymore. Just go with me inside and don't go near at the sea anymore cuz the more you stare at it you will get dizzier. i'll just wash up.


Fairy Su and Woo went inside the ship. Woo was lying on the bed and Fairy Su heard a voice inside the cabinet as he opened it.


"Ei Yo Finally, Is this what you've been waiting for? Brand new GD, I'm all by myself. That is so good...." ((Heartbreaker-G-dragon))The voice said coming out from the cabinet.


Fairy Su: What the?!!!! *something or should i say someone just came out from the cabinet!!* Who...Who the heck are you? And why are you at my cabinet?!


"ow....hi there pips." The unknown guy said stepping out from the cabinet.


Wooyoung: Did he just came out from the closet? Cool~~!!


Fairy Su: Don't just say cool there. Its obvious that he IS a weird guy! Don't go near him Woo!


"awww....That hurts. I'm G-Dragon. At your service!" The guy said, holding his collar and smirk.


Fairy Su: So...Mr Dragon. If you would please get out from our cruise ship.


G-Dragon: Why are you being mean to your only relative Jun. G?


Fairy Su: What are you talking about? *raise his brow*


G-Dragon: Don't you remember the days when we were still young? I'm your bro! Your beloved bro!!


Fairy Su: i don't remember having a bro. So just leave.


G-dragon: I can't.


Jaebi, dramatic entrance.....


Jaebi: Its the truth Junsu.


Fairy Su: You're talking non sense. *get his new clothes and entered the bathroom.*


Wooyoung: uhm? can you explain what is happening to my story?


Jaebi: Later Woo...I'll explain this matter together with Junsu. Right G-dragon?


G-Dragon: yeah right yo~!!


Fairy Su was in a deep concentration. He don't know what to do anymore. He was so distracted to what G-Dragon said earlier. He wanted to speak to them. But he was afraid. Afraid to know the truth about his true self.


Wooyoung: Jaebi Hyung~!!! Have you talked to Mr Fairy already?


Jaebi: Not yet, he's still at his room meditating, i think?


Wooyoung: What? He's still in there? Should i give him his dinner?


Jaebi: Sure, Woo. *Woo get the dinner and walked away*


G-Dragon: Hey, i think its not the time yet to show up at this story?


Jaebi: Nope, its the right timing. And besides, nothing will happen in here. Glad that you came.


G-Dragon: Really? But i think Junsu is not yet prepared to know the truth.


Jaebi: Na~ Its ok. Trust me! Give me a high 5!!


G-Dragon: K Bro! *high fiving GD*


Jaebi: Wanna practice yo dance steps?


Meanwhile. Wooyoung is talking to Fairy Su to eat his dinner. Woo did everything just to make Fairy Su get out from his room. Knock at the door, Bang the door, scratch the door, yell at the door, kick the door, head the door, everything....Just to make Fairy Su eat his dinner  But Fairy Su was playing the hard to get person. Soon, Wooyoung got tired of Fairy Su's tough attitude. So Woo just decided to write in his diary.


Fairy Su thought to himself......"Huh? Woo stopped? And i was having fun, just on my , but woo stopped. tch. I can imagine woo's face while doing those things~!!! LOL!! Oh wait...He's at the next room. So must keep quiet. kekeke. Must eat the dinner, i'm hungry. Ah~!! I feel eating with someone. Might go to Woo next door~!!!


Wooyoung was writing to his diary and while woo was thinking of what he'll write to his dairy, He saw Fairy Su staring at his diary. Woo immediately closed his diary.


Wooyoung: Wha...What do you need Mister Fairy? If...If you need your dinner, i just put it outside your room.


Fairy Su: Yeah, You know, eating alone is lonely. So....


Wooyoung: Sure why not..I'll eat your dinner.


Fairy Su: That's not what i meant! I mean...Can you join me eating?


Wooyoung: Oh~ Okay. *grins*



Jonghyun acts a gangsta when in human form. Princess not good in cooking. Woo train her how to cook...So that does mean that her food have poison too? What was GD's script in Fairy Su's life? What was the truth about Fairy Su? And what was Wooyoung writing to his......WT- Diary???!!!!

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DancingQueenHyoyeon #1
wow! update soon!
LOL, aerobics. but now that princess is back at the palace, what's gonna happen with woo? will khun come back and claim the princess again?? ohhhh, drama~~~ XD
Dimwits and aerobics. I love your story, I truly do :") <3
lalalalala #4
lol... that's how jonghyun and sekyung dating relationship spread out.. I looov how u put her in here suddenly...^^ omo..O_O the princess went back.... awww... cant wait to see what happened next.. update soon...^^
Because we have no female characters (Y) Taeyang is just an insignificant neighbor (Y) OH TAE YOU FOREVER ALONE XD and Wooyoung learning how to 'grow' abs from Jaebeom HAHAHHAHA XD
hellomiraa #6
I thought you forget about Taeyang. HAHAHAHA. But yeah, I love your randomness. It's getting funny ^^!
ROFL, taeyang is an insignificant neighbor who just wanted to tag along! epic win!<br />
i hope there's more to this family in the next chapters~^^
Daesung as a mother.... That would bee fun! Deal with it We have no more Female Characters..... Lol Update soon plz!
lalalalala #9
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......................... The family line is totally funny... daesung+top are the parents......n taeyang... muahahhahahah... jus a neighbour... hahahha... I kinda make me think of bigbang secret garden parody... ( I knw it's x relevent.. but it jus pop up..-___-") looooooov ur update....
mandoowoo #10
Its G-dragon :))