broken heart.

I fell in love with a Tibetan Fox


I know you guys loved Donkey. I love him too. That's why i dedicate this chapter to our Charismatic Donkey. This is for you baby~!!



"BANANAS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO JUSTiCE!!!!" That someone who came out of no where, was shouting this sentence with scary voice and firey carbonara eyes.


As that thingy came out of no where. It didn't realize that it bump someone from his back. And that someone was no other than Donkey! Because of Donkey's clumsiness he was tripped off with his own foot when that thing bumped him. Unfortunately, Donkey landed where the princess is lying. 


Wooyoung: Oh No~!!!! Donkey. What have you done?!


Donkey: umf? *donkey said pushing himself upwards*


Jaebi: Did donkey just kissed princess?! *shocked*


Donkey: Hey...I didn't mean to kiss her. *donkey tried to explain what just happened*


Prince Khun: eww. *he said with a disgusted face*


General Hwang: *still in a rage* WHERE'S MY BANANAS?!!


Donkey: I was bumped by that Banana monster and...*poof....and lots of smoke appeared*


Fairy Su: POOF?! What was that ridiculous sound that i just heard? Did you just fart?! LOL!


Donkey: Hey~ I didn't fart....*cough...cough* what is this?! Can't see anything.


All of the random characters drop their jaws to what they saw, when the smoke is beginning to fade. General hwang just passed by, and leave them there. And they didn't realize that the princess was waking up from her slumber.


Donkey: Hey, guys? what are you looking at? I already said that i didn't fart.


Fairy Su: No, My friend. Look at yourself. *gives a mirror to donkey.*


Donkey: *looks at the mirror* What the fudge did i just saw?


Wooyoung: You are a human now mister donkey!


Donkey: What did you just say? *look himself at the mirror again* 


Princess: uwaa~~ Are you my real prince charming? Tell me thy name, young man.


Donkey: I'm.........*thinks of a nice name* Bling Bling Jonghyun. *winks at princess*


Princess: Oh my savior! Is this a dejavu? I just saw you at my dreams. Am i dreaming?*slaps bling bling jonghyun*


Jonghyun: Hey. That hurts. But.......for you, i'll endure all the hardships and pain in my life. (Cheezy~~)


Wooyoung: What the heck are you saying to my princess?


Jonghyun: Oh. i didn't notice you there kido. ((Gosh! Does Jonghyun aka Donkey just have a bad attitude when his in the human form?))


Wooyoung: What?! ya! You just became a human and your acting like that? *Busan Language*


Princess: human? What is he talking about? *looks puzzled to what woo just said*


Jonghyun: nothing  princess. Lets go and have our lunch together! WAHAHAHA. *grabs princess' hand and carry her like a princess...wait she is a princess!!!*


Wooyoung: Wait princess! Where are you going?


Princess: Sorry Woo. But all this time i've been with you. And i don't know what to say anymore. Farewell my wooby. I have a new Bias now, and its Bling Bling Jonghyun. I prefer a musculine husband.


Wooyoung: And i really thought you love me till death do us part? *he said reaching his hands to the back of the princess which is no longer his wife*



Wooyoung began to weep because of the princess. Khun just walk away from them with a horrified face. Jaebi&Fairy Su, wanted to say something but don't know what to say to the poor boy.After that, Wooyoung and friends, began a meeting.


Prince Khun: That really was disgusting. And how can a donkey poof into a human being just after kissing a princess? What the heck is going on to this story? *while walking and mumbling Prince Khun didn't notice that he was at the SM town already. And was captured by the SM Town's people*


NOTE: SM Town and JYP Nation are mortal enemies since birth in here. So they thought that Prince Khun was a spy from JYP Nation.


The drama scenario begins...Wooyoung and the gang decided to go sail to a far far away land. And they decided to build a ship. While they are working, Wooyoung went to where the princess was......


Wooyoung: princess........*he called to the princess with sad eyes*


Princess: Woo? What made you went here? *surprised that woo visited her after those things that had just happened*


Wooyoung: Can we talk about something? 


Princess: Okay. But let's go there, So bling bling jonghyun won't see us. * she said as she lead the way towards the woods*


Wooyoung: .........We are going to sail at the ocean.


Princess: why? *she asked with worried eyes*


Wooyoung: We don't know either.....*silence struck for the both of them....*


Wooyoung: *woo broke the awkward silence*uhhhmm.....I know your heart is wavering right now princess. I really want to be with you happily.........I also know that you are a fan girl.......


Princess: I'm sorry Wooyoungie....*stare at woo's eyes.*


Wooyoung: But...I'll wait for you..*as he held the hand of princess* To tell you the truth....I really don't know if i really love you or is it just my wild ambition to love a human. I'm very confused. But..what i'm sure about is.........I'm not ready to let go of you right now, princess. So I'll wait for you.


Princess: *took away her hands from woo's* Wooyoungie....Don't do this.....I will feel very sorry for being a fan girl and not having a single bias. I'm sorry.


Wooyoung: You don't have to. Because, i know, In the will still return to me. * he said as he walk away from princess*


Princess: Wooyo-.....*bling bling jonghyun just came and interrupted.*


Jonghyun: Who were you with?


Princess: *changes face from sad to happy* Oh...Just random character that passed by. *grins but still thinking of wooyoung*



After that, woo came back. And the ship was finished by the two. And so the beginning of the amazing adventures of Wooyoung and his crew members namely: Jaebi and Fairy Su will start at the next chappy~!!! yaaay~!!! Stay tuned guys!! Our beloved Donkey became human now....But his script time will be also being shortened!!!! Gaaaa~~~So every one does change in this story. Take note....I love Donkey....But i'm not a jonghyun bias. I'm sorry woo, for torturing you like this >.< I just realized that the story gets lamer?? Or am i hallucinating? Just leave comments guys so i know what you think about my story. XD

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DancingQueenHyoyeon #1
wow! update soon!
LOL, aerobics. but now that princess is back at the palace, what's gonna happen with woo? will khun come back and claim the princess again?? ohhhh, drama~~~ XD
Dimwits and aerobics. I love your story, I truly do :") <3
lalalalala #4
lol... that's how jonghyun and sekyung dating relationship spread out.. I looov how u put her in here suddenly...^^ omo..O_O the princess went back.... awww... cant wait to see what happened next.. update soon...^^
Because we have no female characters (Y) Taeyang is just an insignificant neighbor (Y) OH TAE YOU FOREVER ALONE XD and Wooyoung learning how to 'grow' abs from Jaebeom HAHAHHAHA XD
hellomiraa #6
I thought you forget about Taeyang. HAHAHAHA. But yeah, I love your randomness. It's getting funny ^^!
ROFL, taeyang is an insignificant neighbor who just wanted to tag along! epic win!<br />
i hope there's more to this family in the next chapters~^^
Daesung as a mother.... That would bee fun! Deal with it We have no more Female Characters..... Lol Update soon plz!
lalalalala #9
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......................... The family line is totally funny... daesung+top are the parents......n taeyang... muahahhahahah... jus a neighbour... hahahha... I kinda make me think of bigbang secret garden parody... ( I knw it's x relevent.. but it jus pop up..-___-") looooooov ur update....
mandoowoo #10
Its G-dragon :))