the real donkey

I fell in love with a Tibetan Fox


There are times when princess and bling bling Jonghyun are so sweet to each other...Like this time...




Princess: Jonghyun....


Jonghyun: Hmm??


Princess: If you were a donkey and a fairy appeared infront of you...asking of you to wish...What will you wish for?


Jonghyun: *thinks of something cheesy* This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hug when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, MY LOVE to complete your life.


Princess: *push Jonghyun lightly and giggled* kekeke, your being cheesy Jonghyun...But that's not the essence of my question..


Jonghyun: huh? What do you mean by that?


Princess: i asked you if you were a donkey....But you said that very long cheesy phrase. But what if you can only wish once? Do you dare to become human just for me and leave everything?


Jonghyun: *nods* yeah...why not...Because I love you.


Princess: *hugs Jonghyun*


There were times that princess' friends would go visit her to the woods.


*ding dong*


Princess: Oh~~ Se Kyung?!!


Se Kyung: *sobs sobs*


Princess: Are you crying? what happened? Come..Let's talk inside.


Se Kyung: uuuhhh~~ *sits at the couch* You know...I auditioned again at SMTown....But they said: "aaah~~ you know...we know that you are good in acting, but, if you are just going to act there without emotions at all, well, anyone can act....but why are you acting anyways??" *she explained mimicking the guy that told her that*


Princess was just listening to her friend...


Se Kyung: i'm stuffed by the negative comments whenever i audition....i'll just stop..


Princess: don't give up Se Kyung. You are a good actress. And they just don't see it. Because they are dimwits.


Se Kyung: Just stop it. You always say that things..but its useless now. I'm tired of all of this. I'm out....Thank you for listening to my problems.


Princess: Yeah....anytime..Just come here if you feel so.


Se Kyung: Thanks again


There were times that Princess will go out to go to the market and have their weekly groceries and Jonghyun will be all alone at the woods.


Princess: *sigh* why am i doing this anyways? When i'm still with wooyoung..he always do this for me..But why am i doing this now for Jonghyun....Does Jonghyun really loves me?


While Princess is at the market...Jonghyun was just killing his time by walking at the woods. And while walking he was shocked when someone just shouted behind a tree.


"Just talking without thinking others feelings.....AAAAHHHHH~!!!!!! JUST SHUT UP~!!!"


Jonghyun peeked behind the tree and saw SeKyung sitting there and talking to herself.


Jonghyun: SeKyung right?


Sekyung: hmmm?? Who are you?


Jonghyun: You don't know who's your friend's husband?


SeKyung: Oh...i know you now...


Jonghyun: So...Why are you sulking there?


Sekyung explained again to Jonghyun what had happened to her and told him that she's going to stop acting.


Jonghyun: *looked at Sekyung up and down then nod* it's not time to stop yet....You looks good. Do you want to hang out with me?


And that's how Jonghyun and Sekyung developed feelings for each other. While Princess was on her way home she took her phone to see if Jonghyun sent her a message.


Princess: that's weird Jonghyun didn't sent me any message today...oh...maybe he's asleep...I should hurry and.......What the ? *princess just saw Jonghyun with another girl* Noooo~~ It can't be.....why..why Sekyung?


Princess was just so shocked to see both of them having date...So before leaving she took a pic of the two being lovey dovey and went to the palace to see the emperor Junho.




Princess arrived at the palace.


Princess: where's the emperor?


maid: p-princess? is that really you? ah....just wait here and i'll tell the emperor that you are here..


Princess: aaahhhh~ I just came here without thinking...i must be crazy. But, Jonghyun lied to me. Wooyoung is not here anymore. I don't have any friends beside Sekyung and she betrayed me. Now, i shall have my throne for being the princess again. MWAHAHAHA.


Then she took off her cellphone just to confirm that she is not dreaming of SeKyung and Jonghyun.


Princess: *slaps herself* Oh Noeez...Its really the truth....*sobs*


Princess got bored so she walk for a while And out of nowhere princess heard a random music from a room. She peeked from the slightly opened door just to see the emperor doing some aerobics.



Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep
Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Oh
Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep
Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah Ah
Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep
Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Oh
Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep
Bo Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah Ah~~


Princess: omo..emperor? what are you doing?


emperor junho: huh? princess? you are back? I knew it. i knew you'd be back to your daddy.


As soon the emperor said those lines he was ready to take off and hug the princess with his light blue leggings and a baby pink fitted top with sweats all over his body.


Princess: aaahhh~ don't touch me're covered with sweat.


Emperor Junho: ah...i'm sorry..i was doing aerobics and...


Princess: ? what?


emperor junho: its just that i'm too bored when you were not here..So i've done lots of things just to forget about you my daughter...And all that i've done so far was boring ones...And i came to learn the aerobics, and became fond of it...why not try it with me sometimes? *grinning like a child*


Princess: na thanks i'm not in the mood.


Emperor Junho: So what exactly happened to you and that udon man?


Princess: he's not an udon man!! *said the princess w/ a defensive voice*


emperor junho: ah yes yes of course he is not an udon...*taps the head of princess* come lets go and sit at my office and i'll just change my clothes. it's sticky ewwy...


Princess followed emeperor junho and because of the memories of wooyoung she forgot her cellphone with jonghyun and SeKyung's picture on the table.


A maid entered the room to clean it...then she saw the phone and the picture of the lovey dovey couple.


maid: omo! this is the guy that betrayed me! I loved him to death but now I shall take my vengeance!!!!!


And that's the reason why was the news been here and there to the public. 




sorry for the lame update...i'm really getting out of ideas...and some other reasons why i can't wright randomly now...sigh...but i'll try my best for the next please leave a comment after reading this chapter. 


You know that a comment per person makes me update faster.


and if some of you haven't read my other fic..please read it too and subscribe and comment. Thank you guys~~ I love you all. :))

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DancingQueenHyoyeon #1
wow! update soon!
LOL, aerobics. but now that princess is back at the palace, what's gonna happen with woo? will khun come back and claim the princess again?? ohhhh, drama~~~ XD
Dimwits and aerobics. I love your story, I truly do :") <3
lalalalala #4
lol... that's how jonghyun and sekyung dating relationship spread out.. I looov how u put her in here suddenly...^^ omo..O_O the princess went back.... awww... cant wait to see what happened next.. update soon...^^
Because we have no female characters (Y) Taeyang is just an insignificant neighbor (Y) OH TAE YOU FOREVER ALONE XD and Wooyoung learning how to 'grow' abs from Jaebeom HAHAHHAHA XD
hellomiraa #6
I thought you forget about Taeyang. HAHAHAHA. But yeah, I love your randomness. It's getting funny ^^!
ROFL, taeyang is an insignificant neighbor who just wanted to tag along! epic win!<br />
i hope there's more to this family in the next chapters~^^
Daesung as a mother.... That would bee fun! Deal with it We have no more Female Characters..... Lol Update soon plz!
lalalalala #9
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......................... The family line is totally funny... daesung+top are the parents......n taeyang... muahahhahahah... jus a neighbour... hahahha... I kinda make me think of bigbang secret garden parody... ( I knw it's x relevent.. but it jus pop up..-___-") looooooov ur update....
mandoowoo #10
Its G-dragon :))