I fell in love with a Tibetan Fox

I fell in love with a Tibetan Fox


In a very very far away country there is a place called JYP Nation. The city was very famous for having many Tibetan Foxes in their place and the people there loved and respect them, but one day the said foxes became endangered because they were killed one by one by some unknown people. The people in the said Nation were now worried for their foxes.

PA: Princess, princess...the hunters were seen near our forests again. One of our people who spoke to them is now injured because he wanted to stop them but the hunters were angered by him and injured him.

Princess: This is the 3rd time they did this to our people, I won't make them do what they want. Let's go.

PA: No, Princess. You can't go! You'll get hurt.

Princess: its ok. If its for our Foxes safety. *smile*

PA: Ok....

After 3o minutes, gunshots were heard in the forest.....And the princess arrived in the forest with the her soldiers after that. :))

General Hwang: Hey you bastards!!! Go away before you get holes in your head.

The hunters got scared and ran away from the forest.

princess: wahahaha!!! your so great general Hwang.

General Hwang: Bwahahah. Of course my princess. Come on. Lets go.

Princess: Oh wait, there's an injured tibetan fox and its still young. you go and get it.

The princess herself took care of the baby tibetan fox and day after day the fox was recovering from its injuries. The princess would play with it and talk to it sometimes. But the fox was still scared and don't want to be with her. It was traumatized. O.o . Days passed and the fox was now fully recovered from its injuries and at the same time opened its heart for the princess. :))

Meanwhile, the prince of Thailand came for a visit.

Prince Khun: *coming in at the gate* Good afternoon General Hwang.

Gen. Hwang: Good afternoon too, Prince Khun.

Prince Khun: youre eating bananas again? and youre slacking off from your duties again?

Gen. Hwang: *hides the bananas* oooh~ i'm...i'm just resting for a bit.

Prince Khun: For a bit? but all i can see there are "peels" of bananas. Oh. Whatever. Where is my princess?

Gen. Hwang: The princess? She's at the garden.


Princess: ahahahaha. ROFL.

Prince Khun: What are you doing princess?

Princess: Oh~ prince Khun. What made you go here at my palace?

Prince Khun: just came here to visit my fiancee who's ROFLing on the floor with a.....what? a Tibetan Fox?

Princess: Oh yeah~ meet Udongie. My new pet. Its cute and cuddly.

Prince. Khun: Oh yeah, whatever..Where's Emperor Junho? We need to talk about something.

Princess: hmmm~~ he's at his room i think. Just go ask him there.

Prince Khun: *.......* You're coming with me.

Princess: What? but i'm still playing with Udongie.

Prince Khun: No but buts here. You're my fiancee and your coming with me.

Princess: okey~ But Udongie will come too..

Princess khun: what? okey okey.......whatever.


*knocks at the door*

Emperor Junho: Yes.. come in....Oh~~ Prince Khun. You came. Come, sit here.

Prince Khun: yes, We still need to talk about my marriage.

Emperor Junho: Oh yes, yes.. About that. Your Father and i talked about it already and we planned that you will be married on the first night of full moon.

Princess: WHAT.?? First night of full moon? but that's next month already and...and...

Emperor Junho and Prince Khun: And?

Princess: I'm not yet ready.

Emperor Junho: oh~ its ok my princess. *smiles*

Princess: omo.

Prince Khun: hmm~? what happened ??

Princess: udongie became anxious.

Prince Khun: maybe it just wants to pee~ let it be.

Emperor Junho: Oh~ And when the two of you got married you will be leaving with P Khun afterwards.

Princess: eh~??!! why.??

Emperor Junho: of course. He's your King and you'll be his queen. You two should live together.

Princess: but i want to be here at the palace with you, with our people.

Prince Khun: don't worry my princess i'll make you happy there. Thai people are nice and friendly. So its ok.

Emperor Junho: he's telling the truth my princess. You should be happy with him from now on.

Princess: *hesitating* ...ok...if you say so...

This is the end of the first chapter. stay tuned for the next one. hope you liked it. Leave some comments and suggestion.               

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DancingQueenHyoyeon #1
wow! update soon!
LOL, aerobics. but now that princess is back at the palace, what's gonna happen with woo? will khun come back and claim the princess again?? ohhhh, drama~~~ XD
Dimwits and aerobics. I love your story, I truly do :") <3
lalalalala #4
lol... that's how jonghyun and sekyung dating relationship spread out.. I looov how u put her in here suddenly...^^ omo..O_O the princess went back.... awww... cant wait to see what happened next.. update soon...^^
Because we have no female characters (Y) Taeyang is just an insignificant neighbor (Y) OH TAE YOU FOREVER ALONE XD and Wooyoung learning how to 'grow' abs from Jaebeom HAHAHHAHA XD
hellomiraa #6
I thought you forget about Taeyang. HAHAHAHA. But yeah, I love your randomness. It's getting funny ^^!
ROFL, taeyang is an insignificant neighbor who just wanted to tag along! epic win!<br />
i hope there's more to this family in the next chapters~^^
Daesung as a mother.... That would bee fun! Deal with it We have no more Female Characters..... Lol Update soon plz!
lalalalala #9
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......................... The family line is totally funny... daesung+top are the parents......n taeyang... muahahhahahah... jus a neighbour... hahahha... I kinda make me think of bigbang secret garden parody... ( I knw it's x relevent.. but it jus pop up..-___-") looooooov ur update....
mandoowoo #10
Its G-dragon :))