C67: Inch by Inch

The Endless War


The sound of gunfire echoed in the air as the siblings fell to the ground.
"Stupid Zelo" Shin Hye cried as the both of them lay on the floor bleeding. "Why did you come back?" 
Coughing blood Zelo tried hard to keep his eyes open and to fight the coldness that seemed to envelope him. "I wanted to get the skateboard...you worked hard...to buy me for...my birthday..."  
Wide eyed when Shin Hye watched her brother's shoulders go still and not taking another breath. "Zelo! Wake up! Don't go!" She cried, feebly trying shake his body for a response.
"You two disgust me" Their father pulled the trigger and shot Shin Hye in her heart. 
Seeing this eldest daughter die, he walked away assured that she wouldn't go after him for revenge. Considering how alike they were in personalities, there was a high chance that she would go to any length to avenge her younger brother's death.
*What is this pain that I'm feeling?* A groan left Zelo's lips as he tried to open his eyes. *Why am I so cold?* 
Finally managing to pry his eyes open, he saw that he was lying in a pool of blood that smelled like his own and of Shin Hye.
*Crap! Why is there so much blood!* Zelo turned around despite the pain that shot through his lower ribcage.
Remembering what happened before his blackout, he let out a loud cry when he saw her laying deathly still on the floor behind him. 
*This can't be happening. It can't be...* he thought in horror at how she wouldn't respond to whatever he did.
Zelo sat there in shoc, not caring about how he was covered in blood. Before his eyes was his dead sister and there was nothing he could do.
Wiping his tears away, he noticed that there was something rough on his hands. Taking a good look at his hands, he saw small tiny crystals them. Finding it strange, Zelo reached to touch the blood that was around his body.
It was frozen!
*What's going on!* he stared at his hand. Scrambling up to his feet, Zelo went to the bathroom and lifted his shirt to look at his gun wound. *The blood...it froze over* 
Leaning over the bathroom counter. He wondered if 'freezing' was his gift and how it had miraculously saved his life. Deciding to clean up and change out of his blood stained clothes. Zelo went out to the living room to see that his sister's corpse had disappeared. 
It was natural since the body dries up and disintegrates when it no longer has blood in the body. Finding his sister's necklace in the drying pool of blood, he picked it up without a thought and went to wash it clean. 
Wanting to keep something that she always had with her, he wouldn't be able to take her bag or any other belongings that she had. They didn't have much personal possessions to begin with.
Zelo took the skateboard that he forgot and returned to the bus station. 
A pained expression flickers across his face briefly when he boards the bus, looking at the direction of home.
*Goodbye Noona...* he says in his mind as the bus departs. 
Staying still throughout most of his journey. It was almost as if he was frozen in his spot staring dejectedly out the window. 
The coldness never left his body the entire bus ride or even after his gun shot wound had healed over a few days time. He wanted to practice his powers and to see how strong it is but he was worried about how much blood he would use up.
Wandering around and entering a slum, Zelo accidentally bumped into a guy and his group began to make a fuss.
"I already apologized for bumping into you. If there's nothing else I'm leaving you bunch of losers" He said flatly and tried to push his way through the group of thugs.
Receiving a punch to this gut, Zelo stumbled at the sudden blow and soon found himself being beaten into the ground. 
Even though he knew how to protect himself, he was unfairly outnumbered.
The sound of glass shattering was the last thing he hears. *Are they going to stab me to death with glass?* Zelo wonders feebly before unconsciousness took over.
Remembering of his surprise when he woke up. How he panicked that he was in someone's house instead of being in hell or meeting the undertaker.
It was odd how one thing led to another. Coming to know YongGuk who was once a stranger to him and now he was a close brother that he could look up to. How he was taken care of by YongGuk and how he found himself returning to that small apartment.
When there was more people being added into his life. It was a difficult task to adapt. Learning to look beyond the hurt and most difficult of all; getting over the fear of losing someone again.
Perhaps that is what holds all of them together. 
The thought of not wanting to lose each other. After spending so many years together, they had an unspoken bond that they should stay together.
A scream bringing Zelo out of his thoughts and memories. It came from Yoon Mi who was struggling against the bed's restraints.
They flinched at the sound as DaeHyun lurched forward in his seat. Clenching his hands until they turned white, he was also feeling a portion of the pain that she was going through. 
But what was worse? 
The feeling that his body was being torn apart? Or hearing Yoon Mi's cries of pain and the knowledge that she was having it more painful than he did?
"Her hair! It's becoming blonde!" YoungJae suddenly exclaimed causing everyone to turn and watch it happen.
It changed at an uneven pace; fast one moment and unbelievably slow the next.
Seeming like Yoon Mi's body was too fatigued to even struggle at one point of time, all of them anxiously waited for the ordeal to be over.
"Do you smell that?" JongUp began to feel the air changing.
"Yeah, I do..." YoungJae sniffed the air cautiously, finding it oddly familiar. "Damn, it smells delicious" HimChan growled as he closed his eyes to savor the moment.
"Don't even think about it" DaeHyun got up from where he was rooted and stood protectively in front of Yoon Mi despite the pain that he was still feeling. 
Looking at all of them in the eye as if to warn them "It's the scent of her blood."
"And it smells so good that even I to try it" Zelo ran a hand through his hair. Trying not to breathe and take in another whiff of the intoxicating scent.
YongGuk gave a deep rumbling laugh as he tasted the air. "Are you sure you guys want to? Don't you smell hints of DaeHyun's blood in her scent?"
A moment of silence washed over as they all took another breath and realized that YongGuk was right. 
If they wanted Yoon Mi's blood, they would partially be drinking another guy's blood and even worse, they would be able to sense how DaeHyun felt and his emotions.
Shuddering at the thought, the 5 guys convinced themselves that they didn't want any knowledge or feelings of DaeHyun's dark and troubled past, hence they didn't want Yoon Mi's blood anymore.
Time slowly passed as her hair turned blond inch by inch. A power surge coursed through the air and rattled the house, all of them watched expectantly as she became fully blond and for the moment she opened her eyes.
DaeHyun at by the beside, holding her hand hoping that it wouldn't be too long before she opened her eyes. Would her personality be changed? Would everything he love about her disappear when The Change was over?

He sincerely prayed to the heavens above that she wouldn't be lost to him.



Back with another chapter :) I'm so excited for this story I can't even write much for author's note XD

Will be back soon with another chapter ~

With love,

Violynn (12/04/2013 ; 5:00PM)


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Dang, I didn't know that so many of you wants that mature chapter XD


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is this story discontinued?
Chapter 83: Wait has it really been 3 years??
ShinSeoRae #3
I am still hoping for an update on this fic..jeball~~~
Why are you doing this to us
Youre gettin a sin young lady
Frisur #5
Chapter 83: Hmmm it almost 2017 so i guess i not desperately to push you to update.
And i wish good luck
Frisur #6
Chapter 83: Hmmm it almost 2017 so i guess i not desperately to push you to update.
And i wish good luck
Gladice #7
Chapter 83: Reading it again! Cannot get over this fanfic even after a long long time. But still hoping for the new update tho^^ Autor hwaiting!!
Chapter 10: I'm really enjoying this story :)
Chapter 83: I really love this story :)))))