56 - Sealed

The Endless War

At the same time, Dae Hyun came out from the bathroom towel drying his hair.


"Yah! You punk!" Young Jae threw a pillow at his friend.


Stumbling a little from the sudden thump of the pillow against him "what's wrong with you?" Dae Hyun spoke as he kicked the pillow away.


"What's wrong with me? I just went through 11 days of hell and you decided to take a refreshing shower that's what!!!" Young Jae threw another pillow at him.


"11 days of hell? Wait, what happened?" Dae Hyun asked.


"After you recklessly decided to yank out Yoon Mi's ring, you passed out for 5 days and I don't know what you used my gift for" Young Jae pointed an agitated index finger at him.


"Not forgetting the day we destroyed that damned ring, you and Yoon Mi went unconscious from the pain that the bond breaking caused. You were out for another 6 days!" He got riled up as he described further.


"Breathe, bro...I just woke up; I don't want to see someone faint or die in the first thing of my morning." Dae Hyun rested his hands briefly on Young Jae's shoulders.


Grabbing the mask that was on his bedside table Dae Hyun put it on and when he turned around to face Young Jae, had a look on his face.


"Can you stop wearing the mask already? I actually like talking to you normally you know." He asked.


Giving him a shrug, Dae Hyun answered *Some habits are hard to kill. Plus, this stops unnecessary people from talking to me.*


"You and your habit" Young Jae rolled his eyes.


*Deal with it* Dae Hyun put his towel away and headed out of the kitchen.


"Wait, where are you going?" He followed after him.


*Kitchen, I'm really thirsty* Dae Hyun made a beeline for the fridge.


Opening the fridge and pulling out a pack, he didn't bother to pour it into a glass and directly drank from it, taking copious gulps to satiate his thirst.


Finishing it quickly, Dae Hyun closed his eyes leaning against the counter and waited for the blood to settle into his system.


 Slowly feeling the liquid travel and mixing into his own blood stream. He opened his eyes when he felt something was amiss. 


*Strange…why is it only half?* Dae Hyun blinked at he held up his hand and flexed it…trying to figure out what was going on.


Young Jae stepped into the kitchen to see Dae Hyun staring at his hand.


Turning to face him, Dae Hyun noticed  his friend’s panicked expression. *What happened while I was out cold?* Instantly knowing that something was going on.


“Yeah…about that” Young Jae scratched the back of his neck nervously. “We...well, I...er... I gave you Yoon Mi’s blood.”


*YOU WHAT?!* Dae Hyun lost his balance against the counter and stumbled a little before regaining it.


“I had no choice!” Young Jae exclaimed.


*YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT YOU MADE A BLOOD BOND BETWEEN YOOM MI AND ME?!* He massaged his temples strongly as he felt a migraine coming on.


“Yes I did! And Elder Yong already gave me hell for what I did! But you had already gone through 5 days of fighting and Yoon Mi’s older sister said that you’re chances of surviving the pain was slim if you didn't take it!!” Young Jae tried to explain what the odds were in one long breath.


*Well THAT explains why I’m only feeling half the blood I took* He sighed knowing that the nature of Yoon Mi's blood caused this.


“I’m really sorry” Young Jae looked at him with remorse. “For doing this to you, I really am... But I just couldn’t stand the thought of doing nothing and –”


*I understand Young Jae…Desperate times called for desperate measures* Dae Hyun said sympathetically. He understood Young Jae perfectly, it was with the same feelings and reason why he pulled off Yoon Mi's ring despite knowing the consequences.


Letting out a heavy breath and shoulders slumping, a silence passed between them before Young Jae asked if he wanted to see Yoon Mi.


Nodding in response, they wordlessly made their way up to her room.


Seeing her still body and sickly white colour from the doorway as he pushed the door open, a dull ache went through Dae Hyun's heart.


Noticing his friend's reaction and how he stopped for a split second when he saw Yoon Mi, “She was worst off the day we broke the curse...” Young Jae explained.


“She was deathly pale and her breathing was so faint, we thought that she might stop breathing at any moment. We were worried and ended up taking turns in watching over her” He continued, sounding tired as fatigue made it's way into his voice..


*How long is she going to be like this?* His projection sounded weak.


“Yoon Mi’s older sister said that it might take a week and a half.” Young Jae pulled a chair from the side, “you want to watch over her? I mean, it’s supposed to be my turn now but if you want you can…”


Nodding silently *I want to, thank you for doing so much even though you didn’t really like her... You should take a rest Young Jae… you look tired* Dae Hyun gave his dear friend an appreciative pat on his back.


“Don’t mention it” he said quietly before leaving the room.


Hearing the door close with a click, Dae Hyun intended to sit on the chair beside Yoon Mi’s bed but ended up sitting on the edge of her bed.


Feeling an unexplainable pull towards her, drawing him in like a magnet. The pull being even more that what he originally felt on his own.


Dae Hyun lightly traced the side of her face and along her jaw line with his fingertips, his eyes widened when electricity coursed through his veins at the slight contact. *That's strange...was it my imagination?* He retracted his hand and shook it a little to get rid of the electricity that he had felt.


Seeing her so still and lifeless was painful to watch. *I rather see her crying, quarrelling with me or painting until her arms were sore* Dae Hyun thought. *At least all these meant that you were still full of life…*


“Yoon Mi…” He whispered, fully resting his hand on her cheek. Feeling the tingles and electricity going through his veins becoming stronger.


How could a simple action resonate so much more in him?


It was something he didn’t understand…How could these feelings that he has for her possibly run even deeper in him?


“Please wake up soon…I’m here waiting for you” He caressed her cheek before pulling his mask down and leaned down.


Gently pressing his lips against her forehead, Dae Hyun hoped that Yoon Mi could hear his hopeful plea.



I'm back with another chapter :3 

In the previous chapter some of you asked "where did DaeHyun go?" And to those that asked, I answered "Well, if I said he went to the bathroom would you believe me?" 

Some of you did believe me and someo of you didn't XD Lols, so if you leave me comments I might leave hints or cryptic messages to you about the next chapter in return ~

A few readers also said that Rain sounds matches the story too :3 and I'm really happy to hear that XD especially when I really love the song~

If you haven't seen/heard it yet *OMG, why are you not watching this?!!!* here it is~

My feels with DaeHyun's high note and the small dance moments >\\\\< *Dead*



I hope you like this chapter and video~

With Love,

Violynn (17/01/2013 ; 4:39pm)

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Thank you!
Dang, I didn't know that so many of you wants that mature chapter XD


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is this story discontinued?
Chapter 83: Wait has it really been 3 years??
ShinSeoRae #3
I am still hoping for an update on this fic..jeball~~~
Why are you doing this to us
Youre gettin a sin young lady
Frisur #5
Chapter 83: Hmmm it almost 2017 so i guess i not desperately to push you to update.
And i wish good luck
Frisur #6
Chapter 83: Hmmm it almost 2017 so i guess i not desperately to push you to update.
And i wish good luck
Gladice #7
Chapter 83: Reading it again! Cannot get over this fanfic even after a long long time. But still hoping for the new update tho^^ Autor hwaiting!!
Chapter 10: I'm really enjoying this story :)
Chapter 83: I really love this story :)))))