49 - Three words

The Endless War

“Why do you look so scared Jagiya?” A familiar voice came from behind her.

Turning around, Yoon Mi’s eyes widened when she saw the owner of that voice.

*It’s Ji Yong…* those three words repeated itself over and over in her mind.

But she wasn’t the girl as before. She wasn’t the girl who always clung to him, listening to every word he said and every request he had.

Staying with those six boys had changed her. Unknowingly they had taught her how to think for herself and to be stronger.

“Why aren’t you running up to me like the last time?” Ji Yong asked sadly with his outstretched hands.

That action caused her to back away, something felt different from before. It felt like he wasn’t the Ji Yong she knew.

“Jagiya, what’s wrong?” His hands fell to his sides and walked closer to Yoon Mi.

Still backing away, “Ji Yong oppa…How are you alive…” She asked hesitantly as fear crept into her veins. “Appa, Omma, Oppa and Unnie didn’t survive…How did you manage to?”

“Aren’t you happy to see me?” Hurt flashed across Ji Yong’s face.

It was difficult seeing his hurt expression and a part of her heart was sad that she’s the cause of his hurt. But it didn’t erase the fact that she was scared of the person in front of her.

“Isn’t it more important that I’m here and I’m in front of you? That I’ve kept my promise?” Ji Yong caught onto her hands and tried pulling her closer.

“No!” Yoon Mi struggled in his grasp. His touch made her skin crawl and a sick feeling rose in . “Let go of me please”

“Why are you being like this? Didn’t you miss me!!?” Ji Yong yelled “You didn’t want me to leave the last time and now I’m finally back you’re pushing me away?”

“Stop this Ji Yong!! Let go of me!” Yoon Mi cried as she struggled with him.

“NOT UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON!!” Ji Yong’s eyes flashed a dangerous red.

*This is not the Ji Yong I remember! He doesn’t get angry like this! Dae Hyun! Please save me! Where are you Dae Hyun!!* Wincing in pain at the strong grip he had on her, Yoon Mi had never wanted to wake up from a dream as much as she did now.

Everything fading away suddenly, Yoon Mi found herself in a white space. Very much like the space where she would meet Dae Hyun.

Hearing a warm voice singing in the distance, Yoon Mi cried when she realized that it was Dae Hyun’s voice.  *Where are you Dae Hyun…I was so scared.*she looked around for him.

A path materializing before her, it led on into the far distance and she didn’t know where it would take her.

Stepping onto the path, Yoon Mi found that the voice was clearer. A few more steps and the voice grew slightly louder. Wanting to look back and see if it was her home behind her…she stood there contemplating if it was a good idea to do so.

But remembering the story of the Lyra, even though she knew she wouldn’t vanish like how Eurydice would but she decided against looking back.

Walking forward, Yoon Mi’s heart calmed at the sound of his voice. Before she knew it was walking faster and faster until she broke into a sprint.

The path felt long and never ending as it went on and on into the distance. However, it didn’t matter to Yoon Mi because it meant being able to get closer to his voice.

Running for ages, Yoon Mi wanted to go back to him as fast as she could. Seeing a door in the distance, she slowed down until she came to a stop.

Standing in front of that door, she held onto the handle and felt anxious of what was on the other side.

Turning the knob, the door opened and everything disappeared.


Jolting awake, Yoon Mi looked around and saw that she was not in her room. Feeling someone holding her hand, she cautiously moved over to the person holding her hand and peeped at his downcast face.

*It’s Dae Hyun!* She smiled when she recognised him. Sitting at the edge of her bed, Yoon Mi hugged his sleeping frame happily.

She was glad that he was there by her side, that he was the first person she saw when she woke up.

Groggily waking up to the feeling that his body was being shifted around, Dae Hyun slowly blinked his eyes open and instantly saw the back of Yoon Mi’s head and her long black hair.

Groaning slightly, Dae Hyun took a deep breath as he rubbed sleep out of his eyes. A smile graced his lips as he realised that he was being hugged by Yoon Mi. the top of her head, Yoon Mi relaxed as she rested her forehead in the crook of his neck.

“You’re finally awake” He gave a proud smile “Five days, I was so worried…I was beginning to think that you would not wake up Yoon Mi” He wrapped his arms around her waist.

“I was asleep for five days?!” Yoon Mi said in disbelief. In that space there was no sense of time.

“Yes and your tossing and turning, you looked like you were having a nightmare. But I couldn’t do anything about it; I’m so sorry Yoon Mi” Dae Hyun whispered as he held her.

Hearing his voice filled with remorse and sadness, Yoon Mi sank with his. “It’s okay. You don’t have to apologise…It was best that you didn’t see what happened.”

“Why? What went on while you dreamed?” Dae Hyun inquired.

“I…I…” Stammering, Yoon Mi suddenly found it hard to speak. Noticing this, Dae Hyun sighed and ruffled her hair saying not to force herself to say it if she doesn’t want to.

“I want to tell you!” She suddenly blurted out. “I want to tell you so badly but I don’t know why I can’t!!”

Pulling away, she looked into his eyes as her own began to water “When I dreamt I kept thinking of you and wishing that you’d appear and save me…I was so scared, I didn’t know how much things had changed Dae Hyun. I had no idea how much I had changed until I met him…”

“Him? Who are you talking about? Who did you meet?” Dae Hyun grew puzzled wondering who that person was.

“Ji Yong…I saw Ji Yong in my dream” Yoon Mi elaborated further, causing Dae Hyun happiness to deflate.

If Ji Yong was back in the picture would he still stand a chance? Remembering the earlier half of what she said, Dae Hyun asked further. “Why were you scared? What did you say had changed?”

“I was scared because of Ji Yong” Yoon Mi began to shake visibly.  “He wasn’t the same as I had remembered him; this Ji Yong was fierce and forceful…” holding up her arms before her there were faint hand marks there. Ji Yong’s grip was so strong that it bruised her skin.

“If I didn’t meet him again Dae Hyun, I wouldn’t have known how much I’ve changed. I stopped blindly listening to every word he said and asked. I kept struggling and kept questioning myself about what he’s saying.” Looking at him in the eye briefly, “I have more of a backbone now thanks to you”

“I hope you don’t ever forget how much effort was spent and how much trouble I got into for helping you out.” Dae Hyun playfully said trying to lighten up her mood.

“I don’t think I’ll ever will Dae Hyun…” She murmured. Remembering all the quarrels and arguments they had.

Sensing the subtle change of atmosphere in the air. Dae Hyun leaned closer until they were only an inch apart.

“So tell me, why did you keep thinking of me while you were dreaming?” He stared into her eyes, purposely asking Yoon Mi in this setting where they were so close.

“When Ji Yong was forcing me…all I could think of was you and hoping that you would save me. Going through that made me realise how big a place you already have in my heart Dae Hyun…” Yoon Mi’s blush slowly grew.

“I can say this now Dae Hyun” Looking into his expectant eyes, Yoon Mi held his gaze to the best of her abilities and said.





 “I love you”

Hee Hee~ does this count as a cliff hanger? It doesn't feel like one though...

Anyway!!! She finally said it!!! Yoon Mi finally said those three words to Dae Hyun!

Are you happy? Well i am! I'm so proud of her!! *sniff, my lil' baby learning to love again~*

The calm before the storm is always so nice :)

Just a heads up! It's going to be sweet for awhile before I start adding elements into the plot~

Hee hee, I can't wait to plan for her Change :3

I hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter!

*Ps. Your comments and frustrations were so amusing to read XD Not to mention all the responses requesting Yoon Mi to bite Dae Hyun or for him to bite her~ It's my source of smiles and laughs. thank you for commenting guys!! It will happen in the later chapters, no rush~**

With love,

Violynn (3/12/2012 ; 11:45pm)

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Dang, I didn't know that so many of you wants that mature chapter XD


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is this story discontinued?
Chapter 83: Wait has it really been 3 years??
ShinSeoRae #3
I am still hoping for an update on this fic..jeball~~~
Why are you doing this to us
Youre gettin a sin young lady
Frisur #5
Chapter 83: Hmmm it almost 2017 so i guess i not desperately to push you to update.
And i wish good luck
Frisur #6
Chapter 83: Hmmm it almost 2017 so i guess i not desperately to push you to update.
And i wish good luck
Gladice #7
Chapter 83: Reading it again! Cannot get over this fanfic even after a long long time. But still hoping for the new update tho^^ Autor hwaiting!!
Chapter 10: I'm really enjoying this story :)
Chapter 83: I really love this story :)))))