14 - Easier said than done

The Endless War

I, who always filled up my nights with you.
Yeah, it’s time to fill up my body,
that was a night with your arms wrapped around, your breath rising sharply
This is the best paradise
I’ll hold you a bit more, I’ll look at you more more more, until my heart stops

I, I need you, I, I even without you, I, I really need you now


Weeks passed and Yoon Mi fell further into depression. This time refusing to drink the blood that Dae Hyun left on her nightstand.

She poured it down the basin in her own bathroom. Making it look like she was fine and everything was normal.

Yoon Mi really wanted nothing nothing more than her heart to stop now. She had tried forgetting about Ji Yong oppa. But everything Yoon Mi did, everywhere she went she would see the ghost of her memories. Playing, taunting her to fall into that paradise where he was.

And whenever she collapsed from the pain of her memories, Yoon Mi would be so glad. For a small moment in time, in her pain. She could see him again…


*There is something wrong with that girl* He eyed her as they passed in hallways at school and at home.

She seemed even more frail and fragile then when she first came.

And this worried him. Having found her unconscious on the floor again and her fainting spells had become increasingly often as the weeks had passed.

*Hasn’t she been drinking my blood?* Dae Hyun pondered the different variables in his mind. Wondering about the cause of her current state. Her skin was turning a sickly pale and her lips had grown darker.

Carrying her back to her room, he had felt that she lost weight.

*What is wrong with this girl* He thought in frustration. Totally having no clues whatsoever to her condition.

*What’s wrong with me?!* He thought. *I should be using my gift and directly find out what’s wrong!* He scolded himself.

*This is not right.* His eyes flickered at Yoon Mi. *Her blood is so thin. How can that be? She’s been drinking my blood…*

A nagging thought in the back of his mind warned him otherwise. Making him think *Wait. I’ve not seen her drink the blood with my own eyes. I can’t assume that she took it.*

Deciding to wait for Yoon Mi to wake up, Dae Hyun sat there by her bed growing angrier by the moment. He would give her a piece of his mind when she woke up.


*I’m in my bedroom again?* Yoon Mi recognised her ceiling as her eyesight focused. *Who’s been bringing me back here?* She wondered as she slowly sat up.

*I see you’re awake.*A low voice echoed in her mind.

Jumping in shock when she saw Dae Hyun by her bedside, what worried her more wasn’t his presence but rather how angry he looked. Instantly wondering *Did he find out that I have not been drinking his blood?*

*Tell me.* He glared at her. *Did you or did you not drink the blood I left you.*

Keeping silent. Dae Hyun hit the bed’s headboard in anger *Tell me!* He roared in her mind as his eyes flashed a dangerous red.

Flinching, Yoon Mi refused to answer.

Suddenly smelling a sweet, rich aroma. Yoon Mi wanted to run knowing what would happen next but Dae Hyun was one step ahead.

Pinning her down and forcefully putting his bleeding wrist to . Tears slid down Yoon Mi’s face as she reluctantly swallowed the blood.

*You better not be crying at how death eludes you* Dae Hyun warned her.

Closing her eyes in defeat *how does he know my thoughts?* She cried *I’m the one drinking his blood. Not the other way round…*

Letting go of her when he saw colour returning to her skin. He sat back in his chair as he healed his cut. *Were you thinking that* He looked at her.

“So what if I was” Yoon Mi said quietly as she hugged her knees.

*You’re choosing to be suicidal of all things?* Dae Hyun stated. Remembering their past conversation.

“This is such a strange thing. Everyone in my family has already left with death but I’m the only one who’s not allowed a meeting with him” Yoon Mi said darkly, feeling as if her sanity was beginning to dangle from a thread.

*They died to protect you. Are you going to let their sacrifice go to waste just like this?*

“I don’t know! I don’t know what to do anymore!” Yoon Mi dejectedly shook her head.

*Live a life that your family would be proud of*He said gently this time. *Be a person who is able to stand on her own two feet, who has her own mind and opinions.*

“Easier said than done!” Yoon Mi got off the bed to leave. She didn’t want to be around Dae Hyun anymore. The truth was hard to hear and hard to bear alone.

*Where are you going?* Dae Hyun asked, holding her back by her wrist.

Stopping in her tracks “Let go of me” Yoon Mi’s voice trembled.

Dae Hyun wanted to oppose her, to tell her to face her problems but when he saw the look on her face.

He couldn’t bring himself to.

*Yoon Mi* Dae Hyun called softly, his grip loosening around her wrist. Hopelessness, despair and very clearly, the fear of uncertainty was on her face.

One wrong push would result in her never coming back.

Pulling her wrist out of his hand, Yoon Mi turned to leave.

Annyeong!! It's 19/4/2012!!! You know what that means!!

It's Kim Him Chan's birthday!!!

Happy Birthday!!!!

And Singapore trended #HurricaneHimchan !!! So happy~

Not to mention my BAP photo book has arrived! All that's left for me to do is collect it from the post office XD

So as a treat to everyone I'm posting this~

Even though I know Himchan hasn't appeared much in this story, I promise that there'll be more of him in the later chapters. :)

Thank you everyone for subscribing and leaving comments XD I'm so happy whenever i read your comments :P and when I see that subscription number increase.

It's D9! Well, D-8 but since I haven't slept is still D-9  until their comeback on the 27th!!!! I can't wait!!!

*Hyperventilating~ Needs Daehyunnie to heal me as well....

Sorry if the chapter looks a little short

On a side note...

Anyone recognise the first paragraph in this chapter? :D

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Thank you!
Dang, I didn't know that so many of you wants that mature chapter XD


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is this story discontinued?
Chapter 83: Wait has it really been 3 years??
ShinSeoRae #3
I am still hoping for an update on this fic..jeball~~~
Why are you doing this to us
Youre gettin a sin young lady
Frisur #5
Chapter 83: Hmmm it almost 2017 so i guess i not desperately to push you to update.
And i wish good luck
Frisur #6
Chapter 83: Hmmm it almost 2017 so i guess i not desperately to push you to update.
And i wish good luck
Gladice #7
Chapter 83: Reading it again! Cannot get over this fanfic even after a long long time. But still hoping for the new update tho^^ Autor hwaiting!!
Chapter 10: I'm really enjoying this story :)
Chapter 83: I really love this story :)))))