Locks Of Love


Min-ah tied the final ribbon on her waitress apron and smiled, after drama it was finally good to get back to her normal job at the 'Sherlock Cafe'. The sleepy morning customers always amused her, sometimes they came in pajamas or with half of their makeup on. It was the morning rush that made her smile once again and think of how she had saved Hwa-sal. It was completely illegal what she did, but she couldn't leave her twin to despair. "Annyeoung twinnie!" a friendly voice exclaimed from behind her. Spinning around she saw Minho and Min-ji, hand-in-hand, entering the cafe. "Minho, Min-ji hwangyong-hamnida (welcome)! What would you like today?" she answered brightly. Minho smiled "Two Chai teas please" Min-ji looked amazed, Minho had guessed exactly what she wanted! Min-ah laughed a little to herself, they looked so cute together and they looked happier every day. "Araso her is your teas, Gamsahamnida for stopping by!"  Min-ah smiled brightly and she handed them their teas and receipt. 


"Key I'm going to be late please please PLEASE drive me to work today!! It's a super special day!" Taemin whined. Key rolled his eyes, Taemin was such a cute little brother, he always wanted to try his hardest at his job. Taemin worked at one of the largest theaters in town called 'Les belles de théâtre'. They had been having a lot of people coming to their shows and Taemin was excited to start his tech crew work on the new show coming out. "Key pweaseee!!! The director might let me be a back-up actor and I need to show him I'm ready!" Taemin said in his little boy voice. Key gave Taemin his 'umma look' and Taemin only returned with an 'Aegyo' face. "FINE Taeminnie! But stop waking me up early!" Key huffed. Taemin's eyes lit up and he rushed out the door, Key grabbed his car keys and glanced around their new home. It had been a week since the 'accident' and they had moved to a regular house that was a little far from the city. Minho wasn't fitting in their apartment so they all decided together that they were going to FINALLY buy a house. It was so good to be home.


"Minho where are you leading me?" Min-ji asked, concerned. "It's a surprise silly" Minho replied, laughing. Min-ji frowned, she hated surprises! Minho had lead her, blindfolded, up what seemed to be a million stairs. She hadn't even seen sunlight for probably half an hour. Sighing she gripped Minho's strong hand tighter and let him lead her farther up the stairs to who knows where. "Araso Min-ji don't move" Minho said sternly. Min-ji was confused until she felt herself being jerked into motion. "eep!" she exclaimed but she felt Minho's strong arms around her waist. "It'll be over soon yeobo, I promise" Minho whispered and hugged her close. Min-ji could only nod and hope he was right.


"Araso, close your eyes" Minho whispered as he helped Min-ji step onto what seemed to be a platform. Min-ji obeyed and felt him removing her blindfold carefully. He took her hand and let her forward a little bit, "Open them now my sarang" he whispered in her ear. Min-ji slowly opened her eyes and gasped and the site she was seeing. A beautiful blue sky was all around, and colorful locks decorate the fence sides. It was Namsan tower, the most beautiful site in all of Seoul.


"Minho it's so pretty up here! Gomawo!" Min-ji exclaimed, jumping with happiness. Minho smiled and slipped his hand in hers "I've always wanted to make a lock on this fence but they say if you do, you can never take it off because of true love" he said smiling. Reaching into his pocket he produced two locks and a sharpie, "Where should we put them love?" he asked sweetly. Min-ji laughed cutely "I want them somewhere in the open, hmm, THERE!" she pointed to a small open space. Minho smiled and began writing on his lock. Min-ji grabbed the second marker and wrote on her own. Her heart fluttered with excitement of having her lock up here with Minho's forever. Taking their locks Minho clipped them together and hooked them onto the tower. "Now our locks of love are here, we can never be apart now" Minho smiled and kissed Min-ji sweetly. "Saranghae" she whispered. "Nae Saranghae Min-ji"


"Araso Taemin here we are! Now I'll be here at 5 and if you're not out by 5:30 you walk!" Key scolded. Taemin jumped from the car with excitement "I'll be here umma!" he giggled and smiled sarcastically at Key who rolled his eyes in annoyance. There was nothing Key hated more than being called umma! Sighing Key pulled out of the drive in and headed towards the hospital, it was time to check on Hwa to see how she was doing.


"Annyeounghaseeyo Hwa! How are you feeling?" the doctor asked politely. "I'm fine, ready to get my heart back" she replied, smiling. The doctor smiled "Well we will have it ready for you in a week so until then you will be getting your body ready here in the hospital araso?" Hwa-sal nodded, she felt so happy for having the friends she did. "Hwa!" Key exclaimed as he entered the room and rushed over to her bedside. "Kibum-ah! I'm so glad to see you!" she said, giving him a quick kiss. "Surgery next week so I won't be able to leave for a while, Mianhaeyo" she pouted. Key slipped his fingers into hers, "Gwenchana, don't apologize. I brought you something" Key said, reaching into his bag. He pulled out a small teddy bear with a cute shirt saying "Hwa-sal is my ♥" Hwa-sal smiled and hugged it close to her chest. "I love it Key! Saranghae!" she said happily and kissed him on the cheek. 

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I finished the new chapter update so please give me feedback!


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I'm one of the few people who comment with every update. Next chapter?
Also... I'm afraid to keep reading because of... well let's just say I'm already heartbroken.
Next chapter please
I hate you T-T
Nani? I need the next chapter unless you want your twin to cry.
I would never say that, IMO. >.>
I'd tell him to stay by my side until the very end. Make me better.
Jaebal? T-T
Midnight6563 #5
this is great, just wondering the video clip at the bottom, where is it from?
Mianhae about the suspense I'll update today for all of you ^_^
I am dying.. DAMNIT. Such bad language dongsaeng! YOU'RE GROWING UP, xD.
But seriously. I feel Key's pain. But I LOVE Jongkey ♥
I love Minho with all my heart. My heart is all for him!