A Tortured Past




Min-ji turned away from the oatmeal the doctors were trying to feed her, she knew that is secretly had medicine in it. “Jaebal, if you don’t eat you won’t get better” the doctor pleaded. Min-ji stubbornly covered her face with her hands; there wasn’t a want to get better anymore. Min-ah seemed so close to Minho is made her jealous; to make matters worse she wasn’t allowed visitors for a week! She frowned at the thought of Minho and Min-ah holding hands, it made her feel even sicker. The secretary that always flirted with Key entered her room with a letter, “Min-ji there is a letter for you!” she smiled. Min-ji took the letter and turned it over curiously, there was no label or address only her name. What could be in it?


“Jonghyun we will find Hwa, I promise now please stop acting like this.” Key pleaded. Jonghyun remained silent and stared at the ceiling, he hadn’t moved since Hwa had disappeared. Key’s pocket vibrated and he pulled out his phone, “Yeoboseyo? MWOH?!! Jinjah?” he exclaimed. “Mmmm…where is that?” Jonghyun shifted so he could face Key. “Okay I’ll be over in a bit, Gahmsamnida.” Key locked his iPhone and grabbed the key’s to his car. “Kibum-ah.” Key froze and turned around, “Nae?” Jonghyun stood up and slipped into his shoes. “I’m going with you to wherever this is.” Key smiled and pulled him out the door. “Let’s go Jjongie!”


Min-ah reread her lines six times; since Min-ji was in the hospital and no one could contact Taemin the roles had been switched. Min-ah was playing Min-ji’s part, Min-ah’s old character had been taken out of the script, and Minho was replacing Taemin. She sighed, how she hoped Taemin and Min-ji were here, it wasn’t as fun as it used to be when they were there. The Director came in and patted her shoulder “Are you ready?” she asked kindly. Min-ah smiled and nodded, heading towards the stage. Minho walked next to her “You can do this Dongsaeng.” He whispered. The lights dimmed and she breathed in, and started to sing.


Hello yeogin icheon shibi nyeon iweol, Aju chuun gyeuriya

Where are you? Eolmana gakkai wa inni

Geu torok weonhadeon kkume



Min-ji carefully opened the enveloped and the letter, it was from Minho and Min-ah. “Aish really?” she muttered and started to read…



Jwesongumnida, we never told you. My last name isn’t Seung like yours, it’s Choi. I only pretended we were related, we had a wonderful childhood together until I disappeared. Again, Mianhaeyo. My Brother is Minho, our parents died when we were very small; I was only 2 at the time. They took us to an orphanage and forced us into the system of Foster Care. When the time came for us to be separated I screamed and tried to get to Minho but I couldn’t. I remember he escaped from the guards arms and ran towards me, he told me to go where the lights shine the brightest. I was confused at first but then I remembered the Fairgrounds that we always saw from our window in the orphanage. He hugged me close and we tried to run but the guard hit Minho in the back of the head, causing him to fall. I don’t know how long they punished him, I screamed and cried for them to stop but they only pulled my hair and hit me to shut me up. Minho smiled at me and waved as they dragged his bloodied body back to the cell where we stayed, I couldn’t stop my tears. The whole time that we were oon the way to my new ‘home’ I cried and kicked the car doors. The other children in the home hated me; they always tried to get me in trouble. Do you remember Unni? You remember when I would sneak into your house and play with you and Key and Taemin. It was fun to escape, but soon I remembered I needed to find Minho. I tried escaping for a whole month before they locked me in the basement with only one window on the ground to look out of. For days there was food that they gave me, without speaking. I was able to look out the window and see the fairground, it reminded me of my promise. I told myself that the moment they let me out I was gone, I would leave.One day the food stopped coming, I began counting the days by scratching on the wall. I had already been there for a year already before this happened. For about four days I went without food, I was so hungry I wanted to die. On the next day I had to escape, I punched the window out and cut my hands. I remember not even recognizing the pain; I just laughed and cried at finally being free. I ran hard and fast towards the fairgrounds, never even glancing back. I smiled and thanked the stars silently; I snuck in through the back entrance and marveled at the lights all around me. By the time I was 10 years old I had been waiting for Minho for a year, I had to steal food and it was awful sleeping in hidden corners.  One day someone caught me trying to steal, I begged them not to send me back to the orphanage. After they listened to my story they accepted me to be one of their dancers in their show. I was given a place to stay and food was always there for me. On my 12th birthday I was applying my makeup when I heard a noise, I noticed a dirty hand trying to take my food from me. I grabbed hair and pulled up the tall boy, covered in dirt. I glared into his eyes then I smiled, this way. I let him bathe and get some clothes then I gave him some food. “It’s you.” I finally said to him and hugged him. He pushed me away and frowned, “What are you doing?!” he yelled. I took his hand and pleaded, “You have to know me!” he only stared. I shook him “Wake up!” I screamed and cried. I fell to my knees; he put his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t cry.” He whispered. “Ani, don’t you know me? It’s me! It’s Min-ah! Just like you promised!” I shouted. His eyes widened then he pulled me into a hug and we held each other and cried. It was amazing to find him after so long. Minho had been unwanted by everyone at the orphanage and he had barely escaped the place, he always thought of me as I did of him. For two more years we worked enough money to move into our own apartment, I was 14 and Minho was 18 at the time. We moved really close to you and the coffee shop where I work now. I visited you every day and Minho and Taemin became good friends; I hope you remember. We were so happy until he got involved with Hwa so much, he moved in with her so I moved away. After he started to like you we became close again, it was like a match made in heaven! Onew had helped me through the days that Minho had been with Hwa, he means everything to me. Just recently someone found out that we had been working in the fair and we escaped from orphanage and foster care. Since I am only 17 I am technically not supposed to be ‘free’ yet. We have been battling this for a while now, it started about when you got sick. It’s amazing how these dumb problems just keep following us! I would visit you and tell you but you aren’t allowed visitors I heard. We love you and miss you so much!


Min-ah and Minho Choi


Min-ji clutched the letter to her chest and closed her eyes, how could the one’s she loved have such a tortured past? Tears dripped from her eyelids as an image formed in her mind, an image of them trying so hard stay together when everyone was tearing them apart.



Key rested his head on Jonghyun’s shoulder and sighed. A police officer had called them to report that Taemin and Hwa had been seen at the amusement park earlier on. They had waited and looked around for five hours and not seem Taemin or Hwa. Jonghyun stood up “Kibum, since nothing is happening let’s just go and look another day.” Key stood up reluctantly, tired and sad. Jonghyun laced their fingers together and pulled him through the crowd. Key was too tired to protest, he only followed Jonghyun. “Watch your head Key.” Jonghyun whispered as he led him into a Ferris wheel car. Key sat next to Jonghyun and felt the ride begin to start moving. “Key, Jwesongmnida. I shouldn’t have pushed you into this.” Jonghyun said quietly. Key turned to him and smiled “Ani Jonghyun. You only opened my eyes, I thought that there was only one person I could ever love but you proved me wrong. Jonghyun took Key’s face in his hands and kissed him slowly, running his fingers through his hair. Key closed his eyes and moved closer. It was perfect, Jonghyun was perfect.


YOU DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU!!!! Gahmsamnida for all who support me and I will write more I promise!!! ^^

 Me when I realized I don't update enough!!! D:


 Gomawoyo Onew yeobo kekek~ for helping me ^^

Annyeounghaseyo!!! <3

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I finished the new chapter update so please give me feedback!


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I'm one of the few people who comment with every update. Next chapter?
Also... I'm afraid to keep reading because of... well let's just say I'm already heartbroken.
Next chapter please
I hate you T-T
Nani? I need the next chapter unless you want your twin to cry.
I would never say that, IMO. >.>
I'd tell him to stay by my side until the very end. Make me better.
Jaebal? T-T
Midnight6563 #5
this is great, just wondering the video clip at the bottom, where is it from?
Mianhae about the suspense I'll update today for all of you ^_^
I am dying.. DAMNIT. Such bad language dongsaeng! YOU'RE GROWING UP, xD.
But seriously. I feel Key's pain. But I LOVE Jongkey ♥
I love Minho with all my heart. My heart is all for him!