A Broken Heart Is A Question Mark~


Minho laughed to himself as he left Min-ji, Key, and Taemin's apartment, Min-ji was cute and kind. His mind returned to Hwa-sal, why had she run out like that? Shaking his head he ducked out into the pouring rain once more, putting his umbrella up. As he walked the drops pounded on the blue umbrella and matched the thoughts racing through his head. When he had fallen on Min-ji their eyes had met, they had shared a moment and he only wanted more of it, he wanted to feel her close. Shaking away the thought he entered his own apartment building, climbing the stairs one by one he couldn't even imagine what he was about to walk into.

Min-ji reached down and grabbed a fallen cup, placing it in the sink. How she wanted to see Minho again, she loved him even though he was taken. There was something about the way his eyes lit up when he smiled, how he was perfect without trying. She hummed "Love Dust" and finished with the dishes, climbing the stairs to her room she noticed Key sleeping in the window. Sighing she walked on, it seemed as if Key would never change. Key was her brother and he had more pain than anyone under real torture. As she lay on her bed she thought of Minho. "How can you be mine?" she whispered.

Hwa-sal let a small tear roll down her cheek, she felt like the world wash crashing in on her. Blood stained her torn white gown, on her right arm she had scratched "Minho" and "Key" on her left arm. The pain was numb, it felt as if it wasn't there. Letting the rainy wind whip her dress she stood at the edge of the open window. Closing her eyes she began to lean forward, just as she spread her arms to the rain strong arms wrapped around her waist. "HWA NO!!" Minho yelled as he pulled her back inside. Crying as he held her Minho whispered "Hwa-sal wae? Saranghaeyo, you will always be loved. Why are you bleeding, love? Saranghae." Hwa-sal only stared blankly and pushed Minho away. Slowly she stood up and walked out of their room, after hearing the door slam Minho flinched. After sitting only floor for five minutes Minho rose with tears in his eyes, running as fast as he could after Hwa.

Key looked past the rain out of his usual window, the girl he loved appeared on the sidewalk. She glanced up at him for the first time, tears in her eyes. "Help Me Angel" she mouthed. Key jumped from the window seat and ran for the door. Taking the stairs two by two he ran till he had reached the door to the outside, breathing heavily he pulled open the door. Feeling the rain on his cheeks Key stepped into the rain for the first time. Running towards the girl he loved he felt tears of joy spring onto his eyes. "Hwa-sal my arrow Saranghaeyo" he whispered as he ran. Stopping right before he ran into the poor girl, Key caught his breath and gazed in amazement. Her arms were cut and bleeding everywhere, she looked pained. Hwa-sal wrapped her arms around Key's waist and rested her head on his chest, sobbing. "I-I feel like I already know you, you are like my guardian angel. I've seen you at the window everyday, I don't really love Minho anymore I'm so confused" she babbled through tears. Key took her face in his hands and whispered "Let's get out of the rain" holding hands they ran into the night. The only thing that they didn't expect was Minho, in tears, watching from the street corner.


Dropping his umbrella Minho ran to the apartment where he knew help was waiting, rain stinging his teary eyes. He felt heartbroken and betrayed, why was she like this?! Why did she have to be like her name, Hwa-sal (means 'arrow' in Korean). Climbing the stairs he stood in front of the apartment number 612 (Key, Taemin, and Min-ji's apartment). Surprisingly Min-ji opened the door to find Minho wet from the rain and in tears. "Minho what's wrong? I can't find Key anywhere!" She announced alarmed. "It's Key he's with, he took my Hwa!!!" Minho shouted and burst into tears. Min-ji took Minho inside and had him sit on the couch, "You can stay here while it's still raining. I'll get some dry clothes" 

After Minho had changed into dry clothes he had Min-ji sit down next to him. "Min-ji you are so sweet, I don't want to be alone tonight." he whispered and laid his head on her shoulder. Min-ji smiled and his hair. "Minho I promise to take care of you until everything is sorted out" Minho smiled weakly and his eyes began to close. Great, thought Min-ji, now I'm falling asleep too...


AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Key and Minho!!! <3 Saranghaeyo yeoreobun!! :D

They are all trapped by Hwa-sal can they be set free?




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I finished the new chapter update so please give me feedback!


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I'm one of the few people who comment with every update. Next chapter?
Also... I'm afraid to keep reading because of... well let's just say I'm already heartbroken.
Next chapter please
I hate you T-T
Nani? I need the next chapter unless you want your twin to cry.
I would never say that, IMO. >.>
I'd tell him to stay by my side until the very end. Make me better.
Jaebal? T-T
Midnight6563 #5
this is great, just wondering the video clip at the bottom, where is it from?
Mianhae about the suspense I'll update today for all of you ^_^
I am dying.. DAMNIT. Such bad language dongsaeng! YOU'RE GROWING UP, xD.
But seriously. I feel Key's pain. But I LOVE Jongkey ♥
I love Minho with all my heart. My heart is all for him!