She's Gone


Minho was silent through dinner, hardly speaking a word to Onew or Minah. When Minah kissed his cheek and went upstairs to bed he remained motionless, deep in thought. His mind wandered to a distant memory...


"Minho yah!" Min-ji screamed as the water balloon exploded onto her side, soaking her shirt. Minho laughed and back hugged her, his wet hair sprinkling droplets onto her warm neck. He buried his face in her shoulder, making her shiver with cold even though the sun shined brightly above them. Min-ji felt his lips brush the back of her neck as he pulled her closer. "Minho..." she moaned softly. Minho turned her around and crushed his lips to hers, letting go of inhibitions. The crashed into the ground together, breathing hard. "I-I want you" Min-ji whimpered as Minho continued to plant kisses everywhere.



Minho clenched his fists at the memory, his gaze hardening. "Aish!" he yelled and slammed his fist into the wall, biting his lip in pain. "Minho?" Minah whispered in a small voice as she appeared in the doorway. She walked over to him and dabbed away the blood that had appeared on his lip. "Stop it Minah" Minho mumbled. Minah stopped wiping away the blood "Stop what Minho?! Stop caring? Stop acting like you are still my brother?! Stop helping you and quit acting like an idiot?!" she yelled. Minho turned away from her but she jerked his arm back "Ani, you stop Minho! Stop being like this and just have faith! Just have faith that Min-ji will get better and come back!" she screamed. "NO!" Minho yelled and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door. Minah dropped to the floor and buried her face in her hands. Sobbing she choked out "Minho...I'm I'm so SORRY! I can't love you like that Onew...he" her chest heaved and she was surprised to find Onew's arms around her. "Minah it's okay, it's okay" he soothed and held her as she cried. Lifting her up Onew carried Minah, bridal style, to their room. He cradled her in his arms and waited for her sobs to slow to quiet sniffles before he finally spoke. "Minah saranghae...never forget that I will protect you always."


Min-ji clutched the stuffed wolf that Minho had given her too her chest. Ex-boyfriend, the word had haunted her most of the day. A tear rolled down her cheek and she smiled at the thought of him being free of pain. "Min-ji are you ready? The hospital ride might be a little bumpy so if you have any chest pains just tell us, we can give you more of the medicine." the doctor said kindly. She nodded bravely and hugged her wolf even tighter as the gurney was rolled into the back of the ambulance. The doors slammed shut...seeming to cut her off from the world and from the one she truly loved. "Min...Minwoo" she whispered. "Nae?" a friendly doctor asked. Min-ji smiled "I named my wolf Minwoo, Min- I mean one of my very best friends said that he always wanted a boy named Minwoo." The doctor smiled brightly "That's very nice of you!" The ambulance rolled forward and fell silent. As hey bumped along the streets of Seoul Min-ji closed her eyes and tried to remember everything she knew about the city. The coffee shop where Minah worked, Taemin's theater workplace, the place where she and Minho had done something magical for the first time. She remembered how they had made love together, just the two of them laying in each other's arms looking up at the shining stars. She nonchalantly wiped away her tears and tried to smile. She remembered that day that Minho had told her, they day he confessed that he wasn't Minah's sister. Somehow she was lightened, and yet burdened. She was glad that they could be so close to each other but she hated the thought that they were so close. So much she still didn't know about him and her twin sister. Suddenly a sharp pain pierced her stomach "ungh" she moaned and sat up. "Min-ji?" the doctor asked with concern. "I feel sick" Min-ji whispered. Lurching forward she coughed blood onto the white sheets. "Min-ji!" the doctor yelled and started to fumble through needles. More blood spilled from as Min-ji coughed, her stomach still clenching in pain. She held her stomach in pain and blinked through the black dots that danced on her vision. "Hold on Hold on!" the doctor screamed as Min-ji fell back onto the bed, slipping into unconsciousness.


Taemin closed his eyes and held his breath as he moved towards Hwa's. He nervously laced his fingers in hers and felt her squeeze his hand. He coughed in shocked and squeezed her hand tight. "Taemin" she whispered. "Nae?" he replied and turned to face her. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled, closing the distance between them. "Noona loves Taemin." she whispered and pulled him into a kiss. Taemin's eyes widened but he soon closed them and moved his lips around Hwa's, running his fingers through her hair. "Noona saranghae" he breathed between kisses. When they finally pulled apart they were both breathing hard, eyes sparkling. "Taemin would you run with me?" she laughed. Taemin smiled cutely "I will...but I want to go home first."


Key loaded his last suitcase into his car and wiped his tear stained eyes. He couldn't go to the beach with Jonghyun, he couldn't. Jonghyun was sleeping soundly as Key drove away from his apartment, he needed to go home. His phone buzzed, they hospital. "Yeoboseyo?" he asked as he answered. "Nae? I'm on my way right now" he clicked his phone off and turned towards the way out of Seoul, Min-ji was now finally at her different hospital. It was out of the city, he would probably drive all night but at least he could get away from Jonghyun and think for awhile. Stepping onto the gas he sped off into the night, putting all his thoughts on reaching his destination.


"Min-ji, Min-ji" a voice whispered. Min-ji slowly opened her eyes to find Taemin and Hwa sal standing next to her hospital bed. "Taeminnie bogoshipda!" she yelled and accepted his hug, squeezing him tightly. "Min-ji saranghae!" he replied and laughed with her. "Min-ji!" Hwa yelled and hugged her too, smiling. "Annyeounghaseyo" a doctor bowed as she entered the room. Min-ji noticed Taemin and Hwa's interlocked fingers, giggling to herself she couldn't help but think of them being together all alone on their 'vacation'. "We found some new medication to help stop the blood but we were extremely puzzled by your pain. Have you had in the last month or so?" the doctor asked calmly. Min-ji blushed "Nae, only a few weeks ago with my boyfriend." The doctor laughed and smiled "Min-ji I'm not sure how you will take this but it seems you got lucky, Min-ji you are pregnant." Min-ji's jaw dropped, pregnant? With Minho's child? She wanted to cry, scream, and laugh at all the same time. Taemin and Hwa hugged her again. "Chukkae!" the both said in unison. Min-ji let tears fall down her face, now what?


Minah opened her eyes at the sound of feet downstairs. She quietly crept out of Onew's arms and walked towards her bedroom door. Opening the door slowly she crept down the stairs, squinting in the near darkness. She reached for the light switch but felt a hand already there. She opened to scream but a hand clamped over "Minah it's me" she heard Minho whisper. She struggled out of his grip "What the hell are you doing here?" she whispered. She could barely make out his tall figure in the dimness of the room. "I want to say, Jwesongumnida and please forgive me" Minah huffed "Araso gwenchana" Minho seemed to smile a bit in the darkness. "Is Onew asleep?" he asked. Minah rolled her eyes "Nae so please shut up or we will wake him." she replied Minho moved towards her so she could see his face more clearly. "Good, so he can't hear me do this." Minho pressed his lips to Minah's in a sweet kiss. Before she could protest he pulled away slowly and kissed her cheek "Annyeoung" he whispered and was gone. Minah touched her lips, hands shaking "O-oppa?" 



I couldn't handle my exam studying so I HAD to update!!! Love y'alls!!! :)

Minho makes me weak <3

Secret Kiss <3 xD

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I finished the new chapter update so please give me feedback!


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I'm one of the few people who comment with every update. Next chapter?
Also... I'm afraid to keep reading because of... well let's just say I'm already heartbroken.
Next chapter please
I hate you T-T
Nani? I need the next chapter unless you want your twin to cry.
I would never say that, IMO. >.>
I'd tell him to stay by my side until the very end. Make me better.
Jaebal? T-T
Midnight6563 #5
this is great, just wondering the video clip at the bottom, where is it from?
Mianhae about the suspense I'll update today for all of you ^_^
I am dying.. DAMNIT. Such bad language dongsaeng! YOU'RE GROWING UP, xD.
But seriously. I feel Key's pain. But I LOVE Jongkey ♥
I love Minho with all my heart. My heart is all for him!