Blood Lies



Min-ji opened her eyes to find Minho and Minah asleep in the chair that was next to her bed, she blinked. They looked like siblings, both similar and both loved her very much. She tried to wake them but no sound escaped her lips, glancing down she noticed blood stained her shirt and tube led up to , where her voice was missing. She slammed her fist on the bed, now she couldn’t sing! "Annyeounghaseyo Min-ji how are you feeling?" a friendly doctor announced as she entered the room. The doctor frowned "Mianhaeyo you cannot answer that, but I am actually here to run another test. We are taking some blood, so you may hold your gift if you wish" the doctor explained in a sympathetic tone. 'Gift?' she mouthed, confused. The doctor smacked herself on the forehead "I almost forgot! Minho left this for you" she smiled and handed her a cute stuffed animal with blue eyes, a wolf.


She hugged it close to her chest and closed her eyes; she felt a prick as the IV entered her arm and blood traveled up the long tube. She felt as if she was falling asleep until she heard an “OUCH MINHO YOU ARE SITTING ON MY HAND!” Min-ah yelled. “You are so annoying dongsaeng!” Minho yelled and got up from the chair. Min-ji looked at them confused, had Minho called her dongsaeng? Min-ah never had any siblings! Min-ji was the closest she ever had to family!


Taemin poked the waiting room chair, making the loose filling puff out of a ripped seam and fall onto the floor. It had been about 8 hours since Min-ji had been rushed to the hospital and put into operation, Minho and Min-ah had slept in the hospital room but the blood made him nauseous. “Taemin are you tired? I can take you home since Min-ji will be in operation a bit longer, nothing serious” a friendly voice said above him. Taemin expected get but as he glanced up, tears glistened on his face and he smiled. Jumping up he hugged her tightly “Hwa-sal! You are okay!” he exclaimed.

Key poured a glass of water and sat down next to Jonghyun, “Here, if you drink this you will feel better.” He said kindly. Jonghyun took the water gratefully and sipped “Gomawoyo…um chingu” he replied nervously. “Mmhm Cheonmae” Key replied and stood up. “I’m supposed to pick up Hwa from the hospital, want to come?” Jonghyun shook his head; he had no intention of seeing the ‘happy couple’ together again. Key frowned and grabbed his keys, what was wrong with Jonghyun? Was it because Key had rejected him? Because he was also feeling regret, he just couldn’t choose.


“Ahh Komupsumnida noona!” Taemin exclaimed as he gripped his ice cream and walked beside Hwa. Instead of going home they had decided they needed to get their minds off of drama, Hwa-sal had taken him to an amusement park of his choice. “Noona, are you going to die?” he asked innocently. Hwa sal smiled at him, “Just think of me as the tin man, I only need a heart to live.” Taemin slipped his hand into hers, making her flinch “Just don’t die noona, Key would be really sad! And I wouldn’t be able to go to fun places like this!” Hwa laughed and squeezed his hand. “I’ll be okay Taemin, I promise you.”


Min-ji opened her eyes again and clutched her animal to her chest, Minho and Min-ah had left to go find Taemin but hadn’t come back for several hours. She sighed and stared at the ceiling, why did it always have to be her? “Min-ji Annyeoung!” Key announced as he entered her room. Min-ji opened her arms and accepted his hug Key smiled “I’m picking up Hwa today; they said she can leave the hospital.” Min-ji nodded and looked down. She wanted to get out of the hospital so bad! Why was Hwa always first for everything!


“Noona can we ride that one?” Taemin asked cutely as he gestured towards a nearby Ferris wheel. Hwa sal laughed “Araso Taemin, we can ride whatever you want today!” Taemin jumped up and down. Hwa sal loved Taemin; he would make the cutest little brother! Taemin grabbed her hand and pulled her all the way to the front of the line, “This way please and watch your step” the ride operator said kindly as he helped them into one of the cube shaped cars (Not the ones you drive xD). As he closed the door Taemin smiled and glanced around the car and looked out one of the windows, “Hwa! You can see everything from here!” Hwa looked out the window and saw the cars than packed into the large parking lot. “Taemin do you see my car?” she asked. Taemin frowned and looked hard “THERE!” he shouted and pointed to her car in the corner of the lot.


“Good job Taemin! You have wonderful eyes!” she exclaimed. Taemin blushed “Noona has pretty eyes too.” Hwa smiled and hugged him. “Oh Taemin-ah you are so nice” Taemin smiled brightly and looked back out the window. “Noona the ride is ending” he pouted. They stepped out of the car and started walking further into the park. “Where do you want to go next Taeminnie?” she asked. Taemin’s eyes widened “Hwa! Over there I see Minho and Min-ah they are going to find us!” he exclaimed. Hwa quickly pulled him into a nearby photo booth and put a finger to her lips. “Where could Taemin be?” Min-ah exclaimed. “Oppa can we just go and find him later?” Minho shuffled his feet and replied “Fine, but we need to make sure we tell Min-ji.” Taemin and Hwa both listened until they heard them walk away. Stepping out cautious they looked around, “Run Hwa!” Taemin laughed as he saw Minho start to turn around. Hwa grasped his hand and laughed as they ran farther into the park.


“Jonghyun! Have you seen Hwa?” Key announced as he opened the door to the house he shared with his siblings. Jonghyun said nothing, “Aish Jong-“Key stopped as he noticed that Jonghyun had fallen asleep on the couch. Key gentled placed a blanket over him and kissed his cheek, “Saranghae Jonghyun, I’ve decided to love you even though I can’t be with you” he whispered. Jonghyun mumbled in his sleep, and Key smiled. If only Jonghyun knew that Hwa had been missing from the hospital, it might take all night to find her.


Minho and Min-ah walked into Min-ji’s room silently, their heads drooped and they looked fatigued. Min-ah slumped onto Min-ji’s bed and smiled weakly, “Taemin?” Min-ji mouthed. Minho sat next to Min-ah and shook his head “We honestly looked everywhere but we couldn’t find him, I’m sure he will show up sometime.” Min-ji sighed and looked down. The doctor entered and frowned, “The symptoms have been calculated, we diagnosed you with Tuberculosis. We apologize, Jwesongumnida.” Min-ah cried into Minho shoulder and Minho squeezed Min-ji’s hand. Not many had survived tuberculosis; we can only hope that this is not the case.


Taemin’s head drooped and he yawned, “Taeminnie are you tired?” Hwa asked with concern. “A little but I don’t want to go home, noona is too much fun!” he replied and smiled. Hwa took his hand and let him to the car, “What if we stay at a hotel Minnie? It can be like a vacation!” Taemin’s eyes lit up! “Gahmsamnida noona! I just don’t want to go back to the drama is all, but I understand that Key probably misses you” he replied. Hwa hugged Taemin tightly, “Ani, I think I need a break too. I will go back when I am ready.” Taemin smiled and they walked back to her car in silence.


JAE JAEN!!! :D You like? Taemin and Hwa are now officially MIA xDDD I can’t promise they will be back in the next chapter but maybe if you beg me xDD

Taemin is just adorable!!! :D <3 <3





Are you curious why Minho and Min-ah are so close? Find out soon!!


Annyeounghaseyo yeoreobun! 

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I finished the new chapter update so please give me feedback!


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I'm one of the few people who comment with every update. Next chapter?
Also... I'm afraid to keep reading because of... well let's just say I'm already heartbroken.
Next chapter please
I hate you T-T
Nani? I need the next chapter unless you want your twin to cry.
I would never say that, IMO. >.>
I'd tell him to stay by my side until the very end. Make me better.
Jaebal? T-T
Midnight6563 #5
this is great, just wondering the video clip at the bottom, where is it from?
Mianhae about the suspense I'll update today for all of you ^_^
I am dying.. DAMNIT. Such bad language dongsaeng! YOU'RE GROWING UP, xD.
But seriously. I feel Key's pain. But I LOVE Jongkey ♥
I love Minho with all my heart. My heart is all for him!