And Dust Was All That Was Left



Min-ji slowly opened her eyes to find Minho curled up asleep in a nearby hospital chair. Visions of Hwa-sal shooting her ran through her mind and she shook her head restlessly. The pain in her side was numb from pain killers but she felt unable to sit completly upright, in the chair Minho stirred and opened his eyes.   Taking her hand in his he smiled "You are awake my yeobo. There is someone who really wants to see you" Min-ji smiled back just as Taemin rushed in the room holding roses. "Sissy!! Saranghaeyo! I was so worried!" He sat down on her bed and smiled brightly, no one could make her happier than Taemin with his endless energy.


"Jonghyun you are being stupid!" Hwa Sal screamed. "Hwa I'm so sick of saving you all the time! What you did was incredibly stupid!!" Jonghyun retorted angrily. Hwa-sal tried to get away but Jonghyun pushed her back on the couch. "ANI you are in so much trouble! Do you want the police here now? Is that what you want you idiot?! Do you want the police here?!" Jonghyun yelled. Hwa's face softened and she broke into tears "Jonghyun-ah you don't understand, I'm I'm just trying to get everything ready for that day" Jonghyun stiffened and sat down next to her. Rubbing her back he spoke softly "Don't say that, what do you need me to do?" Hwa sal smiled "We need to go to the hospital" 


Min-ah lay tiredly on the floor next to the living room couch where Key had slept feverishly. Onew leaned down and picked her up from the floor, carrying her to the bedroom he laid her on their bed. She was so tired and peaceful that Onew felt sorry, leaning down he quickly kissed her soft cheek. Rushing back downstairs he began to make some Ramyeun for when Key woke up. After he had it ready he crouched down next to Key who was now awake. "Here Key, if you eat this you will feel much better" Onew said smiling as he began to feed him. "Aigoo my head" Key groaned as he finished. Onew cocked his head sideways and examined Key's forehead. The spot where he had been hit was now swelling and he was bleeding at the back of his head as well, shockedOnew ran to the phone and called the hospital.


Jonghyun entered the room where Minho was sleeping on the chair next to Min-ji. Covering Minho's mouth he began to lead him outside, Minho's eyes widened but he didn't protest. Once outside Minho gasped and exclaimed "What do you want?" as he turned his head Hwa-sal appeared smiling. "Minho-ah this is to protect you" was all she said before Jonghyun injected him with a powerful knockout drug. "Araso put him in my car and take him to his parents house" Jonghyun nodded and lifted Minho into Hwa's car. Hwa-sal turned towards the hospital, there was something she needed to do first.


Min-ji jumped awake to the sound of Hwa-sal choking her, she tried to scream but no sound came out. Hwa sal laughed evilly "Minho has to be mine you awful jerk!" she screamed and injected her with a deadly drug. Gasping Min-ji shot straight up and felt pain in her side, what a horrible DREAM! "Are you o.k"Hwa-sal whispered from the corner of the room. "What are you doing here?! GET OUT!" Min-ji screamed. Hwa-sal laughed and sat down next to her, making her flinch. "Mianhaeyo but I knew you would be like this. I wanted you to know that I apologize for shooting you! I didn't mean to do it I just got out of control and I really do love Minho a lot and you two are so good together!!" Hwa burst into tears. Min-ji's face softened and she embraced Hwa-sal. "Please Hwa do you think we can both forget Minho somehow? It's not safe loving him and I know you belong with Key" Hwa-sal hugged her tighter and whispered "I sent Minho to his parents, let's be sisters jaebal?" Min-ji nodded and they both cried together.


Key struggled awake from the hospital room and glanced up at Hwa-sal sitting on his bed, angrily he rolled to face the other way. Hwa-sal placed her hand on his shoulder, making him flinch. "Key-ah Mianhaeyo, I want you to know that I thought a lot about you and I couldn't sleep. The truth is that I love you" Key sat up and looked her in the eyes. Without speaking he moved forward and kissed her on the lips, Hwa-sal deepened the kiss and the embraced each other. Key could feel her tears on his soft cheeks. As the pulled apart she smiled. "Key Saranghaeyo" she whispered and she left. Laying back down Key smiled at the ceiling.


The doctor looked at Hwa-sal with sorrow in his eyes "Mianhae Hwa but you are not going to make it" Hwa-sal only smiled and said back "I have figured everything out and I am ready to die. I understand that it is my time and that everyone needs to be healed before I am, thank you doctor" she bowed and left. The doctor looked after her, confused since she was so brave.



JAE JAEN! If you didn't get it Hwa-sal is dying and she wanted everyone to be happy, she shot Min-ji knowing Minho would save her and that it would break any feelings he had for her (Hwa) and she left Key because she didn't want him hurt but she regretted it and apologized instead. Minho was sent away so he can't see her die. So sad but it is true~ Hwa is dying and she wants to heal every one's heart but her own.


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I finished the new chapter update so please give me feedback!


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I'm one of the few people who comment with every update. Next chapter?
Also... I'm afraid to keep reading because of... well let's just say I'm already heartbroken.
Next chapter please
I hate you T-T
Nani? I need the next chapter unless you want your twin to cry.
I would never say that, IMO. >.>
I'd tell him to stay by my side until the very end. Make me better.
Jaebal? T-T
Midnight6563 #5
this is great, just wondering the video clip at the bottom, where is it from?
Mianhae about the suspense I'll update today for all of you ^_^
I am dying.. DAMNIT. Such bad language dongsaeng! YOU'RE GROWING UP, xD.
But seriously. I feel Key's pain. But I LOVE Jongkey ♥
I love Minho with all my heart. My heart is all for him!