Adding to a Jar of Hearts



Min-ji stared in shock at Minho; he had just offered his heart to another girl...literally. Shaking she stood up and ran from the room in tears, how could Minho be like this?! She felt a pain in heart from shock and anger, Hwa-sal shouldn't die but Minho didn't need to do that! How could Minho, in all his love just give up his life for someone who had supposedly burned him? Sitting in her car she drove home, wiping away the angry tears. All she wanted was to have her twin with her, she wanted to see her and spill everything. As she drove home tears and rain clouded her vision, at the last second a deer crossed the road in front of her. Swerving she lost control and slammed the brakes, nearly hitting a tree. Collapsing in tears she heard the sound of someone tapping on her window. Rolling it down she recognized the face of her twin Min-ah looking concerned. "Min-ji unni are you o.k? I'll drive you home, switch seats" Min-ji nodded and let Min-ah have control over the wheel. As they drove home Min-ji poured her heart out on the details of Minho's sacrifice.


Key glanced at his window seat, brushing away the dust he remembered all the times he sat there before everything had changed. He remembered the feeling of Hwa-sal’s lips on his own and the pureness of her in his arms. He had already missed her after saying goodbye at the taxi that took him from the hospital to his home. As he sat down on his own bed he looked through the pictures he had taken with his family before his seven years of seclusion. Taemin was such a cute little brother and Min-ji was the best little sister anyone could ever wish for. He saw pictures of Min-ji’s twin Min-ah in the album; they were all so young and innocent. Placing the album on the bookshelf he headed back downstairs, he needed to see his family and tell them he was sorry for everything.


“Minho you have to listen to me! I am ready to die! I don’t want anyone else dragged in, Minho you have to listen to me!” Hwa protested desperately. Minho didn’t even look at her as he conversed with the doctor about becoming a donor. “MINHO LOOK AT ME!” she screamed and jerked him to face her. Minho stared at her angrily, “Minho I want to look down from my resting place and I want to see you and Min-ji TOGETHER! Don’t you understand Minho?! I LOVE YOU and I am letting you go! Just do this for me please!” She screamed through tears. Minho jerked his arm away “If I can save you no one who doesn’t deserve to die…will die” Hwa-sal stared at him with hurt in her eyes. Falling onto her hospital bed she collapsed in tears. Minho only signed the contract solemnly and left with the doctor to get ready for surgery.


Min-ji tipped the cup of tea Min-ah had made her too her lips and took a timid sip. Her heart seemed to be coming apart slowly, piece by piece. Min-ah sat down beside her and gave her a quick hug. “Min-ji Mianhaeyo, I really wish Minho would change his mind. Do you want to go back to the hospital and say a goodbye?” Min-ah soothed. Min-ji glanced away sadly “I said my goodbye when he tore my heart out, I will miss him and never love again.” Min-ah tilted her head to the side. “There is something that might stall time and might work” Min-ah whispered and jumped from the couch. She returned with a laptop and some cables that she hooked into the side. “Araso” she breathed and turned it on. Intrigued, Min-ji leaned over “What are you doing twinnie?” she asked but Min-ah only smiled. “Trying to save the world of course” she replied.


Key drove his car to the hospital with a bright smile on his face, pulling in to a parking place he noticed Taemin crying by the front door. Jumping from the car he shut the door and ran over to poor Taemin. “Taeminnie what’s wrong?” he asked. Taemin sniffed and buried his face in Key’s shoulder, “Minho is donating his heart to Hwa! He is going to die now but Hwa is telling him not to and Min-ji is so heartbroken!” Taemin burst out. Key looked at him, puzzled “Wait…Hwa needs a heart?! TAEMIN IS SHE DYING?! TELL ME EVERYTHING!” Key burst out. Taemin looked up at him in shock. “You-you didn’t know?” Taemin whispered and handed him the Heart Donor waiting list. Key gasped and fell to his knees. Hwa-sal was going to die?!!!


“Araso I’m in now!” Min-ah exclaimed excitedly as she had hacked the password into the hospitals main security. “Twinnie please plug the red cord into the wall and put up the small little antenna on the back of the laptop” she instructed. Min-ji obeyed as her heart pounded at the thought of saving Minho. “I GOT IT!” Min-ah exclaimed. Min-ji rushed over to the screen. Min-ah explained quickly “Araso, so there was a crash and the person was not a registered donor of their heart but they wanted to donate their lungs so I fixed the info so that they will donate their heart to the next person in line. Since the next heart donor in line has several years to live I changed it to Hwa-sal instead. Now the power is going to go off in the hospital while we…”she breathed in.  “While we what?” Min-ji exclaimed. “While we hurry down there!” Min-ah yelled. “Get the car Onew-ah!” she yelled as Onew entered the room. As they all piled in Onew hit the gas and they sped down the street towards the hospital where they would finally save Minho, hopefully. 


The long awaited MINHO SARANGHAEYO please don't die! xD

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I finished the new chapter update so please give me feedback!


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I'm one of the few people who comment with every update. Next chapter?
Also... I'm afraid to keep reading because of... well let's just say I'm already heartbroken.
Next chapter please
I hate you T-T
Nani? I need the next chapter unless you want your twin to cry.
I would never say that, IMO. >.>
I'd tell him to stay by my side until the very end. Make me better.
Jaebal? T-T
Midnight6563 #5
this is great, just wondering the video clip at the bottom, where is it from?
Mianhae about the suspense I'll update today for all of you ^_^
I am dying.. DAMNIT. Such bad language dongsaeng! YOU'RE GROWING UP, xD.
But seriously. I feel Key's pain. But I LOVE Jongkey ♥
I love Minho with all my heart. My heart is all for him!