

The only person in Kikwang family that likes Hyoyeon is his little sister Jiyoung who was 10 year old. Jiyoung likes to spend time with Hyoyeon because she knows how to make kids laugh and she great with children.Kikwang parents aren't so sure about Hyoyeon but they didnt want to make their son upset..At first his parents didnt like Hyoyeon but as time pass they grew to love her and they see that she truly liked them and not just their money.Out of the blue his girlfriend called and told him she back and wanted to see him, he was shock but happy. Kikwang went to pick her up at the airport and took her home to see his parents.

"Mom, you remember Hyuna."

"Why are you with her?" 

"Kikwang you have sister-in-law already."

"Jiyoung you dont know anything be quiet."

"Son whats this?"

"I want to marry Hyuna."

"No, your already marry to Hyoyeon and we told the media about your marriage already."

"What? Why did you guys do that."

"Kikwang ah, whats going on?"

"I'll tell you later."

"No tell her now Kikwang." said Jiyoung

"Tell her son."

"Tell me what Kikwang?"

"Hyuna i..i..got..married."

"Its ok, you dont love her so i dont blame you and beside this must be your parents doing." take Kikwang with her and left the house.

The family couldnt believe what just happen, just then Hyoyeon came downstairs and Jiyoung told her what happen. She ask her in-law if what Jiyoung said was true. 

"Everything Jiyoung said is true."

"Should i pack my things and leave."

"No! Hyoyeon your our daughter in law already, you cant just leave because of her." said her mother-in-law

"Mom, if Kikwang dont want me anymore i have to go and let him have his freedom." 

"No Hyoyeon, just stay here." said father in law.


"Jiyoung dont let your sister in law leave this house."

Both the parents went out and Kikwang came home and went to find Hyoyeon. He found her in Jiyoung room and he ask to meet her in their room, she follow him and his younger sister went to call their parents. In Kikwang room he ask her to pack her things.

"I'll send the money back to you."

"No its ok, you can use it to help your mom out." said Kikwang

"No i would feel burden if i have that much for free."

"Hyoyeon i want to say thank you for willing to help me with this plan."

"No problem, i was desperate so i had no choice but to take the job." finish packing her things.

"Thank you again for everything." help her carry the bags.

Both of them went downstairs and saw his parents waiting for them, his mom went and grab the luggage in Kikwang hand and ask the maid to take it back to their room. Kikwang didnt think that his parents would like Hyoyeon this much and was mad that she might have done something to his family thats why they love her alot now.

"Hyoyeon i need to talk with you, follow me upstairs." said kikwang

Hyoyeon follow him upstairs to there room and he shut the door, and turn to face her. He ask her question wha she been telling his parents and what kind of scam is she trying to pull to get more money. 

"I'm not scaming anyone and i didnt do anything."


"I'm not lying, Kikwang please i rather go home and starve then be blame for something i didnt do." said Hyoyeon

"Shut up, from now on i'll never treat you the same way i use too."

"Kikwang please i didnt do anything." 

"Get out of my room." grab her hand and push her out and she fell.

His mom and sister saw what he did to her and went to help her up, they took her to Jiyoung room and his mom and dad went to talk with Kikwang.After a long time his parents still doesnt agree on letting him marry Hyuna and went into Jiyoung room and drag Hyoyeon outside. He didnt say anything beside roughly dragging her to his car and drove off. He told her to get out of the car and she did what she was told, he drive away when Hyoyeon got out. Hyoyeon had tears in her eyes and was sad.She walk around until she got tired and sit down by a bus bench, someone saw her sitting there and came up to her.

"Here use this to wipe your tears." said the stranger.

"No thank."

"Why are you crying?"

"Its nothing."

"You can tell me, i wont say anything." 

Hyoyeon got up and starts walking away from the stranger but he also follow her, she then turn around and look at him.

"What do you want?"

"I just want to make sure your gooing to be ok." said the stranger.

"I'm fine, go home."

"Why are you crying?"

"I dont want to talk with strangers."

"Well my name is L and whats yours?"


"See now we arent strangers anymore, so why are you crying?"

"Someone thought that i was using or playing his parents for money and i havent done anything like that."

"Dont worry when he knows the true it will be too late for him."

"Hyoyeon lets go eat, i'll buy."

L hold onto Hyoyeon hand and took her to a near by store and got some drinks and sandwhich to eat, since it was late and no restaurent opening. After they eat L took drive her to their old house where his mom and two younger brothers lives. L said goodnight to her and she went inside the house and her two younger brother ran to hug her. 

"Mom, i came to visit you guys." said Hyoyeon

"Hyoyeon its been while, how are you and your sisters doing?"

"We are good, i havent get the chance to see them yet."

"Are you hungry? I'll go cook something for you to eat."

"Mom its ok i'm not hungry."walk to her mom and hug her. "I miss you so much mom."

"Hyoyeon ah, you know where we live you can always come see us."

"I know."

Hyoyeon spend the night at her mom and the next morning when Kikwang woke up his mom make him go and find Hyoyeon and bring her back. He had no choice but to go find her, he looked everywhere but there wasnt any sigh of her then he remember where her mom lives and went there. When Kikwang got there he saw Hyoyeon with her two younger brothers outside playing and helping her mom with some cloth. Hyoyeon saw Kikwang came out of the car and walk over to where her mom is.

"Hyoyeon its time to go back." 

"Hyoyeon who is this guy."

"Mother i'm her husband."

"What? When did you get married." was going to slap her but Kikwang block the hit.

"Mother please dont hit Hyoyeon, she pregnant with my child."

"What! Hyoyeon how can you be like this, i didnt raise you to become someone like this..how can i face your father when i meet him." slap Hyoyeon arm hard.

"Mom i didnt do that, mommy please listen to me..i wont ever do that." got on her kneels.

"Mother i'm going to take Hyoyeon back home, i'll bring her to see you soon." yank Hyoyeon arm and drag her to the car.

Hyoyeon was crying and Kikwang was just smiling all the way to his house. When they got home Jiyoung and his mother came and saw her crying, she was mad took Hyoyeon upstairs leaving Kikwang alone in the drive way. 

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Nomnommonster #1
Chapter 20: Wow so happy but sad
daebakkk <3
ExoticInspiritedBaby #3
Chapter 21: 2nd time reading. Such a good story. :)
Chapter 21: So sad that Taeng didn't end up with Namu ):
Chapter 1: i love it it was awesome
Chapter 21: I seriously love this story !!,( read it 5 times already )
Chapter 1: I want another Kikwang and hyoyeon
-SNSD- #8
Chapter 21: :( I feel bad for my bias TaeYeon .....
That Woohyun is a mean guy ( not for real )
In the story I was happy that Kikwang and HyoYeon are together :)
Haha Hoya loves to get jealous on Seohyun when she is with Nickhun...
At least 2 Couples became happy
But sad for TaeYeon :(
just finish reading this story..
amazing as ur other stories bu
bit disappointed with the ending..
Iluvkpopyeah #10
Suzy is such a tattletale!