First meeting


When Seohyun turn 16 she and her two older sisters they all went to look for jobs. They found a cleaning jobs and worked their until one day the lady boss fire the girls for bring food and towels home.Later that night the girls came home and told their mother that they got fire.

"Sweetie i told you girls to stop bring food home and other stuff home."

" I know mom but if we dont we wont have anything to eat and clean our self."

" Girls im sorry that i cant do anything to help you girls out." mom tears starts to come down.

" Mom, dont cry. We wont leave you behind."

" Girls, go wash up and i'll find something to cook for you girls to eat." girls went into their room and then to the bathroom to wash up.

When the girls came out they saw their mother looking everywhere to see if their was still food to eat. The two little brother around the age of 7 and 8 came up to their mother asking for food. 

" Babie we dont have anymore food to eat." 

Taeyeon walk back into their room and grab the two sandwhich she took from her job before they came home and bring it out to livingroom. Taeyeon give one to the boys and one for her mom.

" Taeyeon what about you girls."

" Mom we eat before we came back already." 

" Mom, we gona head to bed early and look for other job tomorrow morning." walk to their bedroom.

The girls went to sleep and the next moring boys woke up and saw their sisters getting ready and head out to look for jobs. The boys walk up to their sisters and give their sisters.

" Taeyeon,Hyoyeon and Seohyun we save half our sandwhich for you to eat."

" We know you guys didnt eat anything last night and we wanted to save this for you girls to eat and have strength " Girls had tears in their eyes

" Minhyuk and Joonki dont worry about us, you guys eat it okie. Stay home with mom and we will be back later."

" Bye boys" girls walk away 

The girls spend the whole day looking for jobs everywhere but noone wanted to hire the girls. The girls went to one of the biggest hotel in their country and apply their but the workers told the girls when they need someone they will give the girls a call. Taeyeon and her sisters went to sit on a beanch and were talking when Kikwang overheard their conversation.

" Excuse me ladys, i can help it heard that you girls need a job."

" Yes, and Who are you?" the girls got up 

" My name is Kikwang and we are looking for some girls to help us out."

" What kind of job is it?" 

" My friends and i need to find three girls to get married with us."

" What! I'm sorry but we are not those kind of girls." walk away from kikwang

" Wait, thats not what i mean." catch up to the girls

" Then why do you need to find girls to get marry for then."

" Our parents wants us to get married soon and we dont like our parents choice of girls. So we need three girls to pretend to be our wife for while until our parents stop."

" Sorry, but we have family to support and we dont have time to play around." about to walk away again

" Wait, we will pay you girls $1,000 per month."

" $1,000 per month."

" Yes, can you girls help us out."

" Can you let us thinkg about it first."

" Here my number please give me a call if you girls agree and we can make agreement on this marriage."

" Thank you" the girls went home

When the girls got home they saw their two little brother on the street begging for money, and the girls cry and ran to their little brother. The two older girls piggyback ride their younger brothers  and they all walk home. 

" Why did you guys go beg."

" We wanted to help you out.."

" Minhyuk and Joonki please dont go do that again."

" Sorry, we just thought it might help you."

When the kids got home and saw their mother talking to a man outside the house the kids ran to their mother. When they got their the man left and the kids ask who that guy was and what do he want.

" It's nothing girls, lets go inside."

" Mom, its not just nothing. Whats going on that your not telling us."

" He came for the house payment."

" How much is it mom?"

" Girls dont worry about it, i'll find a way to get the money and pay for our house."

" Mom how much is it."

" We own them 5,000 and if we dont get that money within the next week they're going to kick us out."

" Mom, we found a job today and they pay good money. So dont worry and we have that money by next week."

" How can you girls get that much with your new job."

" Dont worry about it mom, lets go eats."

The family eat dinner that night and read some books for their little brothers then went to sleep. When morning came the girls went out and call Kikwang about the job he offer the girls. Kikwang told his other two friends and they went to meet the girls in a cafe near a park. The girls got their first and waited for the guys to come, when they all got their they starts to talk.

" These are my friends Hoya and Woohyun."

" Nice to meet you guys."

" Same goes for you too."

" Um, sorry but i never got your name yet."

" Oh, my name is Taeyeon and these two are my younger sisters Hyoyeon and Seohyun."

" So you guys just need to find a fake wife."

" Yes"

" How long will this fake marriage go on."

" Maybe just a year or so."

" A year, thats a long time."

" Yes, we know its a bit long but can you girls help us out."

" Lets say we agree to this, what do we have to do."

" Well, you girls have to move in with us and we will have some skintouch when our parents are around."

" But, Taeyeon i dont think mom  will let us do that."

" We can just lie to her this one year is over."

" We can make a contract if you girls are scared."

" Can you guys give us 10,000 in advance."

" What, for what."

" What if this is a scan you girls pull on us."

" We wont do that, we just need the money."

" If you guys dont believe us, you can hold onto my father ring that he give to me. This ring mean alot to me and i wounldt just give it to anyone."

The boys trust the girls and give them $10,000 first and they make the contract paper. Once the girls got home they give their mom the $10,000 and told her that they have to go out of state for while.

" Where are you girls going and what kind of job is this."

" Mom, work stuff and they need to send us out of state. But dont worry mom i'll take care of them two and you just take care of these two kids."

" Mom, we'll send you more money when we get them. We have to go soon mom."

" How soon when you girls have to go?"

" Tomorrow mom."

" Babies go pack your things,"

The girls pack their things that night and went to sleep, the next morning the family woke up and saw that their was a car outside of their house. The family went outside and saw Hoya in his car. THeir mom doesnt know who he is but the girls said that he's their boss from work.

" Morning girls"

" Morning, why are you here so early."

" Oh, they told me to come pick you girls up and meet at their house first."

" this is Hoya."

" Hello Mother"

" Hi"

" Mom, we have to get going now. Mom we'll call you when we have time."

" Hoya please take care of my daughters."

" I will, dont worry about them."

" Taeyeon,Hyoyeon and Seohyun when will you be back."

" Soon, and when we come back i'll get you both toys. DOnt go beg again and be good to mom ok."

" Ok, we will." hug the girls and they said their goodbyes and went into his car.

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Nomnommonster #1
Chapter 20: Wow so happy but sad
daebakkk <3
ExoticInspiritedBaby #3
Chapter 21: 2nd time reading. Such a good story. :)
Chapter 21: So sad that Taeng didn't end up with Namu ):
Chapter 1: i love it it was awesome
Chapter 21: I seriously love this story !!,( read it 5 times already )
Chapter 1: I want another Kikwang and hyoyeon
-SNSD- #8
Chapter 21: :( I feel bad for my bias TaeYeon .....
That Woohyun is a mean guy ( not for real )
In the story I was happy that Kikwang and HyoYeon are together :)
Haha Hoya loves to get jealous on Seohyun when she is with Nickhun...
At least 2 Couples became happy
But sad for TaeYeon :(
just finish reading this story..
amazing as ur other stories bu
bit disappointed with the ending..
Iluvkpopyeah #10
Suzy is such a tattletale!