Move in


Hoya took the girls to meet Aj and Woohyun at the mall. When the girls got to the mall they walked to a table where the other two men was waiting.Aj and the girls talk and sigh the paper for their marriage license. The group eat before they went shopping. The girls didnt know what to do so they just follow the three boys around until they ask the girls to try on some cloths that they pick.

"Seohyun can you go try this dress on." look at her sisters then turn to face Hoya.

"Sure" grab the dress and went into a dressing room.

"Taeyeon can you go try these cloth and come out." hand her some cloths.

"Hyoyeon can you do the same thing too." give her cloths.

After the girls try on the cloth and came out of the dressing room the guys liked the cloth on the girls and they bought all the cloth they choose for the girls. Time went by and it was almost dinner time, the boys took the girls to the hair salon change the girls hair.

"Dye Seohyun hair to brown."

"I dont wnat too."

"Its for the best Seohyun." looking at her face.

"Get Hyoyeon hair blond."

"Blond? Why?" looking at Aj

"I think it will be beautiful on you."

"Taeyeon with long hair and light brown color."

The salon people took the girls and fix their hair and after the makeover they came out and looked different. The group went out to eat and after eatting the guys told the girls wants going to happen when they get to the boys house. Girls held each other hand tight and the two older girls looked at their younger sister.

"Seohyun will you be ok?"

"Dont worry about me, i can take care of myself."

"Seohyun if you need anything call us."

"Girls, i'm going to take Taeyeon and Aj will take Hyoyeon."

"That leave me with you Seohyun." looking at her.


"Taeyeon its getting late, we have to go now." got up from the table.

"Hyoyeon,Seohyun i have to go now, please take care of yourself." got up and hug her sisters.

"Taeyeon dont worry about us." hug Taeyeon and wave bye to them.

All the couple headed home, in the car was quite since the girls didnt know what to do and what will happen. Woohyun and Taeyeon got to his house and when he open the door their stood his parents sitting in the livingroom. When his parents saw Taeyeon they ask why she here and whats with the suitcase.

"Taeyeon, these are my parents." look at Woohyun then turn to his parents.

"Its nice to meet you both."

"Woohyun who is she?" said the mother

"Taeyeon my wife."

"WHAT?" both parents stood up.

"What did you just say Woohyun?"

"Taeyeon my wife."

"How can you do this when you know your going to married someone else."

"Mom,i love Taeyeon and we are already married."

"I dont care what you say, i dont like her and i want her out."

"Mom, are you kicking me out too."

"I said take her out."

"FIne, Taeyeon lets go somewhere else." walking out of the door.

"Wait, honey we cant kick our own son out."

Both Woohyun and Taeyeon came back inside the house and the family talk about their problem. Woohyun got his mom to allow Taeyeon to stay and he took her to his room and they both rest. Woohyun let Taeyeon sleep on the bed while he sleeps on the sofa in his room.When Aj took Hyoyeon home his sisters and parents were eatting together in the diningroom when they saw Aj and Hyoyeon.

"Aj, who is she?" said the younger girl.

"She your sister-in-law."

"Aj? What happen? How did this happen?"

"Dad, Hyoyeon and i got married today and we already did our married license." hand them the paper with the judge name on it.

"I'm going to take my wife to our room, she must be tired." look at Hyoyeon.

Aj took Hyoyeon hand and went to his room. Hyoyeon didnt say a word to Aj, when they got into the room she finally said something. They both talk and talk about his family and what she needs to do and how to act. Aj and Hyoyeon got to know about one other better then the first time. Seohyun was so scared of whats going to happen and how thhings will turn out. Hoya notice and he tell her to just be her self and dont worry about anything. When they both arrive at Hoya house his parents and grandma was talking.

"Grandma, this is my wife Seohyun." point to the girl next to him.

"Hi grandma, i'm Seohyun."

"Hoya whats the meaning of this? When did this happen?"

"I want to be with her forever so i got married to her."

"Come here Seohyun." said the grandma

Seohyun walk closer to his grandma and sit down. The grandma looked at seohyun for while then got up and just left the room. His parents walk after their grandma and Hoya came to pick Seohyun up from the floor and walk her to his room.

"Your grandma doesnt like me." looking away.

"Dont say that Seohyun, she just need to know you better."

"Its late i think we should sleep, but where am i going to sleep."

"There" pointing on the bed.

"What about you?"

"Dont worry, just go to sleep and i'll show you around our house tomorrow and you can get to know my parents and grandma better. Both of them fell alseep and the next moring they woke up, walk downstair and saw some maid cooking.Seohyun wanted to help but Hoya mom said she cant help them since she is Hoya wife.Seohyun didnt know what to do until Hoya woke up and came downstair to see Seohyun sitting and talking to his mom.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing son, i just ask Seohyun how you two met."

"Seohyun go upstair and put my cloths alway." seohyun got up and went upstair.

Hoya and his mom aruge and Hoya got mad so he went upstair and took Seohyun and drag her outside. He took her somewhere and driving crazy fast. Seohyun got scared so she grab the handle of the car really tight. When Hoya stop the car she ask whats wrong and why he so mad?

"My mom said she still going to make me married that girl even if i'm already married to you."


"I'm not going to let that happen."

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Nomnommonster #1
Chapter 20: Wow so happy but sad
daebakkk <3
ExoticInspiritedBaby #3
Chapter 21: 2nd time reading. Such a good story. :)
Chapter 21: So sad that Taeng didn't end up with Namu ):
Chapter 1: i love it it was awesome
Chapter 21: I seriously love this story !!,( read it 5 times already )
Chapter 1: I want another Kikwang and hyoyeon
-SNSD- #8
Chapter 21: :( I feel bad for my bias TaeYeon .....
That Woohyun is a mean guy ( not for real )
In the story I was happy that Kikwang and HyoYeon are together :)
Haha Hoya loves to get jealous on Seohyun when she is with Nickhun...
At least 2 Couples became happy
But sad for TaeYeon :(
just finish reading this story..
amazing as ur other stories bu
bit disappointed with the ending..
Iluvkpopyeah #10
Suzy is such a tattletale!