Neverland Chapter 9



Chapter 9
(Bad boys & bad girls)
Minji followed Chaerin until they reach the kitchen where waitress and waiters were busy dumping empty dishes and glass into the sick as they fill their empty try with new drinks and food as they hurried out the door to the awaiting guest outside. 
“Unni what’s going on, who was that guy that you dump the wine on?”
Chaerin turn around and grab a near by glass fill with water and drank it in one gulp, she then wipe clean and look to her young friend.
“That was the devil himself”
Minji look puzzled as she tried to understand her unni words.
“She the person that cause me to change dresses he cause me to fall into the lake and I was drench from head to toe.”
“Omo he push you?”
“He didn’t push me but he grab me and I push him away and he let go and I end up landing in the lake”
Minji almost laugh out loud as she bit back on her lips to surpass the giggles that were trying to find their way out form . Chaerin glare at her friend wondering what was so funny and how could she be laughing at this time. After a while Minji relax and look over to the now mad unni in front of her.
“Sorry unni but I can picture you walking out of the lake soak and wet from head to toe with your piss off face.”
“Wow thanks Minji-ah for the sympathy” 
“Sorry again unni but don’t you think that was a little harsh, and you did it in front of his friends too. What if he try to do something to you again?”
“I’m not scared of that cocky bastard”
Outside at the party
Jiyong snatch the napkin out of Seungri hands as he wipe his forehead and face clean.
“Look at what that thing did to me”
All the guys at the table started to laugh at their friend that was fuming at the head as he wipe the rest of his body with the napkin.
“Shut up this is not funny”
“Yes it is”
TOP held onto his stomach as he let out another loud laugh.
“Hyung why did Chaerin did that to you?”
Daesung look over to Jiyong as he place the soak napkin on the table an glare at Daesung.
“Don’t ever say that name around me again, and she just piss off that I let her fall into the lake”
“You push her into the lake?”
“No….it was an accident and she fell in”
“Well whatever you do to her she pretty piss off at you, and I can’t believe someone would do this to the great Kwon Jiyong.” 
Taeyang said as he grab a glass of wine and drank the content as his eyes wonder to the dance floor and notice the bride and groom dancing, lost in each other embrace as a pain shot through his chest. His eyes adverted back to his mad friend as he grab another glass and drank it in one shot.
Minji and Chaerin was now with Bom and Teddy on the other side of the dance floor as they started to talk about the wedding. 
“Hey Teddy-oppa hi Bom”
The group turn to the voice as Gummy was walking up to them as she gave Teddy and Bom a hug. Teddy introduce Chaerin and Minji to the blonde hair women as they all listen to how Gummy and and Teddy and Dong-wook went to the same school together.
After awhile Teddy and Bom was on the dance floor and Minji went to the bathroom as Chaerin and Gummy was left alone to talk.
“Chaerin-ah you should meet my brother I think you two will hit it off” 
“Unni your funny, I don’t think your brother would like someone like me.”
“Why would you say that, your very beautiful and smart and I think you two would be cute together but to bad he already engaged.”
“See just my luck”
The two laugh as Gummy then perk up as she stood up and wave her hand to tell someone to come over.
“Jiyong come over here I want you to meet someone”
Chaerin felt a something fell to ther stomach as the name brought back flashback to what happen a little while ago. She turn her body around to see the young man walking over wiping his jacket as his face had no emotion on it once so ever, as their eyes made contact she swear she could see flames in them. Jiyong then walk over to the blond women as she place her arms around his shoulder.
“Chaerin-ah this is my handsome brother Jiyong, Jiyong this is Chaerin, Teddy-oppa little sister and the owner of this ranch.”
Jiyong just look at Chaerin not blinking an eye as he let out what seem like a chuckle. Chaerin glare at him as the two stood there in silent just staring each other down. Gummy could feel the atmosphere beginning to feel tense as the two just stood there not uttering one word to one another. She decided to cut the cold air as she ask if the two knew each other already.
“Sadly to say I’ve already met this person.”  
As Jiyong flick his finger up and down at Chaerin
“I’m sadden to say I’ve also met this poor excuse for a human being as well”  
Jiyong clench his fist as it was trembling as this point as well for Chaerin as if they were shooting dart out of their eyes the two became more tense. Then suddenly Teddy came up to Chaerin and place an arm around Chaerin shoulder as the blonde girl loosen up and relax as she didn’t want to let her brother know that she was no in a good mood. 
“Oppa your back, let go dance”
“Wha!!1 you never want to dance”
“Well I already dance once already and now time for you”
Chaerin grab her brother arm and drag him to the dance floor. Jiyong could only glare at Chaerin as she vanish into the crowed of people on the dance floor.
“what was that all about”
Gummy look to her younger brother as she eye him.
“I don’t want to talk about it”
Jiyong said as he gave a bow to Bom and said his hello and goodbye and left to meet up the rest of the guys. All Gummy could do is apologize to Bom for her brother behavior as the two strike up a conversation. 
Minji walk out from the bathroom as she was wiping her hands as she bump into someone.
“Oh sorry I didn’t……oh it’s you”
“Well it’s nice to see you too.”
Seungri smile as he lean on the wall as he block the hall so that Minji can’t leave.
“Wow where is your manner you can’t even say please.”
“Are you kidding me, you’re the one blocking the whole damn hallway so move it or I’m going to move you myself.”
Seungri chuckle at the fiesty girl in front of him as he couldn’t help but wanting to pick a fight with her.
“I doubt….AHHHHHH!!!!!!!”
Before he even could finish what he was saying he was on the floor once again face down on the floor. Minji let go of his arm and step over him and made her way out of the door.
A couple of the waitress and waiter were peeking down the hallway at him laughing and giggling. He stood up quickly as he rub his stomach and walk out passing by the laughing people.
“I let her do that”
As he then walk faster out the door to meet up the rest of the guys. 
Chaerin walk off  the dance floor and sat down with Bom then Minji join them as she didn’t look to happy when she sat down.
“What happen?”
Bom ask
“Nothing unni I just meet someone I didn’t want to”
“You and me both”
Chaerin sigh, Bom look over at the two girls feeling something was bothering them she was about to ask then Teddy pop up behind her and hug her as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Can I have this dance my princess”
Bom giggle as she place her hand in his as he help her up, she turn to the two gloomy girl as she smile.
“I’ll be back and we can talk about it”
The two watch as the love bird vanish into the dance floor for the million time tonight.
“That panda face guy keep bothering me”
Minji exhale
“That cold face ice prince is an to me”
The two heave a heavy sign as they pour each other a shot of whiskey that was on the table and took a shot.
“I hate men”
“I hate them too” 
The two clink glass and took another shot. 
A couple of hour have pass and it was already 2 in the morning as all the guest started to head home, the wedding turn out to be the most fun anyone have had in a long time. The bride and groom already headed out to the airport for their honeymoon as all the guest have almost all left. The staff and crew are cleaning up the mess as the two bride maid knock out when their body hit the bed in Chaerin room. Bom was already in bed as she was too tired from the long day, Teddy stayed up to make sure everything was clean and everything was ok. 
On the other hand inside a car heading back to Seoul the young man had his eyes closed as his head was lean back in his seat as the face of the blonde hair girl keep popping into his mind as his fist clench harder onto his cell phone that was inside his pocket. 
*I will make sure we meet again Lee Chaerin and when we do I’ll make you regret ever poring wine on me*
Chaerin open her eyes as she was welcome by darkness, she could hear the light snoring of Minji next to her as her mind flash back to the whole night. But all she could see was his face as he bit her lip and grip harder onto her blanket.
*Let this be the last time we meet, because if we do meet again I swear I will kill you* 
A/N: Wow I had an awesome weekend, New Year was awesome as for my reader that didn't know it was Thai, Lao, & Cambodian New Year this past weekend and well I was busy picking my aunt in a another city then meet up another aunt in another city so I can take all of them to the temple. So I was tired and hated driving all over California this weekend but all and all it was fun.
On another note I hope you guys like this chapter it might seem a little rush because I sorta drag the wedding chapter a little longer then I wanted to but it's all good I'm pretty happy with this chapter.
Wow Chae and Ji are just getting worse and worse same go for Minji and Seungri, but it like what a lot of people told me the more you hate the more the person like you. I have no clue who came up with this bull saying but I'm using it in my story lol. 
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Chapter 25 Is up!!!!


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Chapter 29: Hul..still poor Jiyong #reread
babyda #2
Chapter 25: Ohh -_- i don't hve feeling about CL&GD love story. I can't feel them like Chaerin & Jiyong story..oh sO heartbreaking
j3llyD0NuT #3
Chapter 21: T-This i-is n-n-n-not going to be agnasty for Skydragon is it ? :'(
mimi_qitchi #4
Chapter 29: Omg u updateeeeeee,after long hiatus, thanks u...
Can't wait to see chaerin meet jiyong,,,
Chapter 29: Omg wow it's really crazy knowing that their daughter and son are dating...please update soon or not ill still be waiting for happens next!!!!!
amama13 #6
Chapter 28: OMG OMG OMG!!! I just read this story in one band AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm addicted to it! I love yr stonline. Addictive, imaginative and amazing. I cannot wait to find out what happened next.
Chapter 28: OMG! This is so good! Please keep it up!

Finally Jiyong meets with chaerin's daughter.. omoo i didnt know if jiyong could recognize her so fast like that. What's gonna happen next time.. omoooo
mimi_qitchi #8
Chapter 28: OmG thanks u, cause u Dont leave this story, i will wait your next updated...
Chapter 28: omg what is goin to happen will jiyong refrain Gd from dating Cl please don't ...... You have been gone so long......i am so curious to what will happen if chae and ji meet....she might freak and break them up.......please don't take a break so long^^
leechaerin #10
they are too cute !