Chapter 25


NEVERLAND: Aftermath

Chapter 25




“Omma do you really have to go”

CL held on to her mother weeping softly into her shoulder.

“Silly girl I’m only a plane ride away and I will visit when I have free time”

“Omma you promise”

“I promise sweetie”

CL wipe her eyes and notice the man standing behind her mother she then let go of her mother and ran over to her father awaiting arms.


“Oh my little girl is all grown up”

G.O started to cry like a child as he patted his daughter head and held onto her very tight.

“Appa I’m going to miss you so much”

“Me to, you know what you can just come home with omma and appa and go to school in Japan”


“I know I know, but I can’t seem to let you go”

Chaerin look over at her husband and daughter and couldn’t help but smile.

“I thought I have attachment issue”

“Honey she our baby how can I just let her go”

G.O. whine to his wife

Chaerin walk over to her husband and daughter and held them both.

“We will all see each other again.”

After a little while CL let go of her parents

“Oppa are you…”

She turn to see her cousin and aunt and uncle all hugging each other crying like little babies. She couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of her uncle crying and her cousin, her aunt Bommie was on another level with her waterfall tears.

Another 15 minute went by Dara drop off the two family at the airport as Mason and CL say good-bye to their parents one last time.


CL was in the kitchen helping her aunt Dara making dinner the house seem quiet without her parents but auntie Dara was there to crack joke to make the mood better, Mason and Dongwook went out to the store to pick up some things for dinner.

“I’m going to go to the backyard and pick some mint leaf real quick”

“Ok auntie I’ll keep cutting the carrots”

Dara left to the backyard leaving CL in the kitchen by herself

“So I guess you’ll be staying here”

CL almost drop the knife, she look up to see Cheondoong standing near the entrance to the kitchen .

“Oh uncle Doongie when did you get here, auntie Dara told me you were at work”

“I just got back and was taken in by the smell of your delicious cooking.”

“Oh I didn’t make it hehe auntie Dara did I’m just cutting the vegetables.”

“Really? It never smell that good in here when my sister makes food”

He slowly walk over to her side and watch her cut the carrots, CL couldn’t help but feel uneasy being alone in a room with him. His stared shakes her it was piercing as of looking for something, then she felt a hand on hers.

“Here let me teach you how to cut it correctly”

CL pull her hands away and back up a bit form him.

“It’s ok I’m done anyways”

He turn to her with a smile on his face that scared her even more he walk closer to her and closer as she back away even more until the sound of a door opening brought them back.

“Mason oppa”

CL ran over to her cousin as she held onto his arm

“Umm what’s up, miss me much”

Mason tease

“ up”

Then Dara came in helping her husband carry in the grocery

“Doongie when did you get here”

His sister gave him a worried look as she look over to CL to see a scare look on her face.

“Oh I just got back right now I was helping Chae…..I mean CL with some cooking”

“Ok can you help Wookie put the food away”

CL then drag her cousin upstairs to his room

“Yo yo yo what going on why are you dragging me to my room”

Mason cross his arms over his chest as he back away

“Are you trying to me, I’m your cousin eww”

CL slap him over the head

“OUCH that hurt dammit”

Mason rub his head

“I was joking geez”

“Oppa I don’t feel comfortable here”

“What do you mean”

“It’s uncle Cheondoong, I don’t know he weird I’m scared when I’m around him”

“Did he do something to you”

“No, but the way he look at me scare the crap out of me”

Mason sat down on his bed and then look over at CL

“I remember my mom telling me that she was in love with your mom when they were younger”

“What? Really?”

“Yea, and he was really heartbroken when he knew your mom married your dad”

“You think that why he stare at me like that, maybe I remind him of my mother when she was younger?”

“I think so, I always knew there was something off about him but you better be careful around him, best if you try not to be alone with him in a room. I’ll try to look for an apartment around campus for us, we can really stay with auntie Dara and uncle Wookie our whole college life.”

“Your right oppa the faster the better”

CL and Mason talk for a few more minutes before heading back down stairs to join the rest to have dinner. After dinner everyone went to their own rooms CL made sure she lock the door she went to shower and then went to bed.


Mason and CL left Dara house a little early so they can apartment hunt near the school before their 10 o’clock class.

“Oppa look at this place it’s pretty nice”

They both went inside to ask information about the building, a couple minutes later Mason drag CL out.

“No, no, no we are not living here”

“Why not?”

CL whine

“Because they are trying to charge us double for this crap”

Mason pointed at the building

“Also they don’t have an indoor gym or a pool”


“I’m not paying $2,500.00 for this crap, we could find better and for cheaper”

“How do you know they are trying to charge us double”

“Because they saw out Japanese passport and think we’re stupid not knowing how much cost out here”

Mason grab CL arm and drag her on to the next place.


“Why not”

Mason whine

“It’s an all girls apartment oppa”


“That mean you can’t live here”

“I can dress up as a girl”

“Your one ugly girl then”


“No let’s go”

CL drag Mason to the next building after hours of searching they couldn’t find a decent apartment that they both like so they headed back to school and went to class.

“Hey guys”

Both look up to see GD walking up to them he sat himself down next to Mason as she look over to CL and could see the tired look on her face.

“What’s wrong you look so tired”

“We’ve been apartment hunting since this morning and none of it hit the mark”

“Why are you apartment hunting for”

“Well we don’t really want to bother our aunt and uncle so we decided it’s better to find our own place.”

“Oh I see”

GD look over at CL and notice she didn’t touch her food yet.

“Are you not hungry?”

“Huh o no not really”

“You should eat though, it’s not good for your health if you don’t eat”

GD then handed her a bag of cookies

“Thank you”

CL cheek was warming up as she sneak glances at GD

“YO stop looking at him, you might burn a hole into his face”

Mason said, CL could feel a lump fall and crash down into her stomach panic start to develop.

“What? What are you talking about your tripping”

CL then stood up and walk away form her loud mouth cousin. GD smiled at how cute she was and got up and went after her.

“What now you guys are leaving me alone”

Mason through his hands up in the air then went back to eating his food.

“CL wait up”

But she didn’t stop, he made it up to her and grab her by the arm and turn her around to face him, he could see her cheeks are a tint of red, her head hung low as her bands cover her eyes.

“You should hide your eyes”

CL look up to GD smiling face

“Your eyes are really pretty”

“Ummm thank you”

GD smile at the shy girl in front of him

“Oppa you can let go of my arm”

GD look down at his arm that was still holding on to CL’s

“Oh sorry”

“It’s ok”

The two walk in silent as they reach the end of the hallway


CL look up to the man next to her

“I was wondering maybe you want to go grab dinner tonight”

CL eyes widen as she look to he man she been having a little crush on since she first saw him.

“I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to”

The young man massage the back of his neck, giving her a cheesy smile.

“That sound like fun”


“Yea really”

GD smile, the two started walking to class together talking about apartment hunting and random things. The day ended early as the three friends went out to grab a snack together at a near by coffee shop.

GD held the door open for CL and pull out her seat and went to order her drink for her and a few dessert. Mason just sat there looking at the two eyeing them as if something fishy was going on.

“So GD do you like CL?”

GD almost spat out his coffee but held it in and look over at his friend.


“I’m asking are you interested in my cousin CL”

“Oppa stop”

“What I just want to know if he like you are not”

“Oppa stop it it’s embarrassing?”

Before CL could say anything else GD surprise her and Mason

“I do like CL”

CL just stared at GD a burst of happiness erupted inside her, trying to surpass a smile and hoping her face is not turning that red. She look into GD brown eyes and could see he was sincere about what he said, she don’t understand how can she already fall for a guy she only met a day ago but she knew she was falling and she can’t stop but fall this person in front of her.  


Mason smile he then patted GD back with a smile.

“I knew you did, you better take care of her”

“Oppa we’re not even going out”

“Not yet anyways by this rate you two will be dating by next week”

CL blush even more she turn away and sip on her coffee as a smile spread across her face.


Mason end up leaving early to apartment hunt and left CL in GD care the two headed to a near by park. They went over to the swing sitting there eating ice cream and talking. GD couldn’t help but stare at CL how beautiful she look her cat like eyes her innocent smile, but he like it even more when she give off that confident smirk.  He knew he falling for this girl next to him but it scared him at the same time, how can two people just met and already have such a strong feeling for the other person.

“Oppa are you ok”

GD look over to the said girl


“you were staring off into space, are you ok?”

“Yea I’m fine”

The two smile at one another, GD got up and went behind CL

“Want me to push you?”

“Huh, oh sure”

GD pull the swing back and release, CL laugh as she kick her feet back and fourth while GD push her even higher.  


The next thing GD saw was CL flying off the swing and landed on the sand, he ran over to her to see if she was hurt.

“CL are you ok? Where are you hurt? I knew we shouldn’t have played on the swing, please answer me?”

All GD could see was her hunch over then a sound of rumbling laughter fill the air. CL was now laying on the sand laughing her of holding on to her stomach.

“HAHAHAHA that was so much fun”

She got up wit the help of GD and dusted herself off.

“Are you ok?”

“I’m ok oppa, it gonna take more then that to hurt me”

GD felt relived, CL was about to walk to the bench when she trip over her own feet and end up falling over GD and push him down to the ground while she on top of him. The two landed on the ground as CL face was just inches away from his. CL look deep into his eyes feeling the pull in her body, then intense burning of wanting him and to make those lip hers.

GD felt his body in shock after falling then a sudden burst of heat overtake his body, his arms wrap around her body her chest press up on his her breathe breathing onto his lip. He could contain himself he lean up and met her lip as the two gave in to bliss and tasted each other for the first time.

A sudden sound of footstep stop the two, CL felt herself being pull off GD and push onto the grass, when she look up once again her eyes widen seeing her uncle hitting GD. GD dodge left then right and push the unknown man away from him. The man push him in the stomach then a jab to his right side of the face the then the left making GD stumble back and fell down.

CL got up and ran up to the man she grab his hand and then had him in a head lock she then kick the back of his knees as he fell to the floor.

“What the hell is your problem”

CL yelled

“He was hurting you”

“No he wasn’t and who the hell are you to hit him like that”

CL finally let him go and push him off to the side and ran over to GD who was on the floor face in the sand.

“I was only trying to protect you”

Cheondoong said while rubbing his neck.

“I didn’t need your help I was not in danger and how the hell did you know I was here”

“You know what I don’t care get out get out right now before I do something I will regret later”

Cheondoong stood up and look at the girl as anger fill his mind he wanted to kill the guy she was kissing he wanted to drag her out of there and take her back with him so he can protect her form all the guys in the world.

“GET OUT!!!”

He look at her once again before turning around to leave.

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Chapter 25 Is up!!!!


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Chapter 29: Hul..still poor Jiyong #reread
babyda #2
Chapter 25: Ohh -_- i don't hve feeling about CL&GD love story. I can't feel them like Chaerin & Jiyong story..oh sO heartbreaking
j3llyD0NuT #3
Chapter 21: T-This i-is n-n-n-not going to be agnasty for Skydragon is it ? :'(
mimi_qitchi #4
Chapter 29: Omg u updateeeeeee,after long hiatus, thanks u...
Can't wait to see chaerin meet jiyong,,,
Chapter 29: Omg wow it's really crazy knowing that their daughter and son are dating...please update soon or not ill still be waiting for happens next!!!!!
amama13 #6
Chapter 28: OMG OMG OMG!!! I just read this story in one band AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm addicted to it! I love yr stonline. Addictive, imaginative and amazing. I cannot wait to find out what happened next.
Chapter 28: OMG! This is so good! Please keep it up!

Finally Jiyong meets with chaerin's daughter.. omoo i didnt know if jiyong could recognize her so fast like that. What's gonna happen next time.. omoooo
mimi_qitchi #8
Chapter 28: OmG thanks u, cause u Dont leave this story, i will wait your next updated...
Chapter 28: omg what is goin to happen will jiyong refrain Gd from dating Cl please don't ...... You have been gone so long......i am so curious to what will happen if chae and ji meet....she might freak and break them up.......please don't take a break so long^^
leechaerin #10
they are too cute !