Chapter 23


NEVERLAND: Aftermath

Chapter 23

(First Day Of School)

Seoul University

GD pull up to the front of the school as everyone stare at him and his car all the girls whisper as the boy glare with envy at him. He couldn’t care less what these people think about him he knew his family have money but he don’t go around flaunting like he dose, he wanted to work hard and ache vice success on his own then with the help of his father and mother and grandparent.

GD was determined to make it on his own and work hard to achieve his goals, he grab his bag out form his car and headed to the main office to pick up his schedule. A couple of the girls wink and wave at him as he polity smile back as he made his way across campus.

“Excuse me I’m here to pick up my schedule”

A small frame girl that look around the same age as him look up as she gawk at him.  GD stood their feeling uncomfortable at the girl keep staring at him.

“Ummm can I get my schedule please”

“Omo sorry, what’s your name?”

“Kwon GD”

“GD…GD….GD…oh here it is”

She handed him the schedule then grab his hand.

“Oppa your handsome can I get you phone number”

GD pulled his hands away and shove the paper into his pocket

“Ummm sorry I’m already taken”

He turn away and walk out of the building, feeling bad for telling the white lie but he didn’t want a group of girl following him like back when he was in high school. Walking down the hall looking for his class he saw a group of guys gawking in the direction down the hall, he push through to find the source of all the guy admiration.

There she stood a girl he have never seen before, she had beautiful long black hair, skin as white as snow and a figure of no other girl he have seen before, she was beautiful and he know now why there was a road block in the middle of the hall way. She turn around as all the guys took in a deep breath as GD eyes made contact with her as she gave a warm smile to him or so he hope and turn around and walk away.

“She is so pretty”

“You could say that again”

GD turn around and notice a bunch of guys behind him drooling he then tape a guy next to him he suddenly snap out of his trance.


“Who is she”

“She the dean daughter Yoona Kim”


GD repeated in his mind as a small smile appear on his face.


“OPPA…wait for me”

“Hurry up CL we’re going to be late for our first class”

“Wait a gosh freaking minute”

CL stop in her track as she tired to catch her breath she look to see Mason already half way down the hall.

“Ashhhh can’t even wait”

CL stood straight up again and started to run again chasing after her cousin, turning the corner she bump into some as both fell to the floor.

“Omo I’m sorry”

CL apologize

“You watch where you going”

The other person said, CL look up at the rude ill-manner person in front of her to see a very pretty girl picking herself up dusting herself down.


The girl just glare at CL staring ar her up and down.


The girl turn away and was about to walk away when CL grab her by the shoulder and turn her around to face her.

“Hold up, I said sorry so no need to so cussing like a sailor, tisk for a girl with such a pretty face your attitude is pretty up.”

“What did you say to me?”

“I said your attitude is UP, is that clear enough for you”

“Do you know who I am”

“No and I don’t give a damn who you are”

“You better for I will make you life a living hell”

“Oh really? What are you the dean daughter or something”

A smirk appear on her lip

“Yes, I’m Kim Yoona the dean daughter to this college”

This took CL off guard but ne matter who she is, she will not let this little princess look down on her.

“Oh really good for you, well have fun trying to make my life a living hell because I will make yours just as bad.”

CL walk past her and before heading off she turn around to look at the dumbfounded girl behind her.

“Oh I’m CL by the way, just remember that”

CL made it to her first class right on time, she scan the room to look for her cousin and found him already talking to a bunch of girl in the back of the room. She roll her eyes at her cousin she walk up to him as her cousin eyes and the girls were looking at her.

“So I see my cousin is making himself comfortable. I wonder what Yuki would think about this CL pull out her phone.”

“Hold up ladies”

He stood up and grab CL and drag her a few feet away from the girls

“Hey hey don’t need to be hasty now my favorite cousin in the world.”

“I’m your only cousin and you left me in the hall and I ran into the devil herself and…”

“Ok, ok my bad I should have waited for you, wait what happen in the hall?”

“Long story I’ll tell you later”

“Oh OK”

“But I’m still tell Yuki”

“Aww come on CL-roo don’t I promise to do your homework for a week”

“Wow school haven’t even started yet and you owe me a week of homework already”

The two laugh as they made way to some empty seats.

“You have to be kidding me”

CL look up as the girl she bump into walk into the room.

“Holy molly she hot”

“She the long story”


Mason lean in future on his desk to take a good look at her.

“Oppa stop drooling it’s embarrassing”

The girl look over to CL as she glare at her.

“Oh damn she don’t like you”

“I know that”

“But my money on you little cousin you can whop her any day”

“If she only knew what I’m capable of”

CL grin a moment later another person walk, it was a young man this time with jet black hair he was in a simple v neck white tee shirt with a black leather jacket and simple fitted jeans and white high top Nike. For the first time in her life CL almost lost her breath, he was handsome she can’t put her finger on it but there something about him that really interest her.

Her eyes follow him as he was looking for an empty seat and to her luck there was and empty seat next to her, but as her luck has it he went pass it and went to sit next to her first enemy of the school.

“Tshh whatever”

She mumble to herself

“What’s wrong”

Mason lean over to his cousin

“Nothing just thinking that it’s always the same at every school, the hot guy get’s the hot girl”

As the two turn to look at the now chatting people they were eyeing earlier.

“True that, oh well we’re to good for them anyways”

“hehe yea and you already have Yuki remember that”

“Of course how can I forget, when you drill it into my head every freaking minute”

“Shut up the teacher here”

The two focus their attention to the front of the class, the day were long and the classes were getting more interesting, as they learn things about their teachers and meeting new student. Lucky for the two cousin as both are majoring in field so they have all the same class.

Also to CL horrid surprise she had 3 classes out of the 5 with the witch Yoona and also 4 classes with the pretty boy.


“Hi, I was wondering if this seat was taken”

The girl look up at him, she gave him one of her best smile.

“It’s free, hi I’m Yoona Kim”

“I’m GD, Kwon GD”

“Omo Kwon, are you by any chance related to the Kwon family that own Kwon enterprise?”

His smile faded when the beautiful young women ask him about his family. He knew that it was to good to be true, that he could meet a simple girl that don’t care about his family name but owning the Kwon name will always get the same question. So to cut the tie and any feeling he accumulated when he saw her in the hallway he answer.

“No, I’m not, but I get that a lot”

“Oh so your not rich then?”

“Nope just a normal guy”


She turn her face to face the front as she gave him the cold shoulder

*Wow that mess up, guess she a gold digger, I should of sat next to the other girl*

But looking to his side he could see her laughing and talking to the guy next to her.

*Guess she have a boyfriend already*

The class ended and throughout the day he kept running into Yoona and the girl and her boyfriend, what caught his attention that the couple didn’t seem like a couple, they didn’t hold hand or kiss or make stupid kisses face at each other. The day was long an interesting he end up partner with the guy with the girlfriend.

“Hey I’m GD”

“Sup man I’m Mason”

“So is this teacher any good”

“I don’t know I heard some of the student talking about the teacher setting a student on fire last semester”

“haha for real? Sound like and interesting class”   

Then CL made way to the guys with a look of annoyance on her face/

“Oppa can you trade partner with me I’m pair up with the wi…”

CL look over at her cousin partner and notice the cute guy form earlier

“Oh CL this is GD”

“GD this is my cousin CL”


“Yea cousin, I thought you two were together”

“Oh no, no, no hecks no gross”

“Sorry I thought”

Mason made a gagging noise then he earn a few slap to the back of the head from CL.

“Oppa if you were the last man on earth and we’re not related I wouldn’t even date you”

“Pshhhh any girl would be lucky to have me”

“In your dreams”

GD couldn’t help an smile the the two bickering cousin, he could help staring at the pretty girl in front of him until Mason turn to him.

“Yo man would love to partner up with you, cuz you seem like you know what you doing, but if I don’t switch partner with her she might kill her lab partner.”

“No problem it’s ok”

“Alright where the hottie at”

CL slap her cousin arm

“Don’t call her hot in front me”


“Not even”

Mason left the table and went to sit with Yoona that WAS CL partner, CL look down at the now empty seat then she look to GD.

“Sit down I won’t bite”

CL smile she place her books on the lab table as she thank him. Things were quiet between the two as they would stare at each other and turn away then stare again until both laugh to kill the awkward silent between them.  GD started the conversation hoping to get things rolling also to maybe get to know her more.

“So where did you go to high school?”

“I went to school out in Japan”

“Oh are you Japanese?”

“No, my family move out to Japan before I was born, but I’m 100% Korean”

“Could you speak fluent Japanese”

“I lived there all my life so yes.”

“Can you teach me something”

“Sure what do you want to know?”

“How do you say…..Hello my name is GD, what is yours?”

“Oh that easy  Konichiwa, watashi wa no namae wa CL wa desu. O-namae wa nan desu ka.”

“Ok let me try”

For a couple of minutes CL was trying to teach GD some phrases in Japanese for the class had to pay attention.

“Well it was nice meeting GD-shi”


The two shook hand and made way out of the classroom, Mason join them in the hallway with a look of disbelief on his face.

“Oh my god that girl is so annoying, why are such pretty girls so annoying”

He ruffle his hair.

“I don’t know oppa and why is it that guy that have girlfriends flirt so much”

“Hey, hey, hey stop announcing to our new friend here”

Mason put his arm around GD neck

“Right ching-gu?”

Mason extended out his free hand to GD, he smile and took his hand and shook it.

“Sure ching-gu”

The three went to grab some snacks as they chit chat and get to know more about each other, GD like the feeling of being normal with them, they didn’t care who he was or if he had money or not they are the type of people he want to surround himself with, with good people. The day ended as the three new friend part ways to their own homes. GD couldn’t help but to think back on a great first day he had and the two new friend he made and of course one he hope to get to know even more.

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Chapter 25 Is up!!!!


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Chapter 29: Hul..still poor Jiyong #reread
babyda #2
Chapter 25: Ohh -_- i don't hve feeling about CL&GD love story. I can't feel them like Chaerin & Jiyong story..oh sO heartbreaking
j3llyD0NuT #3
Chapter 21: T-This i-is n-n-n-not going to be agnasty for Skydragon is it ? :'(
mimi_qitchi #4
Chapter 29: Omg u updateeeeeee,after long hiatus, thanks u...
Can't wait to see chaerin meet jiyong,,,
Chapter 29: Omg wow it's really crazy knowing that their daughter and son are dating...please update soon or not ill still be waiting for happens next!!!!!
amama13 #6
Chapter 28: OMG OMG OMG!!! I just read this story in one band AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm addicted to it! I love yr stonline. Addictive, imaginative and amazing. I cannot wait to find out what happened next.
Chapter 28: OMG! This is so good! Please keep it up!

Finally Jiyong meets with chaerin's daughter.. omoo i didnt know if jiyong could recognize her so fast like that. What's gonna happen next time.. omoooo
mimi_qitchi #8
Chapter 28: OmG thanks u, cause u Dont leave this story, i will wait your next updated...
Chapter 28: omg what is goin to happen will jiyong refrain Gd from dating Cl please don't ...... You have been gone so long......i am so curious to what will happen if chae and ji meet....she might freak and break them up.......please don't take a break so long^^
leechaerin #10
they are too cute !