Chapter 18



Chapter 18

(Breaking the News)

Chaerin walk into the condo as Jiyong was waiting on the couch for her, he then stood up and look at her up and down while making circle around her.

“I took you to the salon a couple of days ago and look what you done”

He lift up her nails to examine them

“Look at your hair”

He shook his head back and fourth in disapproval

“I have no time to keep all of this up, I’m a busy person”

“So am I and I take time to make a good impression by presenting the best of me”

“That’s you now me, I don’t need to up to anyone”

“It’s not about up Chaerin, when you meet people for the first time what do you see?”

“I see them”

“Ok but what is more appealing a nice dress person or a badly dress person”

“What do that have to do with anything”

“Well when you take care of yourself you feel better, you energy and emotion as well feel better and you make a better impression on a person then a well dirty color blind person.”

“That judging a book by it’s cover”

“Well into day world people judge a book by it’s cover”

Chaerin was stump she knew he was right, people now a day judge people by what they have and wear. Leaving out the factor that the person could be a nice person but people judge you on the material things you have, Chaerin never lived her life like that she was always carefree and live her life the way she want to. She don’t care about what she wear and what people say about her but living in Seoul was a reality check for her.

“Now put this on”

He handed her a black bag

“What is this?”

“What you are wearing for dinner tonight when you meet my family.”

“WHAT tonight?”

“Yes tonight and Jen family is going to be there so it’s a great time to tell them”

“But I’m not ready yet”

“What is there to be ready about”

“I can’t”

“Do I have to remind you what’s on the line if you don’t”

Chaerin bit the inside of and grab the bag and went into her room to change.

Jiyong smile at his small victory then went to sit in the living and wait.

Chaerin slid down onto the floor with tears falling from her eyes, it form a small pool of tear on the wooden floor, she look over to the bag on her left, she hit the bag as it slide across the room and fell over on the other end.

After 30 minute Chaerin walk out in a black mini dress Jiyong couldn’t help but stare at how pretty she look right now with her hair done in simple lose curls and the dress fitted her perfectly but he not going to tell her that.

“You look decent”

The two made their way down to the lobby as they waited near the entrance for the valet to bring him his car. Chaerin felt unconformable in the dress as she kept on tugging at the hem of the dress to pull it down some more but it was useless. For her this is showing way to much skin for her liking.

She look around in the lobby to keep her mind busy while waiting for the car and notice G.O. at the front desk the two people eyes meet as he wave at her and she wave back.

Jiyong notice this and look back to see the guard waving at Chaerin, he grab her by the arm and drag her outside.

“Yah, let go”

She yank her arm free from his grip

“What is your problem?”

“Didn’t know you socialize with people like him”

“People like him?”

She look back to see G.O. looking at her

“You mean G.O.-oppa”


“What’s wrong with having a friend like him huh?”

“Nothing I thought by now you know what type of people you should socialize with.”

“Just because I have to live in the city and work for you don’t mean I will change who I can be friends with”

“People like him have no class”

“And you think you do?”

“What is that suppose to mean”

“Even though to you he have no class, he is hard working and kind and caring and worry about others around him, you in the other hand care only about yourself and your money and what people have, if I had to chose between you or him I rather chose him.”
Jiyong could feel his blood boil at this point, how dare she talk to him like that and defending someone like him in that case.

“And FYI boss if I had to chose between you or him I rather chose him and if you were the last person on earth I still wouldn’t be your friend.”

Jiyong snap he grab Chaerin by the arm and pull her closer to him making her body press on against his and then kiss her fully on the lip, Chaerin struggle to break free form his grip but it only made him tighten his hold on her. Her tears ran down her cheek as at this point she had no energy or strength to fight him, her hand fell to her side as she just let the tears fall.

Jiyong felt wetness on his cheeks when he finally pull away and look down at the girl in his arm, tears were flowing down her face her skin was pale there was no emotion once so ever she was just standing there with tears falling from her eyes.


“Let’s go”

Was all she said, she went up to the car and got in he follow behind her as both settle into their seat.  The car ride to his family house was long and quiet Chaerin was sitting there staring out the window not speaking a word to him.

Jiyong couldn’t help but feel a little guilt for doing that to her and he can’t stand it that she not talking to him.

“Chaerin I”

“Please just don’t speak to me right now, I just want to get this done and over with and go back home.”

Silent engulfed the car again after what seem like forever the two made it to the Kwons household, Chaerin got out from the car to be greeted by a large house with a huge water fountain in the front of the house and with expensive cars all line up to one side of the yard.

This is the most lavish place Chaerin have ever stop her foot on. But there was no time for sight seeing she had a job at hand and that was to convince her and their son are in love and married.

The door to the front of the house open as they were greeted by butler and maid to the left and right, they were showed to the dinning area of the house.

Chaerin made way to the dinning room and were greeted with 6 pairs of eyes, Gummy smile at Chaerin but the rest was wondering who she was.

A girl in a pink dress then stood up and ran over to Jiyong and grab his arm.

“Oppa what took you so long, and who is this?”

As she glare over at Chaerin, everyone attention adverted to Jiyong as he clear his throat.

“Everyone I have something to tell you”

All Chaerin could do was tune everything out at this point because she didn’t want to hear what was going to happen.

“This is Chaerin and love each other and she is my wife.”

All Chaerin could see was Jen screaming at the top of her lungs with tears falling form her eye, Mrs. Kwon look like she was about to have a heart attack, Gummy just sat there smiling enjoying the fight that are happening, Jen parents were yelling at Jiyong and pointing fingers at Chaerin and then yelling at mister and mrs. Kwon.

The next thing happen shocked her when she felt a hard slap across her face, she look up to see Jen standing right in front of her.

“Who the do you think you are to break up me and Jiyong like this, you ing ”

Jen was about to hit her again when Chaerin grab her arm to stop her.

“Don’t touch me again, or you will regret it”

But Jen pull her arm away and slap her again, Chaerin face sting from the impact her finger form into a fist.

“Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what to do, you low life and don’t think I will let you take Jiyong away from me. Your probably one of those that he going to use and toss away.”

Before Jen could speak some more Chaerin stood up straight and look Jen dead in the eye and punch her in her face.

“Don’t ever call me such foul names and you don’t know me so you better keep your dirty mouth shut, or I’ll shut it for you again like this time.”

Chaerin felt someone grab her arm as she was drag away from the house and back to the car. She couldn’t help but thing that it felt good to hit her but she couldn’t help getting the disappointed look on the Kwon’s faces out from her mind.

*great way to ruin a family Lee Chaerin*

Was all she could think about, the car ride back was silent as before but one person in particular was very happy with the outcome of tonight and that was the person that was sitting next to her, he had on a smile as he replayed the whole scene again back in his head.

How could a person be so cold and evil, Chaerin thought what did she do in her last life to have met such a person.  She couldn’t help but feel sorry for the girl that she and Jiyong hurt tonight and she wanted to hit herself for causing pain to Mister and Mrs. Kwon and even Jen parents, she never wanted to hurt anyone but to help and protect her family she had to.

They arrived back at the condo as they made there way up to their place Chaerin finally spoke to Jiyong.

“So when are we going to sign the marriage certificate.”

“We can do it tomorrow.”


She then drop her bag and keys on the kitchen table and headed off to her room, before she can go inside her room Jiyong grab her arm and pull her close to him and hug her.

“I’m sorry for what I’ve done”

Chaerin push herself away and look up at him.

“It’s over and done with I for got about it already”

She then went in and lock the door and headed straight to bed. 


Chaerin and Jiyong were already up and headed out to the court house to sign their marriage certificate, the car ride was silent as Jiyong go over today schedule and want he needed her do pick up when they get into the office after going to the court house. Jiyong glance over to Chaerin who was busy taking notes but not even once spoke or look up at him.

“Yah, are all girls like this?”

Chaerin look up at her boss

“Like what?”

She finally spoke giving him a confused expression

“Like this acting like a child and wanting attention”

“I never ask for your attention”

“Then why are you acting like this then”

“Who is it to you if I act like this, because I don’t have anything to say to you, you think I want attention.”

“All girls want attention”

“The only attention I want from you it to leave me alone”

“Well that’s to bad as we are about to get married”

Chaerin just rolled her eyes as the two made it to the court house to sign their papers and right then and there they were officially married then both headed to the office to work the rest of the day.


A/N: I'm so sorry for the very very very late update I've been on a block for awhile and couldn't finish this chapter, I'm not really happy with this chapter at all but I will make it up the next couple of chapters.

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Chapter 25 Is up!!!!


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Chapter 29: Hul..still poor Jiyong #reread
babyda #2
Chapter 25: Ohh -_- i don't hve feeling about CL&GD love story. I can't feel them like Chaerin & Jiyong story..oh sO heartbreaking
j3llyD0NuT #3
Chapter 21: T-This i-is n-n-n-not going to be agnasty for Skydragon is it ? :'(
mimi_qitchi #4
Chapter 29: Omg u updateeeeeee,after long hiatus, thanks u...
Can't wait to see chaerin meet jiyong,,,
Chapter 29: Omg wow it's really crazy knowing that their daughter and son are dating...please update soon or not ill still be waiting for happens next!!!!!
amama13 #6
Chapter 28: OMG OMG OMG!!! I just read this story in one band AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm addicted to it! I love yr stonline. Addictive, imaginative and amazing. I cannot wait to find out what happened next.
Chapter 28: OMG! This is so good! Please keep it up!

Finally Jiyong meets with chaerin's daughter.. omoo i didnt know if jiyong could recognize her so fast like that. What's gonna happen next time.. omoooo
mimi_qitchi #8
Chapter 28: OmG thanks u, cause u Dont leave this story, i will wait your next updated...
Chapter 28: omg what is goin to happen will jiyong refrain Gd from dating Cl please don't ...... You have been gone so long......i am so curious to what will happen if chae and ji meet....she might freak and break them up.......please don't take a break so long^^
leechaerin #10
they are too cute !