Neverland Chapter 14



Chapter 14
(Our first night)
I was drop off at the condo around 5 pm as I was inform that Jiyong would be spending the night at the condo with me. He left in the car and told me he will be back later on tonight, I couldn’t register at all. All I could think about is him in under the same roof as me, this is not going to be a pretty sight and if he even think about laying a finger on me I will kick his even if I lose this job over it.
I headed back into the condo as I unpack and hang all my things up I look over the clothing that was hanging in front of me as I rub the fabric in between my fingers. One thing I hate is dressing up and wearing dresses and heels but for the sake of my family I will have to suffer a little. So for the time being I should try it on and try to lean how to talk in those death trap of a heel. 
I decided on trying on a taupe color dress and one of the black heels after about of 15 minute walking around in the heels I wanted to toss them out of the window but I decided to it up and keep them on as I walk around some more trying to get use to the dress and heels.
I grab the tablet out form my room as I headed back to the living room a couple of tabs were blinking as I click on them as a menu list pop up.
Tonight dinner 
I want wild caught salmon with steam rice and veggie on the side, also pick up a bottle of red wine and garlic bread and bottle of VOSS water.
There is a spare credit card on top of the coffee table that is yours to use to pay things to stock up the condo.
If you buy any useless things I will deduct it from your pay.  
I place the tablet on the kitchen counter as I headed over to the living room and found a black credit card on the table. I pick it up and headed back to the kitchen to grab the tablet and went to change into flat shoes as I kept the dress on, no point in changing it if I’m already wearing it.
The elevator door open as I shove the card into my bag I was about to walk out when I heard my name being called.
I look back to see G.O walking up to me as he was in a pair of jean and white v-neck t-shirt and a black leather jacket. I had to admit he look really nice out from his uniform.
“Hi G.O-shi”
“What did I say about calling me G.O-shi, how about just call me oppa”
“Ok oppa”
He smiled at me
“What happen to you this morning you look like a train wreak now you’re a totally different person, you look great…..I mean you look great before but now you very pretty, but you were pretty before as well.”
I couldn’t help laughing as he was getting fluster over his words
“Oppa I get and thank you and you look great yourself, so what are you doing here”
He lifted up and envelope 
“Pick up my paycheck”
“Oh that nice”
“Yep time pay the bills and feed myself, so where are you going anyways”
“I have to go buy the ice prince his meal”
“Oh…..wait he eating here at he condo tonight”
“That’s strange”
“What strange”
“He never come to the condo often, only when he really stress out and I was shock when he told me that he was going to have you stay there.”
“You two are not…”
“What OMG no no no I’m just his personal assistance that’s all it a long story.”
“Well I don’t have work tonight maybe I walk with you to the market and you can tell me about this long story”
“Hehe sure thing, it would be nice to have company”
We both decided to walk to the corner market as we talk about our families and friends I found out that G.O-oppa and I went to the same school. We end up visiting 4 different market to find this so call fresh WILD caught salmon and finally we were lucky enough to find one at this market place that was about 20 minute walk from the condo. G.O-oppa help me pick out the fresh WILD caught salmon and some side dishes. I paid for the food as he help carry the bags back to the condo we said our good-bye at the door not after we exchange phone number. 
“Goodnight Chaerin”
“Goodnight G.O.-oppa thank you for all of your help”
We both wave good-bye to each other as I watch him leave, I headed up to the condo I open the door and when I walk in I was greeted by Jiyong standing there behind the door.
“Where were you”
I rolled my eyes as I walk in and place the bags on the kitchen counter
“To buy your dinner”
He went over to the bags and look through them as he push it aside.
“Do you not know how to read I wanted dinner when I get here, but what is this crap”
As he pointed to the bags on the counter, I stood there watching him through another one of his fit before I headed into the kitchen and started to prepare the food.
“Hello do you hear me”
I took in a deep breath before I answer him
“Yes I hear you, if you can go wait for 20 minute your dinner will be done.”
“Yes 20 minute”
“You are useless”
That was it I had enough of his complaining as I turn to him as the salmon was in my hand as I pointed at his face with it.
“Do you know how hard it is to find FRESH WILD CAUGHT SALMON AT THIS TIME OF NIGHT
I took a step closer to him as he back away with fear in his eyes
“I have to go to four different market just to find this little friend for you”
As I wave closer to him, he almost jump and landed on the dinning table.
“I have to walk 20 minutes just to get there and back so save your ing for someone that care”
I finally stop as he look at me, he straighten out his posture as his eye turn into slits as he took a step closer to me now.
“One you should have look it up online to find the nearest place that sell fresh caught salmon”
He took another step closer
“Two you should have taken a taxi no one told you to walk there”
Now he up in my face in a low voice he said
“Now make my dinner before I do something I might regret”
We stood there for a couple of moment staring into each other eyes my heart started to beat faster as my palm started to sweat I gulped down whatever was in my throat. He then lean in closer I couldn’t move back anymore my back was press against the kitchen counter. My mind was racing a thousand miles pure hour as I look down at my hand and help up the salmon as he jump back a couple of feet.
“Get that nasty thing away form me”
“What scare of mister fishy”
As I held it closer to him, he ran to the other side of the dinning table and pointed at me.
“Yah, Chaerin if you get that thing near me I will deduct a month pay from you”
“Fine whatever I’m making dinner now so go do whatever it is that you do for 20 minute”
After he mumble something sounded like  curse word he disappear into his side of the condo. After 20 minute exactly the food was done as I set up his plate at the table, and right on cue he walk out into the living as he change into silk pajama bottom and regular white v-neck t-shirt. This is the most dress down I’ve seen him, he made way to the table and sat down as I finish cleaning the rest of the pan and pour him his glass of water and place it at the table.
“Is this the VOSS water I told you to get”
As he lifted up the glass to examine it.
“No, none of the market had it so I just pick up a couple of bottle water.”
“What I told you to pick me up VOSS water not this crap.”
As he toss the glass of water against the wall.
“What did you do that for”
He got up from his seat and walk over to me as he grab my arm
“Yah, let go of my arm”
“First of all I don’t think you understand the situation your in right now, if you want me to give you the loan so you can save you precious land you need to learn how to follow orders.”
He then step closer as my heart start to race as I started to panic.
“You need to stop this bull your pulling and do your job”
“No more word from you, first you didn’t make dinner on time, then you threaten me with the fish then you forgot my water and you always talk back. So what is the point in keeping you.”
I couldn’t speak he was right, if I wanted to save my land I’m doing a pretty crappy job at trying to save it.  After a moment of silent he let go of my arm as I stood there speechless for the first time.
“Now clean that up”
I bit the inside of my lips as I hated him and his attitude and his face I hate everything about him, but I went over and grab the trash can and bent down to pick up the glass as I heard him went back to eat his dinner. I started to pick up the pieces and place it inside the trash bin. After I was done I wash my hand and headed into my room until he was finish. 
After I got a message on the tablet I went into the kitchen and clean up the dishes that were left on the table. I heard his footstep coming into the living room as he then order me after I finish the dishes to take down notes for tomorrow meeting.
“I can’t work tomorrow I have school”
He nodded as he was typing something on his tablet 
“You don’t need to come in tomorrow, but you need to be here when I get back”
“Your staying here again?”
“Why it’s my place”
“But don’t you live with your family?”
“I already told them I need some peace and quiet for a while so you don’t need to worry about my family.”
“I wasn’t”
He roll his eyes as he went back to typing
“I need a massage”
“You heard me”
“Now Chaerin”
I tighten my finger into a fist as I walk over behind the couch and stood behind him, I lifted my hands up wanting to punch the back of his head and strangle him but all I could do was hit the empty space around him.
“You know wanting to hit me don’t make your job easier.”
I look up to see his reflection in the flat screen TV in front of us as my hands where behind him making a fist behind his head, I hurry and place my hand to the side.
“My shoulder”
I place my hands on his shoulder as I started to poke and rub his shoulder.
“YAH, is that what you call a massage”
“Sorry I never massage anyone before”
“I bet you haven’t” 
I press down harder in his shoulder
I clamp down harder on his shoulder as I was about to give him the best massage he will ever have.
“No boss, you want a massage so here a massage”
“Hold still boss”
“Oh you seem tense boss”
“LEE CHAERIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
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Chapter 25 Is up!!!!


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Chapter 29: Hul..still poor Jiyong #reread
babyda #2
Chapter 25: Ohh -_- i don't hve feeling about CL&GD love story. I can't feel them like Chaerin & Jiyong story..oh sO heartbreaking
j3llyD0NuT #3
Chapter 21: T-This i-is n-n-n-not going to be agnasty for Skydragon is it ? :'(
mimi_qitchi #4
Chapter 29: Omg u updateeeeeee,after long hiatus, thanks u...
Can't wait to see chaerin meet jiyong,,,
Chapter 29: Omg wow it's really crazy knowing that their daughter and son are dating...please update soon or not ill still be waiting for happens next!!!!!
amama13 #6
Chapter 28: OMG OMG OMG!!! I just read this story in one band AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm addicted to it! I love yr stonline. Addictive, imaginative and amazing. I cannot wait to find out what happened next.
Chapter 28: OMG! This is so good! Please keep it up!

Finally Jiyong meets with chaerin's daughter.. omoo i didnt know if jiyong could recognize her so fast like that. What's gonna happen next time.. omoooo
mimi_qitchi #8
Chapter 28: OmG thanks u, cause u Dont leave this story, i will wait your next updated...
Chapter 28: omg what is goin to happen will jiyong refrain Gd from dating Cl please don't ...... You have been gone so long......i am so curious to what will happen if chae and ji meet....she might freak and break them up.......please don't take a break so long^^
leechaerin #10
they are too cute !