Neverland Chapter 12



Chapter 12
(The deal)
Chaerin POV
I walk in to his office the door closed behind me as the room turn dark, my eyes tried to adjust to the surrounding but it was useless I can’t see anything or anyone, then I heard a noise coming from about 10 feet in front of me. I stool there in silent as I tried to use my hearing to pick up anymore sound, then I heard something moving as if someone was turning in their chair.
“I didn’t feel like dealing with you today, but I guess I can’t avoid that right now can I?”
The light turn on in the room as it sting my eyes of the sudden brightness my vision came into focus as now I was staring at Kwon Jiyong. He was seated at a deck with his body leaning in to the chair he was sitting on. He hand his finger on his temple massaging it. I could feel a rush of heat exploded inside my body as I wish to wrap my fingers around his neck at this moment. 
The stored up anger I had since I found out about my family land and finding out who was going to buy it have all been pint up until now I took one step and then two step and then three and finally I was in front of him as my hand made contact with his face.
He slowly look back up at me as he held onto his left cheek, his eyes were ice cold with no emotion in them, an evil smirk played at the side of his lips that sent a chill down my spin. He body emitted this aura that at this point is scaring me.
I held my ground and would not give in to his stare he then rub the side of his face where I hit.
“Sit down”
Was all he said as I look to the chair next to me as I look back at him.
“Unless you want to stand there and talk I’m fine with that”
I look back down and pull out the chair and sat down as I stare at him, another couple of minute pass by as silent full the room.  I have so much things to ask and confront him about but it was hard to say anything to him.
“You’re here to talk to me about your land correct?” 
My head jerk up to face him as if he read my mind
“Your wondering why out of all the people I’m the one who end up buying your land, after you can’t pay for it.”
He was right again I couldn’t understand out of all the people in Korea he has to be the one buying it IF I couldn’t pay the bank.
“I will pay the bank and you will never lay your finger on my land”
The smirk on his face got wider as he lean onto his desk looking at me in the eye. 
“Are you sure about that Miss Lee, I know for a fact that you owe the bank quit a lot of money and I also know even with the state of your ranch right now you will not be able to make enough to pay back the bank in time.”
“How would you know”
“Oh trust me I know everything that I need to know about you”
Chaerin couldn’t help but feel scare that a stranger would know things about her without even lifting a finger. 
“Are you trying to scare me or something”
“Why are you scared?” 
Jiyong stood up from his seat as he made his way over to me he was only about 2 feet away.
“Think about this Miss Lee, with your finical problem right now you will probably lose your land, then your house and all of your worker will be force to quite and find another job, but in this economic time who can say if they will find a job in time to pay for their next bills or meals.” 
M body shook slightly I forgot about all the worker at our ranch, if my brother and I looses our farm where would they go and what will they do. He think that bringing them up will knock me down it only make me want to fight back harder. I can not let these people get hurt and I will do anything to make sure of that.  But what can I do to save them and my family and my ranch.
“I have a proposition if you want to save your land.” 
I knew I was in no position to fight back at this moment, it won’t do any good if I fight with him it won’t keep my ranch from going into his hands. 
“I’m listening”
His smirk change into a smile as he went back around to his desk and sat down.
“I can’ loan you the money, but of course you will have to pay me back”
I nodded to show him I understand and to keep going. 
“Also you must work for me”
My chest almost exploded, work for this selfish face of a person, I could barely stand looking at him for this long and if I have to see him 5 days a week I might just jump off this building right now. 
“What? Work for you?”
“Yes I’m in need of a personal assistance, every single one I hired tried to get in my pants.”
I almost puke when I heard him said that.
“Also I know that you won’t try anything funny and you have no interesting factor to make me want to even lay a finger on you.”
I could feel the burning coming on again but I have to suppress it down before I do anything hasty again. 
“Personal assistance, don’t you have one outside your door to do that for you”
“No, no, no she can’t she is my office assistance she work for me here in the office and only in the office, but you will be with my almost 24/7.”
“What I have a life too you know, I have school and helping out my brother and…”
He rise his finger to stop me from talking.
“I know that and you will have time for all of that as well I will figure everything out for you.”
“I’m not your slave”
“Who said you were?”
“What else do I have to do?”
I can’t believe I’m thinking about making a deal with him I must be going crazy.
“When I call pick up, when I text, text back, when I tell you to do something do it that’s all”
“Oh is that all”
“Also lose this attitude unless you don’t want the money”
I couldn’t stand being in the same room with him anymore I just wanted to get up and leave.
“So do we have a deal?”
After a moment of pondering I look up at his face and smile
We exchange phone number and address I was making my way back to Minji place when I got his first text message telling to pack my things I will be living in his condo. I didn’t ask if he was going to be living there as well or not. So I went back to Minji place and told her everything that was going on as she almost strangle more for not telling her in the first place. She understood and help me pack. Now I was outside the building with a backpack on one shoulder and a suitcase in the other hand. 
“What am I doing”
“Miss Lee”
I turn to see the same body guard I flip over earlier today beside me.
“I’m hear to show you to Mister Kwon condo”
I just nodded and follow him we enter the elevator and he push the 35th floor button.  I couldn’t help but feel the guilt from earlier of what I did to him.
“I’m sorry about earlier”
He turn to me and smile, as it surprise me a little. 
“It’s ok, it was a first time a girl man handle me like that”
“I’m sorry again”
It was silent again a moment later we both laugh and started to talk, I found out his name is G.O. he work as Jiyong guard for almost 4 years now. He showed me to the condo and gave me the key and a note before he left back downstairs. 
I open up the note and read it.
Here the key to the condo when you go in your room is on the right. Don’t mess up my condo or you will regret it. 
Your BOSS 
I crumple up the note and toss it at the near by bin that was in the hallway I took the key and insert it into the keyhole and turn the knob. As I was walking in the light to the condo came to life it was huge. The first thing I notice was the floor to ceiling window at the back that was looking out over Seoul city. Then to my left was the kitchen then it open up to the dinning room and then the living area in a straight line at the end of the living room was two hallway one to the left and one to the right and the note said mine was to the right so I went down the hallway and found a single door I open it up to a nice big room in a simple sky blue and white color. At this point I was to tired to look around the room I drop my bags off my shoulder and went straight to the bed and plop down on it and closed my eyes wishing this was all a dream. 
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Chapter 25 Is up!!!!


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Chapter 29: Hul..still poor Jiyong #reread
babyda #2
Chapter 25: Ohh -_- i don't hve feeling about CL&GD love story. I can't feel them like Chaerin & Jiyong story..oh sO heartbreaking
j3llyD0NuT #3
Chapter 21: T-This i-is n-n-n-not going to be agnasty for Skydragon is it ? :'(
mimi_qitchi #4
Chapter 29: Omg u updateeeeeee,after long hiatus, thanks u...
Can't wait to see chaerin meet jiyong,,,
Chapter 29: Omg wow it's really crazy knowing that their daughter and son are dating...please update soon or not ill still be waiting for happens next!!!!!
amama13 #6
Chapter 28: OMG OMG OMG!!! I just read this story in one band AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm addicted to it! I love yr stonline. Addictive, imaginative and amazing. I cannot wait to find out what happened next.
Chapter 28: OMG! This is so good! Please keep it up!

Finally Jiyong meets with chaerin's daughter.. omoo i didnt know if jiyong could recognize her so fast like that. What's gonna happen next time.. omoooo
mimi_qitchi #8
Chapter 28: OmG thanks u, cause u Dont leave this story, i will wait your next updated...
Chapter 28: omg what is goin to happen will jiyong refrain Gd from dating Cl please don't ...... You have been gone so long......i am so curious to what will happen if chae and ji meet....she might freak and break them up.......please don't take a break so long^^
leechaerin #10
they are too cute !