Siwon's Bible

Kyuhyun's Notebook

Day Two

Mission: Steal Siwon's Bible.

Target: Siwon

Plan: Everyone knows how attached Siwon is to his Bible. But if I stole it, does this mean that I basically can control him for the rest of my life? Hahahaha. What should I do? I'll take it when he's praying.


"Where's my Bible?!" Siwon asked as he went rampage around his room looking for his precious Bible. He was shocked that he had the audacity to lose such a precious item to him because, after all, it was his BIBLE. He prayed for God's forgiveness and hoped that it didn't fall into the hands of a devil and that he would be forever saved from the burning place also known as H-E-Double Hockeysticks. Oh no, you thought he was going to say the 'H' word, right? Oh no, Siwon would never say that word.

"Hyung, are you alright?" Kyuhyun asked with a sly smile, poking his head in Siwon's clean room. Siwon would never sin by letting his room get dirty. Oh no.

Siwon continued on his rampage, "Oh, Kyu, have you seen my bible?"

"Of course, hyung."

Siwon's eyes lit up as if he just gotten a pink pony for his birthday. Seriously, there was rainbows and sunshine and bunnies frolicking around in his eyes. But not literally. Because that would be gross, "Where?"

"I saw it when you were reading it this morning." Kyuhyun said, trying to play innocent.

"Argh, that's not what I meant," Siwon said, yelling in exasperation, throwing his covers off of his bed. Now was not the time to be worried about cleaniness, his Bible was lost. HIS BIBLE WAS LOST. Did that not come clearly enough the second time? Let me enuciate. SIWON'S BIBLE WAS LOST. WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE FROM A ZOMBIE APOCALPYSE.

Kyuhyun, being the ever so helpful maknae that he is, replied, "Where did you see it last?"

Siwon stopped. This was a good idea. Oh, where exactly did he see it last? Technically, he didn't really see it last. He was praying his noon-time prayer and had set his Bible on his night stand, where he usually set it, right next to his minature statue of Jesus. But, after his ten-minute heart-to-heart with God, he realized that his Bible was gone. Oh no, someone stole his Bible! How could anyone steal his Bible? It his favorite book, and he read it daily. He worshipped it. He would not be able to live without it.

"What happened to it? Did someone take it?" Kyuhyun broke into his thoughts. Siwon said nothing, but walked over to his desk drawer and opened it. In it, was a harem of Bibles. At least 100 Biblical texts.

Kyuhyun's eyes dropped, "Hyung, why do you have so many Bibles?"

Carefully taking one out, Siwon replied, "These are back-ups. You can never be too careful with youngsters these days." Slowly and carefully, Siwon opened it to the first  page, "In the begining, God created the Heavens and the Earth." Siwon read aloud and looked up in the Heavens in awe. He was so in shock of being in withdrawal from his Bible for two hours, that he had to reread the first chapter so that he wouldn't forget anything.

"Hyung, I'm glad you found your Bible! I gotta go now," Kyuhyun said as he turned to go with a sad smile on his face. But right as he was about to leave, he knocked over Siwon's other nightstand (the one not containing the Jesus statue) and another, heavier book fell on Kyuhyun's foot.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Siwon asked as he rushed over to take a good look at Kyuhyun's foot, and picked up the other book as well.

Kyuhyun sighed, "Aish...Today is just not my day. What is that book?"

Siwon looked and read the cover, "The Kpop Bible."

"What is that?"

"YOU don't know about the Kpop Bible?! And YOU consider yourself to be a part of Super Junior?!" Siwon gasped, covering his holy mouth with his holy hands. "You go gather all who have not read this wonderful KPop Bible!"

Oh God.... Kyuhyun sighed, "Leeteuk hyung! Siwon hyung is preaching again!"


Verdict: Failure. Siwon hyung has too many back-up Bibles that it would be impossible to steal all of them. Maybe I should just stick to something easier to steal. Like ELF's hearts. and my popularity.^^^ Kekekekekekeke ^^^^




Hey, everyone, finally done. Sorry, this took such a long time.... like what? a month? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA............sorry. Was this good? Are you guys satisified? Or was it really bad?

Kyuhyun: For all of those who have not read Siwon's KPOP Bible, please do this here:

Sungmin: Preview of next chapter here!

Day Three:

Misson: Lying is fun.

Target: Eunhae

Plan: I love creating misunderstandings. It will be awesome if I created a misunderstanding between Super Junior's main pairing. Like lying to Donghae that Eunhyuk found a wife or vice versa. Or that Eunhyuk only got close to Donghae so that he can make babies with me. 

Donghae: Anywho, Eunhyuk and I are getting married next week.

Heechul: Ooohhh! Goody! Can I be the maid-of-honor?

Eunhyuk: Of course! But Sungmin has to be one too.

Heechul: You only have one.

Sungmin: It's alright, I can be the flowergirl.

Kyuhyun: Can I be the ring bearer? Anyways, don't forget to COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!






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Current Hiatus until AP Exams are over. Sorry guys~


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jeskyu #1
Chapter 13: too bad :(
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing such fun and entertaining stories! Will miss reading it but I wish you all the very best! You have mad writing skills :D
Chapter 13: I've enjoyed reading your stories! Wish you well in your future~ :')
kaykaygirl #4
Chapter 13: I`ve enjoyed your stories!:) Thank you for writing!
Chapter 13: Ive enjoyed reading your stories! ;)
xXxCatsLoverxXx #6
Chapter 13: i'm going to miss reading this~
Jin_Riri #7
Chapter 13: i will die..
Chapter 12: so evil kyu...

do the death note!!
Jin_Riri #9
Chapter 12: prequel to stolen notebook author-nim!!!
Chapter 12: Death note! Pweaseeeee author-ssi~