Valentine's Day Fun

Kyuhyun's Notebook

NOTE: For the sake of this chapter, please assume that there are no OTPs already in the group. Everyone is currently Y, FREE, and SINGLE~

Day Five:

Mission: Valentine's Day Fun

Target: All my hyungs...... plus Henry.

Plan: Set up cameras around the dorm to capture my hyungs' (and Henry's) hilarious reactions to Valentine's cards.



"Good morning, Leeteuk-hyung," Kyuhyun smiled innocently at the older man, who was almost the unspeakable age of thirty.

Leeteuk felt a wave of premonition enter his body from his toe to his head. The Evil Maknae never smiled like that. It was impossible,  "What do you want from me? If it's money you want, my wallet's on the kitchen counter." Leeteuk said as he felt himself backing closer to the door of his white room.

"Ah, hyung~" Kyuhyun whined cutely, "I'm not going to rob you."

"What do you want then? A laptop? But you already got one for your birthday." Kyuhyun stepped closer to Leeteuk, which caused the older man to scream bloody murder, "Just stay there, Kyuhyun! Tell me what you want from here!"

"Hyung," Kyuhyun grinned as he disobeyed (What did you expect? Did you expect him to actually follow his hyung's request? Tsk Tsk) his leader hyung and stepped ever closer to the older man. "I just wanted to give you something."

"If you want to give me something to eat, I'm not hungry!" Leeteuk said hurriedly.

Kyuhyun just smiled, reached in his back pocket (at this point, Leeteuk was ready to scream murder because he was sure that the maknae decided that it was time for the leader to go) and pulled out a pink envelope.

"What's this?" Leeteuk said as he took it from the younger male, "Is this a Valentine's card?"

Inside the card, it read:

They say loving you is my biggest mistake

but how can it be so wrong if it feels so right?

If ever I made a mistake, its not that I love you,

its thinking that someday you'll love me too...

Love, Kyu <3


Leeteuk felt like throwing up. He knew he loved the evil maknae, somewhere deep (very, very deep, covered with piles of fear) like a brother. He wasn't gay for goodness sake, and if he was, the evil maknae was someone last he would go for. It wasn't because Leeteuk hated Kyuhyun, he was just scared less.

"Umm," Leeteuk lied, "I'm sorry but I have a girlfriend." Oh, the leader was such a bad liar.

"Really? Hyung?" Kyuhyun replied, talking out his phone, "That gives me something interesting to tweet about."

"NO!" Leeteuk replied, throwing himself (not like that, you erts >.<) at Kyuhyun, attempting to snatch the smartphone out of Kyuhyun's hands, "What I meant is that I recently broke up with my girlfriend, and I don't think I am emotionally capable for something else."

"Sorry to hear that," Kyuhyun whispered, giving Leeteuk an awkward hug (because Leeteuk flinched away). Kyuhyun grinned to himself when he saw Leeteuk staring blankly at the card and shuddering slightly when he walked away.


"KYUHYUN!" Kyuhyun turned to see little Ryeowook yelling at him, with his face flushed beet red. Aww, he's so cute, Kyuhyun thought.

"Yes?" Kyuhyun replied back, slightly amused.

"You gave Kibum a Valentine's saying that I loved him!" Ryeowook said, looking at his socks now.

Kyuhyun smiled innocently, "Now why would I do that?"

"You are the evil maknae. Do you need a reason to do something like that?" Touche, Ryeowook, Touche.


*Using Camera*

"Henry, please tell everyone that I'm....going back to China." Zhoumi said as he looked at the pink Valentine's card in his hand. 

"Oh, Zhoumi, why are you going back? Do you have a girlfriend?" Henry asked, pouting.

"No, tell everyone my mom has this contagious disease and I must visit her before she dies. If they come with me, they might catch it and die a long, slow, and painful death," Zhoumi replied. Kyuhyun zoomed in on the card (just so you can see what it says. Isn't he just so nice and thoughtful?)

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I dream about you

Do you like French Fries too?

Love, Shindong <3 <3



*Using Camera*

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~~~!" Eunhyuk yelled as he bolted aross the dorm, "SSAAAAAVVEEE MEEEEEEEE!" He made it to the door and down the hall.




"Why are you touching me?" Kangin slowly asked as he looked at the smaller male infront of him, obviously annoyed.

"Oh," Sungmin lied, "I was just fixing your shirt. It was out of place."

"Why are you within such close proximity to me?" 

Sungmin giggled while tugging loosely at Kangin's tie, "Why do you keep asking these questions?"

"Are.....Are you trying to seduce me or something?"

"Well, you seemed more willing," Sungmin stated, closing the distance between the two, and batted his eyelashes, "In your card."



"Hangeng!" Donghae yelled as he pounced and snuggled on the older man's arm. " Hangeng loves me and we are going to make babies and eat seafood and lots and lots of strawberries!"


"Your card! It was really romantic, but I'm not ready to throw myself at you," Donghae said while Hangeng just kind of raised his eyebrows at the irony of the situation. Because technically, Donghae already did threw himself at Hangeng. "A woman likes to be romanced. Wined and dined."

" are not a woman," Hangeng replied.

"Oh, you're such a tease, you!" Donghae said while wiggling his .

Hangeng took this opportunity and booked it as fast as he could to the door.

"Yay! Geng knows me best! I love to play Chase!" Donghae yelled happily as he ran after the older man.


"What's this?" Kyuhyun said as he raised his eyebrows at the two men standing across from him, holding hands. 

Yesung blushed a deep red while Siwon looked like he was in Heaven.

"Well, I always had a crush on him," Yesung stated, "But I never knew he liked me back till I got his card."

Siwon just lightly kissed Yesung's small hands that were intertwined with his own.

Kyuhyun was dumbfounded, "Well, um....I guess.....have a nice life?"


Verdict: Hilarous reactions, though I did not expect Yesung and Siwon actually making it to Yewon. But whatever. Leeteuk still tries to avoid me like a disease all the time, but he won't resist me for long. Because I am the EVIL MAKNAE. Kekekekekekeke ^.^



silverseaturtles: Hey guys, I haven't been updated for a long time. I just lazed around my house, I mean, I was very busy with things *ahem ahem*

Kyuhyun: About the second part of my bucket list, it will be up when the author gets over her "little" writers block and comes up with better things that are worth putting in a bucket list.

Henry: How come I didn't get a Valentine's Card? :'(

Kyuhyun: You do the math. 15 members divided by 2 is 7.5. Someone had to be by themselves.

Henry: Why couldn't it be you?"

Kyuhyun: Did you want something to happen to you like it did on the stories above? I'm trying to protect your innocence!

silverseaturtles: >.> When did the EVIL MAKNAE become thoughtful and nice? Henry, you now have the right to sing "y, Free, and Single." Because you know, you're single!


Kangin: Don't forget to COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!

Sungmin: Kangin? Where are you?

Kangin: , gotta run!

silverseaturtles: Did you guys like it? Was it funny? This story is getting hard to write, I'm running out of ideas.

Heechul: So make a Heechul's Notebook!


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Current Hiatus until AP Exams are over. Sorry guys~


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jeskyu #1
Chapter 13: too bad :(
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing such fun and entertaining stories! Will miss reading it but I wish you all the very best! You have mad writing skills :D
Chapter 13: I've enjoyed reading your stories! Wish you well in your future~ :')
kaykaygirl #4
Chapter 13: I`ve enjoyed your stories!:) Thank you for writing!
Chapter 13: Ive enjoyed reading your stories! ;)
xXxCatsLoverxXx #6
Chapter 13: i'm going to miss reading this~
Jin_Riri #7
Chapter 13: i will die..
Chapter 12: so evil kyu...

do the death note!!
Jin_Riri #9
Chapter 12: prequel to stolen notebook author-nim!!!
Chapter 12: Death note! Pweaseeeee author-ssi~