Stolen Notebook (Otherwise known as Detective Cho Kyuhyun)

Kyuhyun's Notebook




"I can't find my notebook anywhere!" Kyuhyun screamed his head off as he tore the dorm looking for his precious notebook. "NO! ALL MY EVIL DEEDS, GONE. ALL MY EVIL IDEAS, GONE."

Heechul, on the other hand, smirked from his ever-so-comfortable place on the couch, "See, this totally shows you the difference between my evil genius and your evil genius. You need a notebook to record all your ideas, while I have something called my brain."

"Where did you see it last?" Sungmin perked helpfully. It pained him to see the maknae under this much distress. He doesn't think he's seen Kyuhyun under this much stress unless you count that one time Kyuhyun had to stay up for 23 hours with a packet of Red Bull to get through the 2012 Official Starcraft Expo Semifinals.

He ended up losing anyways.

"I dunno, I just remember putting it down like two seconds ago." Kyuhyun yelled from the bathroom, where he was checking to see if someone had flushed his notebook down the toilet.

Don't look at him like that. He didn't want to take any chances.

Plus, the last time Donghae did that because he was fed up by Kyuhyun's nonstop pranks, the dorm was flooded and Super Junior had to move in with EXO.

"This is a good thing," Leeteuk softly whispered to Kangin, "He won't disturb us anymore with his pranks."

"HEY, I HEARD THAT!" Kyuhyun yelled from the bathroom before running full speed to where Leeteuk and Kangin resided under 0.25 seconds and dragged Leeteuk back to his own room and locked the door (which was literally like 30 centimeters away so don't think it was some achievement. Well, it was for Kyuhyun, I guess). "I bet you were the person that stole my notebook! I could turn you in for disorderly conduct! You stole something of my prized possession! I bet you also stole Donghae's Finding Nemo plushie and Eunhyuk's PSP!"

Oh yes, recently Donghae had just found that his prized Finding Nemo plushie was nowhere to be found. He cried nonstop for hours, and Sungmin had to go to the nearest supermarket to buy more tissues. Actually, he's right now in his room with Eunhyuk, both crying because Eunhyuk can no longer secretly watch his on his PSP whenever he wanted to and make it look like he was playing a game.

"Kyuhyun, where did you get that preposterous idea? Why would, I, the leader steal their things?!" Leeteuk replied defensively, holding both his hands up.

Kyuhyun took out another piece of paper from his back pocket before reciting, "At 3:24 P.M. on Monday, you walked into Donghae hyung's room, 17 minutes after Donghae hyung had left his room to take a break in the bathroom. It was then at 3:44 P.M. that Donghae had noticed that his favorite Finding Nemo plushie had been stolen and had reported it to everyone by screaming, "MY FINDING NEMO PLUSHIE HAS BEEN STOLEN." Later that day, at 8:36 P.M. you went into Eunhyuk hyung's room, and came out 3 minutes later with a white PSP in your hand."

"What?!" Leeteuk yelped, "THIS IS CRAZY. I would never steal anything!"

"Well, the evidence states it differently. Now, shall I go tell the others to keep their prized possessions well guarded because you might steal it?"

"Are you kidding me! I never stole anything!"

"Yet, there are tons of evidence that shows you have."

"I just went into Donghae's room because I needed to borrow Titanic to have a chick flick night with Heechul, and I went into Eunhyuk's room to get his PSP, yes, but I gave it back ten minutes later?"

"So you steal their things while being some weird guy who likes to have chick flight marathons and you indulge yourself in a y, Free, and Single time with yourself over Eunhyuk's PSP?"

"NO! This is crazy!" Leeteuk huffed, cheeks getting red.

"No, this is justice."


Later that day, Kyuhyun sighed contently as he loaded his new video game of Halo 3 in his Xbox, which was a new Xbox as well (Yesung broke the other one while he was dancing with his turtle).

"So, did it work?" Heechul asked as he poked his head through Kyuhyun's door.

Kyuhyun nodded and grinned, pointing to his new items, which he got courtesy of Leeteuk. He also took out his notebook (which was in his desk drawer all this time) along with Donghae's Finding Nemo Plushie and Eunhyuk's PSP.

"This is too easy."





A/N Hey guys, I actually got over my writer's block...................somewhat.

Oh yes! And which one do you want for the next chapter? These are your choices. Comment on your favorite and whichever gets the most comments will be the next chapter:

1) Prequel to Stolen Notebook -- The story where Donghae flushes Kyuhyun's notebook down the toilet and they have to room with EXO for a week.

2) Betting with Super Junior -- Super Junior loves to bet. Like in everything. Literally. I would love to tell you what types of bets go on here but you would just have to vote for it to find out, yes? Haha

3) Death Note -- Kyuhyun's experience and influence with Death Note.

Thanks, and remember to COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!


And check out my new EXO crack Story:                       EXO Goes Camping?!?!


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Current Hiatus until AP Exams are over. Sorry guys~


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jeskyu #1
Chapter 13: too bad :(
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing such fun and entertaining stories! Will miss reading it but I wish you all the very best! You have mad writing skills :D
Chapter 13: I've enjoyed reading your stories! Wish you well in your future~ :')
kaykaygirl #4
Chapter 13: I`ve enjoyed your stories!:) Thank you for writing!
Chapter 13: Ive enjoyed reading your stories! ;)
xXxCatsLoverxXx #6
Chapter 13: i'm going to miss reading this~
Jin_Riri #7
Chapter 13: i will die..
Chapter 12: so evil kyu...

do the death note!!
Jin_Riri #9
Chapter 12: prequel to stolen notebook author-nim!!!
Chapter 12: Death note! Pweaseeeee author-ssi~