Cooking? COOKING?!

Kyuhyun's Notebook

Day Four:

Misson: Cooking? COOKING?!

Target: Super Junior and Sungmin-hyung (Especially Sungmin hyung. I have not forgotten what you did to me with your martial arts/bunny-minions.)

Plan: Sneak into the kitchen, make some sort of inedible food and give to my hyungs during a talk show where they can't refuse my food! Hahahahaha. I'm such a genius.



Twas the night before a-very-important-talkshow, when all through the dorm

Not a creature was stirring, not even Yesung. (Kyuhyun: *snorts* That was a wonderful rhyme)

The boxers were hung on the backs of chairs

In hopes that Leeteuk will clean up there.

"I'm going to jump in right now," (idiot) Kyuhyun interjected, "Because the author with poems, and I will let you in on a special plan of mine. It's, of course, evil. I can't talk alot now because I might wake up my hyungs. But I am going to cook for them."

"And if you are an ELF," He continued as he walked down the hallway to his room and into the wonderful place where harems of food are made, "you will understand why it's an evil plan. If you are not an ELF, then why are you reading a fic about Me -- oh yes, I just captalized a pronoun while I'm talking to you -- the one and only Cho Kyuhyun."

Kyuhyun strutted straight to the freezer and pulled out the necessary items to make a cake: flour, eggs, butter, wasabi, fish, cocao powder (pure cocoa, the unsweentened kind. I know what you are thinking. "Oh no," you may say. Oh yes.), water, lemons, and some soy sauce for good measure.

He opened his notebook, which contained how to make a cake -- Kyuhyun-styled.


Do YOU know how to make a cake? Well, for those of you that are cooking-deprived or simply doesn't want to burn down the kitchen, here's a free lesson from the one and only Cho Kyuhyun!

Warning: You might experience intense pain from your upper and lower body. Diarrhea, light-headness, heart attacks, liver problems, stomach pains, screaming, hallucinating that you saw your idol, insomnia, and other fangirl-like symptons are completely normal. They should be consulted by going to the closest doctor or the internet (to satisfy your fangirl needs).

Step 1: There's no need to wash your hands. Actually, you may want to put some dirt on there (from Leeteuk's plants) for ease of not getting any of the other ingredients sticking to you. Also, for luck.

Step 2: Put in flour first and stir well. Then comes the eggs. Lightly crack the egg over another bowl. Now, toss the egg away and place the eggshells in the cake (They give it that wonderful crunch that most people love.) But in the entire chunk of butter that you have -- 6 teaspoons at least. (This gives it that buttery smell and taste that most people love.) Then, a half cup of water. Stir well. (At this time, you may want to you an electric mixture or wake up Ryeowook and make him stir.)

Step 3: Next, put the fish in a bowl full of warm water so that it can defrost. Leave it for now, we will come back to it. We can never never forget the fish. (You may, if Ryeowook is already up, make him cut up the fish and expert pieces so that it's easier (and nicer) to place it in a cake than a whole fish. If not, you can just put in the whole fish after it has defrosted (we aren't heartless -- geez.))

Step 4: Add in wasabi, a squirt that lasts about a minute is sufficient, but if you want to add in the entire bottle, be my guest.

Step 5: Next comes the cocoa powder. Lightly pour in all you have into the cake mix. We like to think of ourselves as quality over quantity, so the actual amount of cocoa powder does not matter. Either way, all you would taste would be the wasabi. But you should put in some amount, that way we can keep it in our list of ingredients. (And it also looks like dirt, so if anyone walks in on you, you can say its cocoa powder. Ehhhh~ Smart, right?)

Step 6: Finally comes the lemon juice and soy sauce. If you are short on time, simply put the lemons in (and let Ryeowook stir the cake mix, if he's there) and put in one half cup of soy sauce. If you think your family and friends don't have their daily dosage of sodium, then feel free to put in one cup.

Step 7 (if applicable): If Ryeowook is there with you, you can bribe him by making him due all the technalites for the cake (baking/ decorating to make it look normal-ish) and saying you won't make eat one bite of it.

Step 8: Step back, pull up a chair, and laugh! Warning: Your bathroom might smell kind of bad for a week or so.


So, using this guide for cooking, Kyuhyun (and with Ryeowook's help) finally finished the cake. See, this can be finished and it actually looks like a normal cake. Look at the picture above. That's how good Ryeowook is.




"....and thus ends our talkshow with Super Junior!" Boom, the MC, shouted at the top of his lungs before turning back to the Super Junior members, "Is there anything that anyone would like to say before we tune out?"

Kyuhyun raised his hands, "I do. I made a cake for the 6.34th anniversary of Super Junior." Cue the audience's collective "Awwww". Kyuhyun has a new nickname now: NiceKyu. "Ryeowook helped me. You guys would definately eat, won't you?" Looking back at his hyungs, Kyuhyun pulled out the cutest puppy-dog eyes you've even seen. Cue the audience again.

Leeteuk sweatdropped.

Donghae started fidgeting in his seat because there were fish in the cake and it didn't deserve the harsh punishment done by Kyuhyun.

Eunhyuk wished he had his with him (cause it always made things better)

Hangeng began to babble like a lost foreigner who apparently did not know how he ended up in a recording studio.

And then Super Junior realized that they probably should just lock Kyuhyun out of the kitchen for as long as they live.

And that they needed to take away his magic wand.

Kyuhyun just kept his puppy-dog smile when he handed Kangin the first piece of cake and whispered, "Welcome back."

Yes, they really do need to take away his magic wand.


 Verdict: SUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! ELFs think that I am nice and sympathetic for making a cake for our 6.34th aniversary while I got to watch my hyungs trying to hold it all in. The bathroom did smell bad for weeks though, but it was worth it! Kekekeke^^ Ryeowook has been trying to keep distance away from me, but no one can resist the evil maknae! Kyuwook FTW!!!!



silverseaturtles: IIIIIIII'MMMMMMMMMM BBBBBBBBAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK~~~~~~! AP tests are finally done. But I think I got like a 2 on all 4 of mine, so I think I'm just gonna let nature run its course.

Kyuhyun: I liked it better with you gone.

silverseaturtles: I would push you from a cliff right now but then a million ELFs will be down to murder me an cruel and unusual ways.

Kyuhyun: Mehrong~ You can't~ I'm the main character in this story~

silverseaturtles: I can make Heechul the main character.

Kyuhyun: You wouldn't.

silverseaturtles: Watch me.

Sungmin: Jumping in cause I have nothing better to do. There's a line at the bathroom, so I can't use it. The next chapter will be on Kyuhyun's Bucket List. I think its going to be less funny and more serious and ELF-ish --


Sungmin: Yeah, so less dry humor and more serious. Don't forget to COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!

Kyuhyun: She at writing either way.

silverseaturtles: Shut up!


P.S. My username is rather long. But I am back! Who missed me? Haha^^

Kyuhyun: No one.



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Current Hiatus until AP Exams are over. Sorry guys~


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jeskyu #1
Chapter 13: too bad :(
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing such fun and entertaining stories! Will miss reading it but I wish you all the very best! You have mad writing skills :D
Chapter 13: I've enjoyed reading your stories! Wish you well in your future~ :')
kaykaygirl #4
Chapter 13: I`ve enjoyed your stories!:) Thank you for writing!
Chapter 13: Ive enjoyed reading your stories! ;)
xXxCatsLoverxXx #6
Chapter 13: i'm going to miss reading this~
Jin_Riri #7
Chapter 13: i will die..
Chapter 12: so evil kyu...

do the death note!!
Jin_Riri #9
Chapter 12: prequel to stolen notebook author-nim!!!
Chapter 12: Death note! Pweaseeeee author-ssi~