
Kyuhyun's Notebook

Day One:

Mission: How many Super Junior members does it takes to fix a lightbulb?

Target: All 14 other members

Plan: Crash "Family Movie Night" (Wait, is it crashing if I am already invited?). Gently sit back and break the lightblub using the Break-Things-Kit that Heechul-hyung got me for my birthday. Then sit back, play dumb, and enjoy the show!


The light flickered. And then went out.

"Well, I'm not fixing it," A disinterested Heechul said, "I might break my nails."

Sungmin agreed, "Yeah, Heechul hyung just did my nails as well. And we might sweat. Which is gross."

"I'm not tall enough," Ryeowook complained from the corner.

Hangeng looked up at the lightbulb, decided that he liked it better in the dark anyways since he was a REAL MAN, and pretended that he didn't know Korean well enough to say anything.

Leeteuk piped, "Someone else change it. Since I am the leader and I am currently sitting very comfortably in my chair."

Shindong reliazed that with the dark, he was able to steal food better and more effeciently. So he is currently raiding the fridge as we speak.

"Me and Ddang are fine," Yesung said as he went back to petting his turtle. Also, afterwards, he noticed that he had too small of hands to actually fix a lightbulb.

Eunhyuk wasn't paying attention. He was too busy thinking about his .

Donghae wasn't paying attention either. He was too busy thinking about the fun that he could have with Hyukkie. Aish, you dirty minds! I was refering to hide-and-seek and tag! What were you thinking?

"I have long legs," Zhou Mi offered. But everyone ignored him so he went to sulk off in the corner with Henry comforting him.

Kibum decided that it was time to film his drama so he left.

Siwon kindly pointed out that the dark is not bothering him because he was praying anyways.

"REAL men deal with the darkness," Kangin said. Hmm, it seems that Hangeng and Kangin actually think alike.

Henry is too busy comforting Zhou Mi. Weren't you paying attention?

Kyuhyun broke the lightbulb again just to see what would happen.



Answer: Thirteen members. One to call the technician and the other twelve to watch and relate to the experience while one is away, filming his drama.





Wow, first VERY VERY short chapter. And this . *Sobs* But that's alright. You guys still loves me anyways.

Kyuhyun: That's not true. They're only here for me.

Heechul: And me.

Sungmin: And me.

Everyone else: And me.

Kyuhyun: Meaning that they are not here for you, but for us.

Guise, you all love me right? Guise? GUISE?!

Kyuhyun: Moving on. Here's a preview of the next chapter.

Donghae: Enjoy! <3

Day Two

Mission: Steal Siwon's Bible.

Target: Siwon

Plan: Everyone knows how attached Siwon is to his Bible. But if I stole it, does this mean that I basically can control him for the rest of my life? Hahahaha. What should I do? I'll take it when he's praying.

Kyuhyun: Excited? Please comment and subscribe!

Donghae: Oh, did you guys see the picture of the fish and the light bulb? DID YOU SEE THE FISH?! IT'S A FISH!

Sungmin: Or give me a pink pony! Heechul hyung never bought me one!



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Current Hiatus until AP Exams are over. Sorry guys~


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jeskyu #1
Chapter 13: too bad :(
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing such fun and entertaining stories! Will miss reading it but I wish you all the very best! You have mad writing skills :D
Chapter 13: I've enjoyed reading your stories! Wish you well in your future~ :')
kaykaygirl #4
Chapter 13: I`ve enjoyed your stories!:) Thank you for writing!
Chapter 13: Ive enjoyed reading your stories! ;)
xXxCatsLoverxXx #6
Chapter 13: i'm going to miss reading this~
Jin_Riri #7
Chapter 13: i will die..
Chapter 12: so evil kyu...

do the death note!!
Jin_Riri #9
Chapter 12: prequel to stolen notebook author-nim!!!
Chapter 12: Death note! Pweaseeeee author-ssi~