

ooyoung entered his apartment closing and locking the door behind him. Saying he was tired would be an understatement, he was exhausted. 

“Hey guys I’m home.” he said, slowly letting his glamour fade.

When angels were outside in the human world they had to have their glamour on. The glamor is like wearing a disguise, hiding the way they truly looked like. So while Wooyoung had brown hair and honey like eyes when he was around humans, he actually  looked completely and entirely different. When the glamor faded you could see that his hair wasn’t brown but blond. And his eyes were sky blue as were his wings. Wooyoung opened this bag, pulling his halo from a hidden compartment and placing it atop of his head. He had to take the halo off, because demons were able to spot him that way. When his halo was in his bag, it didn't shine. It was like turning a flashlight off, it only shone when it was on top of an Angel's head. 

“Hey woo welcome back.” Seonghwa said coming into the living room.”How was your day?”

“Yeah did something interesting happen today?” Jongho said, flopping on the couch.

Seonghwa and Jongho were like his brothers  when Jongho is the youngest. Usually Jongho was out at this time, protecting the humans. but Wooyoung assumed that his monsters' detector didn't go off tonight. Meaning the demons were resting. It also meant that Jongho needed to be entertained, which usually included bullying Wooyoung. 

“Well we actually have a new student join today.” Wooyoung said sitting on a chair next to Jongho. “It was kinda weird if I’m being honest”

“What do you mean?” Seonghwa asked going to the kitchen to cook something for them to eat. Wooyoung many times thought that if they didn't have Seonghwa they'd probably starve. Or eat out every day. They were lucky to have Seonghwa be some sort of a mother figure to them. 

"There was something unsettling about him but I can't really put my finger on it.” Wooyoung said thinking. “He was also extremely rude and so full of himself. He kept flexing about how good looking he is. It was so annoying I swear.” Wooyoung rolled his eyes.

Seonghwa and Jongho exchanged looks.

“Oh my god you think he's handsome don't you?” Jongho asked smirking.

“What?? Nooo.” 

“He totally does.”  Jongho said looking at Seonghwa. Seonghwa just giggled from the kitchen. 

“No I don't.” Wooyoung said, trying to hide the blush starting to spread on his face.

“Please tell me you did something embarrassing like you usually do.”

“L-like what?” 

“Like telling him that you think hes good looking or confessing your undying love to him.” Jongho looked at him while Wooyoung squirmed a little.

“OH MY GOD YOU DID DIDN’T YOU? YOU TOLD HIM HES GOOD LOOKING” Jongho burst in laughter while Wooyoung whined and threw a pillow at him.

“Jongho stop messing with Wooyoung he looks like he's going to cry.” Seonghwa said from the kitchen. “And the food is ready so come eat AFTER washing your hands please.” the youngers nodded knowing how seonghwa was about hygiene, and went to wash their hands. 


In the meantime, San came into his apartment not even making sure that the door was fully closed. In his defense, who would want to break in or attack an apartment filled with demons? He threw his bag on the floor cursing all the stupid humans who invented things like math. ‘Humans are stupid’ he thought to himself.

“YAA IS ANYONE HERE” he yelled letting his glamour fade. Revealing black wings and tail. His eyes were in fact in two different colors, but they were not brown and green. They were ice blue and bloodshot red, he felt his horns slowly popping in the sides of his forehead. the only thing that stayed the same was his hair. He sighed happy he didn't have to hide the way he looked like at home. Having that glamour on all day long was tiring. 

“Ya why are you yelling?” Hongjoong asked, clearly unpleased by the yourger’s entrance. 

"Why? Were you napping?" San asked. 

"Don't be a d*ck you know I barely sleep." Hongjoon said, not really mad." But I was working on something and you cut my line of thought." he huffed a little. 

If San were honest, he didn't know what it was that Hongjoon always working on. And since he never shared anything about it, San and Yeosang never asked. 

"Then take a break." San said. " Now, where's Yeosang? He was suppose to be here already."

"Maybe he found a pray on his way there or back." 

"That actually sounds like something he would do." San said. "I need to find me a good pray soon too." he sighed. 

"What do you mean? What about the human you were assigned to?" Hongjoon looked a little confused. 

"Well, it might be a little more difficult than I first thought." San said thinking. 

After a couple minutes of silence Hongjoon looked at him again. 

"Is everything okay? You're really quiet today. You're never that quiet."

"Yeah, it's just," San started. "I met someone today, and there was something familiar about him but I'm not sure what." 

Hongjoon looked at him thinking for a moment. 

"Well do you wanna kill him or…?"

"Surprisingly, no, I don't wanna kill him." he sighed again. "I'm just not sure what to do about him either. It's confusing."

"Okay then just let it be, maybe it'll work out on its own." Hongjoon said. "Or you know, maybe he'll die on his own."

San was about to say something, when the door burst open revealing Yeosang with a bag of fried chicken. 

"What's up losers?" He said. 

"We're perfectly fine." Hongjoon said. 

"Ha, maybe he's perfectly fine, I've been starving here. Where the hell have you been?"

"Oh I found me some nice pray on my way there." he his lips. "I have to say it's been a while since I tasted such good envy."

"Who was your victim this time?" Hongjoon asked. 

"Oh it was a young lady, her boyfriend cheated on her a while ago." Yeosang said. "And today she saw him and his new girlfriend. Let's just say his new girlfriend is hot. Which got her jealous on a whole new level."

San rolled his eyes while Hongjoon just shrugged mumbling 'humans' under his breath. 

"Can we eat already?"

"Why are you so mad?" Yeosang asked.

"I'm fine. can we eat now?" San asked feeling his blood slowly boil in anger. 

"You look mad to me." Yeosang murmured, but San heard that loud and clear. 

"CAN YOU STOP SAYING THAT?! I SAID I'M FINE." San's blue eye was getting brighter while his red eye turned darker. Yeosang knew you shouldn't argue with a furious San. 

"I'm sorry okay? Chill and let's eat." 

San took a deep breath. 

If he was honest with himself, he wasn't sure why he was so mad either.All he knew was that he was extremely angry.  But he rarely spoke like this to Yeosang who was like a brother to him. He looked at Yeosang silently opening the bags of food. His glamour faded revealing his pink hair, a very unusual color for a demon. His wings and tail were dark brown and his horns were already out. San came closer to him. He helped him open the food boxes and set the table. 

"I'm sorry, it's just that stuff happened today. And it got me confused and I guess a little upset too." 

"It's okay Sanie, I understand." he said ruffling San's hair. 

"Ya don't touch my hair." San said chuckling and Yeosang laughed while Hongjoon shook his head fondly. 

"Let's eat!" Hongjoon said. 


When Wooyoung entered the room  he saw Yunho was already there. He also noticed a figure right next to him that looked nothing like Mingi. Mingi always arrived two seconds before the professor came in. Wooyoung never understood how he did it, it was a mystery. Coming closer he saw San was sitting in his seat casually talking to Yunho. He wasn't sure why, but that made him uneasy. 

"Hello San I see you're flirting first thing in the morning." he said drawing their attention to him. "But if you could lift your body off of my chair so I can prepare for the test?"

San smirked. 

"Well good morning to you too baby." Wooyoung scoffed at the nick name. "I see you're being lovely as usual." he said clearly trying to annoy Wooyoung.

"Do you call all your 'fans' baby?" Wooyoung crossed his arms giving San a judging look. 

"I do actually." San said matter-of-factly. "Why are you asking?" he asked. "Oh no, is Woo jelly?"

"Why would I be jealous?" Wooyoung asked. "All I see is self centered, cocky, man child." he watched as San scoffed. "So why would I be jelly babe?" he gestured for San to move.

San got up from Wooyoung's seat, feeling a little defeat and very Annoyed. Yunho was watching the two with an amused look on his face, chuckling when Wooyoung called San 'babe'. He doesn't remember Wooyoung treating anyone like that. He was confused at first, but after watching their interaction just now, he was no longer confused. 

"What's up San?" their attention turned to Mingi who just came in, looking like he didn't have enough time to get ready. His hair was a mess and Wooyoung was pretty sure he chose to wear the first thing he saw in the morning. 

"I was fine until a few moments ago." he gave Wooyoung a side glare. 


"Hello everyone please take your seats." Mr Kim entered the class before Mingi could ask what was going on. 

He took his seat next to San and the four of them took out pens for the test. If San was honest, he wasn't sure he could pass it. Even after all of Mingi's attempts at helping him. He still wasn't sure he understood everything. 

Wooyoung on the other hand was very calm. After all he came to class and did the assignments and homework. 

"Okay you know the rules." Mr Kim said. "You have an hour and a half for this test. You can answer with pens only. And black or blue I will not except your colorful tesst again Mr Song and Mr Jeong." he looked at Mingi and Yunho who were trying not to laugh. "Have I made myself clear?"

The entire class answered with a loud 'yes'. And the test began. 

Wooyoung was peacefully answering the test, while San was cursing and swearing under his breath. Yunho and Mingi were both doing fine, but decided that if Mr Kim won't let them write in colorful pens, they'll just doddle all over the test.

"Please hand me your tests the time is up." Mr Kim said. 

San looked at the watch shocked to find the time had passed. He barley finished the test. He scratched his head, ruffling his hair. He took his bag handing Mr Kim his test and leaving. Outside he was met with a way too relaxed Wooyoung and the two painters, who got scolded as soon as Mr Kim saw their tests. But that didn't stop them from telling San and Wooyoung about it while laughing hard. Wooyoung giggled his squeaky giggles and somehow that made San a little more calm and relaxed, though he didn't know why. 

"San how was your test?" Mingi asked. "We all know Wooyoung did well." that statement earned him a gentle punch from Wooyoung. 

"I, well, it didn't really go well." San said scratching the back of his head. 

"Didn't my notes help you?" Mingi asked. 

"No they did, it's just there's a limit to how much I can learn in one day."

"Well I guess you really are just a pretty face." Wooyoung mumbled loud enough for basically everyone to hear. 

"Well I'm sorry not all of us were born super smart that they can learn everything in one day." San looked annoyed and offended, walking off. 

Mingi followed right behind him, telling Yunho he'll try to calm San down and then they'll meet. Yunho nodded turning to Wooyoung. 

"Woo…" he started saying. "That was really uncalled for." when he saw Wooyoung was going to protest he pointed at him with an accusing finger. "You know I'm right."

Wooyoung sighed. 

"It's possible that I might have went overboard. Just maybe." he didn't lock eyes with Yunho feelings a little ashamed. 

"Just a little?" Yunho asked amused. 

"O-okay maybe a little more than just a little."

"You know you should apologize right?"

"But I don't want to." Wooyoung whined pouting. 

"Ya don't be a brat." he tapped his head gently. "If you made a mistake, you should apologize." 

Wooyoung thought how a human was teaching him what he should already know. He was an angel, a guardian angel. He wasn't mean, evil or violent by nature. But there was something about San that just made him want to punch him. He took a deep breath, 'I need to calm down and apologize, Yunho's right,' he thought.

"Okay let's go, the break will be over soon." Wooyoung said going towards the benches that were outside. He looked around and spotted San and Mingi happily sitting together. He felt his chest tighten at the sight. He didn't understand why he was feeling that so he just pushed the feeling away, deciding to deal with it later. He and Yunho approached them. As soon as San saw them his smile slowly disappeared. 

"Did you come to insult me some more?" San asked when the reached their bench. "Maybe call me dumb directly?"

"N-no," Wooyoung said fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater, not making eye contact with San. "I actually came to apologize. I-I, it was wrong of me to say something like that." he said still not making eye contact, he wasn't sure why he was so nervous. 

If San were honest, he didn't even know why he was even offended and upset about what Wooyoung said. He knew it'll take him a little more time to learn everything, so he wasn't really surprised that the test didn't go that well. He didn't really care about humans' tests that much as well. What really surprised him was the fact that he was even slightly effected by this person. He never felt effected by anyone, well maybe expect for his mother, but she belonged in the past. He was deep in thought until Mingi tapped his shoulder gently, motioning to a still squirming Wooyoung.

"Oh!" he exclaimed. "I'm sorry I spaced out. But it's okay, I'll forgive you if you'll tell me I'm handsome one more time." 

His request surprised not only Wooyoung but San himself. He wasn't sure why he said that. He just thought it'd be nice to hear him call him handsome, but he never meant to say that out loud. What the hell was wrong with him?! 

Wooyoung looked a little frozen. San asked him to do what now? He looked at Yunho expecting him to pretest or at least look surprised. Instead, Yunho looked perfectly calm, motioning with his head that Wooyoung should do as he was told. 'That traitor' Wooyoung huffed, turning to look at a spaced out San. He took a deep breath. 

"You-" San started saying but was cut by Wooyoung.

"Y-you're h-handsome okay?" he wasn't looking at him anymore. 

San looked at Wooyoung awestruck. Wooyoung was completely red now, looking like he could die. San smiled a gentle smile. 

"So you admit it again baby?" San said smirking again. 

"Ya you literally asked me to call you that." Wooyoung said huffing. "Don't get cocky."

"I'm not being cocky. Besides, the first time you said I was good looking, was your choice. No one made you call me that." he said looking straight at Wooyoung. "Which means you really think that." he wiggled his eyebrows at Wooyoung. 

Yunho and Mingi saw that Wooyoung was close to losing it again. So they exchanged looks and nodded. 

"Get a room you guys, or at least take your flirting to someplace else." Yunho said. 

"Wha-" Wooyoung started saying. 

"Why the hell would I wanna flirt with him?"

Wooyoung looked at him annoyed. But before he could say anything Mingi spoke up after looking at his phone. 

"As much as I'm enjoying this, we have classes now so we should go." the three boys sighed, walking to their class. 


Lucky for them the day passed really fast, and before they knew it, it was time to go home. That day they didn't get assignments so they just headed home. Wooyoung walking Yunho to his house, and San going with Mingi. 

"Do you wanna tell me what's going on with you and San?" Yunho asked when they reached his house. 

"W-what do you mean? Nothing is going on." he said confused. 

"Really?" Wooyoung nodded. "So you wanna tell me you don't like him at all?"

"What?! Absolutely no." Wooyoung said shocked. "I can't stand him. He's so cocky and full of himself. He likes to make fun of me and embarrass me, why on earth would I like this guy?"

"Hmm whatever you say." Yunho said. 

"What do you plan to do now?"

"Probably just play some games and eat dinner. Tomorrow we have early classes." he sighed along with Wooyoung. 

"Yeah, that ." Wooyoung ruffled his hair. 

"So I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah bye bye." he waved at Yunho, walking away. He made sure he saw him get in the house and lock the door. He then went home, humming a song. 


"Bro I really don't like him. Why would you say that?" San said to Mingi when they were walking. 

"Well you're just constantly flirting so." Mingi shrugged. 

"The hell? We do not." San said firmly. "Besides how come we didn't walk home with them today?"

"Oh, you see, it's just that, uh, we, umm-"

"Wooyoung didn't want to walk me didn't he?"

"W-whaaa nooo." San gave Mingi a look. "Okay yes, but you can't really blame him. Your flirting skills are not as good as you think and he doesn't find it as amusing as you."

"What? My flirting skills are amazing. All hu- I mean people fall for my flirting."

"Except for Wooyoung."

"Yeah except for him." San was very confused as to why it didn't effect Wooyoung even one bit. It was weird. 

"Alright this is my place." Mingi pointed at his house. "Sleep early tonight cause tomorrow we have early classes." San nodded. "Also please consider just being nice to Wooyoung. He's a really good person I promise, okay?"

"Yes fine, now go home." San said waving to him and leaving deep in thought. 

He didn't plan on going home just yet. He was confused and had a lot on his mind, he decided to walk around the neighborhood. He hoped maybe he'll find a pray, cause it seems like it'll take him a while to get to Yunho. San thought of Yunho, he wasn't sure he wanted to kill him anymore. But he was assigned to, so he must. San sighed when he spotted Yunho leaving his house in sweats, listening to music. He looked like was going on a jog. 'This is my chance' San thought, silently following him.


In his house Wooyoung was playing games with Jongho while Seonghwa was cleaning, again. Wooyoung started wondering if he ever does anything else. He knew Seonghwa was working at some humans' top secret agency or something, he wandered if they hired him to clean as well. Wooyoung was giggling at the thought, yelling at Jongho "YA JONGHO DON'T CHEAT" when he suddenly felt a shiver down his spine. That only meant one thing- Yunho was in trouble. 

"Oh no, you guys," they both turned to him. "Something is wrong with Yunho I have to go make sure he's alright."

"Do you want us to come with you?" Jongho asked. 

"Yeah let's go with him since we anyway planned on eating out." Seonghwa said. 

"Alright let's go." Wooyoung said his glamour on. 

He waited for Seonghwa to hide his light purple wings and change his bright brown hair and light green eyes to black hair and chocolate brown eyes. In the mean time, Jongho changed his white hair to blond and his pinkish eyes to green, his wings already hidden. The three of them put their halos in Wooyoung's backpack and they left hurriedly, hoping to save Yunho from whatever it was that was attacking him. 


To be continued… 

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Chapter 16: Ever since Mingi's accident, I had a feeling that he knew it was San who attacked him, so that was going to come out sooner or later. But, I wasn't expecting Mingi to get back at him like that, even less in Wooyoung's birthday. Life is unfair. This went downhill.
Chapter 16: Aahhhh whyy u left me here hanging?
Please let them be together in the end ??
Chapter 14: Is it wrong for me to just focus on the two lovebirds? :( I hope it isn't THAT against the universe for a demon to fall for an angel. I don't know what's gonna happen, but please let them be okay
Chapter 13: Are we getting some Seongjoong in the mix?
Chapter 11: Yes, I was waiting for this. Thank you for the update, I enjoyed this chapter.
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update, this was good. I'm guessing Jongho saw them. Things are about to get complicated.
celestemoon #7
Chapter 10: Oof has Jongho seen them, things are about to get awkward
celestemoon #8
Chapter 9: Can't wait to see what happens next!!
celestemoon #9
Chapter 8: oooh I love this story!!
zaprilbabyy #10
Chapter 7: I loved this chapter so much!!! But wooyoung is putting himself and the others in trouble. Now San knows that the cookie and Vanilla sent came from him!