Letter Thirty-One—Baekhyun

Paper Airplanes

Dear Soulmate,

It’s September 21st.

Jongdae just turned eighteen! I’m at his house and the clock struck midnight a few minutes ago. Funnily enough, a paper airplane already came to him. More like twenty (this is over the span of two years, I’ve sent you thirty-nine letters in four months, including this one). They flew in like a murder of crows from his kitchen window. Seems like I’m not the only one sending several letters. From what ‘Dae said, most of them were just updates on his life.

His soulmate’s name is Kim Minseok. He’s two years older than Jongdae and I and he lives alone in Guri-si (it’s on the other side of the Han River, the river that goes through Seoul). He even taped a picture of his face onto his letter. He included his Instagram and Jongdae now had an Instagram to follow him (he’s never going to use it, except to talk to him). I’m going to include a photo this time, too.

Jongdae’s lucky his soulmate lives so close to him. I’ve seen some people say they had to spend a lot of money to find their soulmates that live in other countries. Some boy (he’s a little younger than Baek-beom) from my neighbourhood travelled to Dubai to find his soulmate. I would spend money to find you, even if it meant I'll go into debt.

Minseok's studying for a music degree, or something like that. Jongdae is still fawning over the letters and won’t let me read them. It’s unfair that he gets like, a gazillion, as soon as he turns eighteen. Why won’t you send me letters? I shouldn't be envious, you have a good reason, I'm sure.

He is planning to meet Minseok as soon as he gets a reply from him. I’m sure they’ll make a cute pair. I hope Minseok isn’t like the soul-killers, the news is calling those killers that now. There’s been a few near my house, one of them was ten blocks away from me.

Mom's been a little paranoid now with me sending you all these letters now, she doesn’t know if you’re a psycho in a straitjacket or the sweetest person ever. I’m sure you’re a sweet person.

Baek-beom is constantly telling me to stop sending letters because it won’t make you respond any faster. I don’t care. I like writing these letters, it makes me feel a little like Anne Frank. That’s a horrible analogy, but it’s the only famous diary I can think of besides Bridget Jones’ Diary.

I don’t feel like Anne Frank in the way of the Holocaust, but how I’m writing something so personal.

I’m going to end that here before I make even worse analogies.

Byun Baekhyun

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Chapter 2: Keep goin baek
Chapter 1: That infant part crack me up???
Chapter 11: YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! As I was reading Baekhyun's letters...I couldn't wait to finally get to Chanyeol's first letter to Baekhyun!!!!!!!

Haha! Chanyeol's mom laughing her head off at how many letter's Chanyeol got! Yup! It is like Harry Potter!

HHAHAHHAHA HIS SISTER HAS KIDS FOR BAEKHYUN!!! If he can get the gremlins off her!


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: This was adorable! Just Baekhyun rambling on to his soulmate about everything and nothing.

HA! His brother's comments on kids!
Chapter 9: Aww Baekhyun seems lonely this Halloween.
Chapter 7: I knew Baekhyun was going to be jealous of Jongdae! At least Minseok seems cool and sweet!

Baekhyun is definitely getting frustrated at no response at all from his soulmate.
Chapter 6: HA! Pushing a watermelon out! Not that he is a lady..

Awww Baekhyun is an uncle! Oh yes! he is totally one of those uncles!

HA! I loved his P.S to his soulmate!
Chapter 5: Poor Baekhyun! He turned 18 before Jongdae but the second Jongdae turned 18.. he got letters from his soulmate! And Baekhyun is still getting nothing! I'm surprised Jongdae hasn't rubbed it in his face yet.

"A psycho or the sweetest person ever"! <3

Did Baekhyun JUST COMPARE HIMSELF TO ANNE FRANK?! This boy needs a reply back before he goes off the deep end!