Letter One—Baekhyun

Paper Airplanes

Dear Soulmate,


It's May 6th. I just turned eighteen four minutes ago. I was up all night waiting to write this (my mom was telling me to sleep, but this is more important!). I’m so going to rub this into Jongdae’s face, that sore loser. He has to wait another four months to send a letter to his soulmate and start receiving them from her. Or him. Who knows?

I don’t even know if you’re going to get this soon or in like, eighteen years. Please don’t be a newborn. I don’t want to wait eighteen years, and that’ll be creepy. I can’t think of my soulmate being a newborn, it makes me sound like a e. That sounded bad, sorry.

My name is Baekhyun. That should have been the first sentence, but I’m just too excited. I can’t contain my happiness. I CAN SEND MY PAPER AIRPLANES NOW!!! I don’t even know how it works, but I love it. I can’t wait for the wind to send this to you. I hope you don’t live across the ocean so it wont take months for you to get the letter. If you do, though, it’s okay.

I live in South Korea. Bucheon, to be exact. I’m not scared to tell you that, unlike those catfishes on Instagram. I trust you if you’re my soulmate. But there’s been the insurgence of soulmates killing each other. It’s sad. Why aren’t they happy with each other.

Ignore my rambling. I’m just writing and writing and writing and writing. I don’t even know if you can read. If you’re a newborn, you won’t be able to read, anyway. Just don’t be an infant and we’ll be all good.

My mom is telling me we can go to Dong-gu to send this letter. She sent her letter to my dad there, she wants to keep the tradition. My older brother pre-wrote his letter (what a dork) and sent it the moment he turned 18. He’s married now and his wife is having a baby in four months! I’m almost an uncle, Soulmate! I hope you can be the baby’s aunt or uncle, too. Baek-beom would probably appreciate that.

I’m exhausted. I’m going to bed, goodnight!


Love (is that too forward? I don’t think so),

Byun Baekhyun


P.S.: Jongdae is my best friend, should have cleared that up first. We met in first grade after he and we are INSEPARABLE. Jongdae and I 'accidentally' clogged a school toilet when we were in tenth grade. We flushed our schoolwork down the toilet on the last day. We got in a lot of trouble, but it was a lot of fun.

(I'm adding this on May 6th at 3:01 PM: This sounds like a pen pal, more than my first paper airplane. Basically, it’s the same thing, though. I had a pen pal from Canada once, outr teacher in first grade made us do it.)

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Chapter 2: Keep goin baek
Chapter 1: That infant part crack me up???
Chapter 11: YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! As I was reading Baekhyun's letters...I couldn't wait to finally get to Chanyeol's first letter to Baekhyun!!!!!!!

Haha! Chanyeol's mom laughing her head off at how many letter's Chanyeol got! Yup! It is like Harry Potter!

HHAHAHHAHA HIS SISTER HAS KIDS FOR BAEKHYUN!!! If he can get the gremlins off her!


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: This was adorable! Just Baekhyun rambling on to his soulmate about everything and nothing.

HA! His brother's comments on kids!
Chapter 9: Aww Baekhyun seems lonely this Halloween.
Chapter 7: I knew Baekhyun was going to be jealous of Jongdae! At least Minseok seems cool and sweet!

Baekhyun is definitely getting frustrated at no response at all from his soulmate.
Chapter 6: HA! Pushing a watermelon out! Not that he is a lady..

Awww Baekhyun is an uncle! Oh yes! he is totally one of those uncles!

HA! I loved his P.S to his soulmate!
Chapter 5: Poor Baekhyun! He turned 18 before Jongdae but the second Jongdae turned 18.. he got letters from his soulmate! And Baekhyun is still getting nothing! I'm surprised Jongdae hasn't rubbed it in his face yet.

"A psycho or the sweetest person ever"! <3

Did Baekhyun JUST COMPARE HIMSELF TO ANNE FRANK?! This boy needs a reply back before he goes off the deep end!