Something's Wrong ∞

The Land of Inspiria. ∞

Sungjong decided to come with the four of us on a walk, and I asked them a bunch of questions.

"What do you guys eat?"

"Me, Sungyeol, and Woohyun eat a lot of foods, but we mostly like meat since we're foxes, dragons, and wolves." L replied.

Woohyun looked at me, trying to make himself seem less-gross. "It doesn't have to be raw meat. We can go out and eat barbequed meat just like normal humans. We'll blend in perfectly."

"I can eat pretty much anything." Sungjong replied. "Even edible things for humans will work for me!"

Really?" I asked. He nodded.

I looked over at Sungyeol. He was really quiet this entire time, and he's never usually like this. He kept walking the same pace as us, but his mind seemed to be somewhere else.

"Sungyeol, gwaenchana?" I couldn't help but ask.

His eyes lit up. "Huh? Ah, oh, ne..."

"Ya, seriously. You were like this in the morning, too." I said.

"What? When ?"

"When I came in and you were staring out the window. What's wrong?"

"It's... it's nothing..." He replied, looking away.

I looked at Woohyun and L. They both looked at me with troubled eyes, like they knew why Sungyeol was like this.

We waited to Sungyeol to walk ahead with Sungjong.

Woohyun looked at me. "Sungyeol thinks we're in trouble. Lately, he's been having these visions."

"Of what?" I remembered when Sungyeol envisioned that I wouldn't cause anything bad to happen in Inspiria, when Woohyun was about to pound me in his dragon form.

"Well, Inspiria is almost like a self-destructing place... our time here could be running out."

"Really? How?"

Before they could answer me, Sungjong called to us.

"Hey slowpokes! Look who we bumped into !"

Woohyun and L looked up, trying to smile after the conversaation we just had. "Sungkyu hyung !"

The boy in front of Sungjong and Sungyeol smiled at them. "Woohyun, Myungsoo, it's good to see you guys."

"You too, hyung." L said.

We all walked over to where they were. Sungkyu had dirty dark blond hair and small eyes that smiled when he did. He looked like the oldest of all of the boys I've met in Inspiria. The thing was though, he looked like a normal person. No tails. No long ears. No wings. No magical purple dust.

"Hyung, this is ___, and... she's a human, too."



Author's Note~

hehehe hope you enjoyed this chapter ! c:

The next one might be up this week or the next :o

Exams are coming up !! I wish you all good luck on them if you still have to do them ~ n_n

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update: i was finally able to recover the rest of the story on my old phone!
so... if anyone is still reading this, you're in luck! eheh. but this is just mainly for me, to have some closure and an ending for this fic.


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kinspiremae #1
Chapter 20: Nothing lol. And jobs. Urgh jobs and life .. Can't there ever be a raining money day. Lol.
xcutecheaks #2
Chapter 19: @eversea hehe thank you so much ashley! ^^
@TamaDaily o.o something about myungsoo? :o LOL
kinspiremae #3
Chapter 19: A job .-. I wonder where...
Myungsoo always always

Update soon
Chapter 19: Aww, this is cute! It will be interesting to see them all get jobs, hehe~

Great job so far Brittany! Looking forward to reading the next chapter! ^^
Chapter 18: This chapter is so cute! ^^ LOL "MY BRAIN IS FROZEN !" x)
Chapter 18: BRAIN FREEZEE ! ^o^
omg tell me more. LOL
please make a sequel after this c:
AND LOL it sounds like it would make a really cool video game XD
This is so interesting omg how did you come up with this? I LOVE IT! Great job & update soon c:
kinspiremae #9
Chapter 17: Vision? What vision? OMO not again.. Tell me!!!! I must be a patient waiter... FORGET THAT *hugs a big pikachu plush tightly* update soon author-nim QAQ