Thinking of a Plan ∞

The Land of Inspiria. ∞



Instead of walking tiredly up Mt. Gemini, Woohyun gave us a ride on his dragon form. When we arrived, Dongwoo and Hoya were talking really fast to each other with music in the background. Only when I got closer to them did I realize they were rapping, and they sounded really good. Sungkyu and Sungjong were also there.

Perfect. Everyone was here.

"What are you guys doing?" Woohyun transformed back into human size and asked the twins.

"They're talking really fast." Sungjong smiled, so sure of himself.

"Ani, maknae, I told you, we're rapping!" Dongwoo stopped to tell him.

"Oh. Right. Rap... Rapping." Sungjong smiled meekly.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Hoya asked curiously.

We all looked at each other.

"We've got stuff to tell you guys..." I started.

"Okay, let's all sit down." Sungkyu said, and we all sat in a circle.

They all looked at L, Woohyun, Sungyeol, and I, wondering what we were going to tell them.

"So... what's up?" Dongwoo asked.

Woohyun looked at us, then took a deep breath. "We think... ani, we know... that Inspiria will vapourize soon.

"Mwo?! Hyung, you're joking right?" Sungjong's eyes widened.

"How do you know?" Hoya asked calmly.

I nudged Sungyeol. He finally started to speak. "I've been having these visions lately..."

He told the entire story.

"And Inspiria, knowing there's a human living here, will collapse on its own will." Sungyeol steadily kept his eye sight free from the eldest hyung, not wanting him to feel bad.

Sungkyu looked down, feeling ashamed. Sungjong noticed this and started to pat his back. "Hyung, it's not your fault!"

"It is, Sungjong." He looked up, his eyes red and full of tears. "I'm the one who decided to live here because of its beauty, and I will be the one who will make it all, in its beauty, disappear. It's all because of me... !" He buried his face in his hands.

"Sungkyu hyung... Please, it's not your fault." Dongwoo and Hoya also had slightly watery eyes.

L's eyebrows were knit together.

Woohyun balled his fists.

Sungyeol teleported to Sungkyu's side, also comforting him. "Hyung, if it's anyone's fault, it's ours. We knew it was dangerous for you, we were too selfish at the time."

"Everyone, it's not time to think about our mistakes." L began. "It's best if we start to think about what we'll do from here on out."

Hoya nodded. "L's right. But... what are we going to do?"

"We have to find a way out of this. It may seem impossible, but I know something will work out." Sungyeol said.

"Instead of making it out together as a group, think about what everyone can do as an individual." I looked up. "I have a suggestion."

They all looked at me, ready to hear what I had to say.

"Okay, here's the plan..."


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update: i was finally able to recover the rest of the story on my old phone!
so... if anyone is still reading this, you're in luck! eheh. but this is just mainly for me, to have some closure and an ending for this fic.


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kinspiremae #1
Chapter 20: Nothing lol. And jobs. Urgh jobs and life .. Can't there ever be a raining money day. Lol.
xcutecheaks #2
Chapter 19: @eversea hehe thank you so much ashley! ^^
@TamaDaily o.o something about myungsoo? :o LOL
kinspiremae #3
Chapter 19: A job .-. I wonder where...
Myungsoo always always

Update soon
Chapter 19: Aww, this is cute! It will be interesting to see them all get jobs, hehe~

Great job so far Brittany! Looking forward to reading the next chapter! ^^
Chapter 18: This chapter is so cute! ^^ LOL "MY BRAIN IS FROZEN !" x)
Chapter 18: BRAIN FREEZEE ! ^o^
omg tell me more. LOL
please make a sequel after this c:
AND LOL it sounds like it would make a really cool video game XD
This is so interesting omg how did you come up with this? I LOVE IT! Great job & update soon c:
kinspiremae #9
Chapter 17: Vision? What vision? OMO not again.. Tell me!!!! I must be a patient waiter... FORGET THAT *hugs a big pikachu plush tightly* update soon author-nim QAQ