Just Making Them Happy ∞

The Land of Inspiria. ∞

I needed to get Sungyeol and Sungjong to tell me what was wrong.

I couldn't let them live unhappily... not after what happened to their beloved home.

I had to get them to tell me.

I had to make them happy.

Because... it's the only thing I can do for them.

♬ Real Story - INFINITE

The couple of days were spent at home. I showed them a few dance songs to practice their choreography. They managed to learn the dances and also made up a few of their own! Sungyeol and Sungjong had smiles on their faces as wide as the others, and I felt happy. All I want to do for these seven boys right now, is to make them happy for as long as I can.

"I'm so exhausted!!" Woohyun complained, pouting. "Can we get something to drink?"

Sungjong lit up. "Better yet, can we get slushies? I've heard that they're really yummy, I want to try one!"

"What's a... slushie?" Hoya asked.

"It's like very small crushed ice with a type of flavour. It could be cola, orange pop, blueberry, anything sweet." Sungkyu explained.

"Omo! That sounds DAEBAK!!" Sungjong's eyes glittered. "Can we get some? Pleeeease, ____?"

"Yeah, please?" Sungyeol asked.

"With a cherry on top!" Dongwoo grinned.

"It sounds yummy." L chuckled.

I laughed. "Okay, fine. But you guys have to practice for another fifteen minutes! Arasseo? Or else no slushie!"

"Arasseo..." They sighed.

I giggled quietly. The boys practiced really hard, all of them more synchronized each time the song played. I smiled. They all looked really happy.

After thirty minutes, they fell onto the floor, exhausted.

"Come on, aren't we going?" I slung my bag over my shoulder.

"EH ?! GO... GOING WHERE?!" Woohyun said, breathless. "We're so tired right now!"

I pretended to look confused. "So you don't want slushie?"

Their eyes widened, getting up immediately. "Wait wait wait, we do!!"

I laughed. "Let's go~"

★               ★               ★

We arrived at the convenient store, and I pointed at the slushie stand. They all ran towards it, leaving me and Sungkyu oppa laughing.

"That's why my reaction was when I first saw slushie... when I was three." He said.

I chuckled. "Me too." I looked at all of them as they tried to see how the machine worked. "They're like a bunch of kids."

Sungkyu scoffed playfully. "They ARE a bunch of kids."

Sungjong looked at us. "Hyung, ____, come here!"

We walked over to them as they stared at the rotating slushie machine. There were at least ten different flavours.

"Here, let me show you guys. Sungkyu oppa, what would you like?"

He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Watermelon, please."

I nodded, and took a cup and filled it with the pink, shaved ice. The boys watched in amazement as the slushie came out of the machine.

"Whoaaa !" They were amazed.

"Here you go." I smiled as I handed Sungkyu the slushie.

He smiled back. "Thanks, ____."

"Lemme try, lemme try!!" Sungyeol said.

I laughed. "Single file, one at a time, guys."

After everyone got their choice of slushie, we went to the register. I pulled out my wallet, when suddenly a hand stopped me from taking the money out.

"I'll get it." Sungkyu said, handing the cashier his money.

I looked at him. "Oppa, you didn't have to..."

He shrugged lightly. "It's nothing, don't worry about it. In fact, it's the only thing I can do, for bringing my only friends here, and for trying to help us achieve our dream."

"Gomawo, Sungkyu oppa."

"Ani, thank YOU." He smiled.

As we walked home, the boys stared at their drinks.

"Drink it, guys! It's going to melt if you don't."

"Oh... okay." L said. He took a sip... too big of a sip. His eyes widened. "B... B - B... BRAIN FREEZE!! Ouch! OW OW OW!!!!!" He started running around in a circle rapidly.

The other members watched him, chuckling.

"I've never seen L hyung like this before." Sungjong said, smiling.

"I don't think anyone has..." Woohyun laughed.


I laughed, walking towards him, putting my hands on his shoulder. "Myungsoo oppa, it's okay. It'll go away."

"Oh goodness..." He shook his head. "Hey, guys... don't drink the slushie too fast."

The others chuckled as they slowly sipped their drinks.

"A toast..." Sungkyu started, holding up his slushie.

"To... achieving our dreams!" Hoya finished.

Sungkyu smiled. "To achieving our dreams, because I know it will happen."

Everyone cheered, holding their slushies up.


Author-nim's Note

Hello everybody!! > u <

Is everyone liking the story so far? I surely hope so~ ^^

Meh maybe I shouldn't have chosen 'Real Story' as the background music for this chapter...

But I really, really like the english translation for that song, and I sort of needed a calm INFINITE song. :o

Hehe I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! o u o

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Thank you!
update: i was finally able to recover the rest of the story on my old phone!
so... if anyone is still reading this, you're in luck! eheh. but this is just mainly for me, to have some closure and an ending for this fic.


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kinspiremae #1
Chapter 20: Nothing lol. And jobs. Urgh jobs and life .. Can't there ever be a raining money day. Lol.
xcutecheaks #2
Chapter 19: @eversea hehe thank you so much ashley! ^^
@TamaDaily o.o something about myungsoo? :o LOL
kinspiremae #3
Chapter 19: A job .-. I wonder where...
Myungsoo always always

Update soon
Chapter 19: Aww, this is cute! It will be interesting to see them all get jobs, hehe~

Great job so far Brittany! Looking forward to reading the next chapter! ^^
Chapter 18: This chapter is so cute! ^^ LOL "MY BRAIN IS FROZEN !" x)
Chapter 18: BRAIN FREEZEE ! ^o^
omg tell me more. LOL
please make a sequel after this c:
AND LOL it sounds like it would make a really cool video game XD
This is so interesting omg how did you come up with this? I LOVE IT! Great job & update soon c:
kinspiremae #9
Chapter 17: Vision? What vision? OMO not again.. Tell me!!!! I must be a patient waiter... FORGET THAT *hugs a big pikachu plush tightly* update soon author-nim QAQ