Living Lives Like Humans ∞

The Land of Inspiria. ∞

Hot summer, a hot, hot, summer!

The radio played as the boys --Infinite, they called themselves as their group name, inspired by Inspiria-- and I fanned ourselves with sheets of song lyrics in the beginning of August. It had been a month and a half since they became earthlings.

Sungjong pouted, looking at his hands. "I miss my magical genie dust."

"I think everyone misses their extra forms." Sungyeol rested on side of his cheek on his hand, his elbow placed on the floor. "I've been living nineteen years with ten tails. Without them, it feels so there !!"

I giggled as L nodded in agreement with him.

"I almost can't remember how I used to fly with my wings." Woohyun said.

"Us too!" Hoya and Dongwoo joined in.

"How do you earth people live like this?" Sungyeol looked at Sungkyu oppa and I. "No flying, no magic, no fur to keep you warm."

"We have things called airplanes to travel." Sungkyu explained. "And we use jackets, scarves, mittens, and hats to keep ourselves warm."

"As for magic..." I said. "We don't have that. The closest thing we have to magic... is love."

"Ah, being an earth person sounds so hard!" Woohyun said.

"You've got to stop calling it that, Woohyun. We're humans, okay? You are now, too. It's not that hard. Besides, you've been doing it for a month and a half already." Sungkyu replied.

"Hey, if we want to survive as humans... don't we need jobs?" L asked.

"OMO! I totally forgot about that!" I facepalmed myself.

★               ★               ★

I was desperate. I had to find Infinite easy jobs really soon. Then, an idea popped up. I ran to the living room, where my parents were sitting.

"Hey dad, you know Mr. Shin?"

Appa looked up from his newspapers. "Mhm, my friend Mr. Shin?"

"Ne. He's hiring, right?"

"Wae? You want a job?" Umma asked.

"Ani, ani, it's not for me."

"Well, yes, he's hiring."

"Oh, good." I looked at my dad sheepishly. "Would seven people be enough?"

His eyes widened.

fifteen minutes later


They all looked at me. "Ne, ____ ?"

"I got you all jobs!" I smiled at them as soon as I reached the floor of the basement.

"Jinjja?" L sat up.

I nodded rapidly. "Work starts tomorrow at 9am!"

Woohyun's eyes widened. "TOMORROW? Already?"

"Mhm!" I smiled.

"What kind of job? Does it involve us being famous?" Dongwoo grinned.

"Mm... not quite." I laughed. "You guys will see tomorrow!"

"Okay everyone." Sungkyu clapped his hands together. "Practice for another hour, break, and have a good night's rest, okay?"

"Yes, hyung!" They all said in unison, saluting Sungkyu oppa with a police officer's salute. I laughed. I couldn't wait to see Infinite as a singing and dancing group.


Author's Note

Hello everybody! ^ u ^ -bows-

I think this chapter was badly written ;A; I wrote this a LONG while back and never had time to edit it.

I hope you guys still understand what this chapter is about! ^^

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Thank you!
update: i was finally able to recover the rest of the story on my old phone!
so... if anyone is still reading this, you're in luck! eheh. but this is just mainly for me, to have some closure and an ending for this fic.


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kinspiremae #1
Chapter 20: Nothing lol. And jobs. Urgh jobs and life .. Can't there ever be a raining money day. Lol.
xcutecheaks #2
Chapter 19: @eversea hehe thank you so much ashley! ^^
@TamaDaily o.o something about myungsoo? :o LOL
kinspiremae #3
Chapter 19: A job .-. I wonder where...
Myungsoo always always

Update soon
Chapter 19: Aww, this is cute! It will be interesting to see them all get jobs, hehe~

Great job so far Brittany! Looking forward to reading the next chapter! ^^
Chapter 18: This chapter is so cute! ^^ LOL "MY BRAIN IS FROZEN !" x)
Chapter 18: BRAIN FREEZEE ! ^o^
omg tell me more. LOL
please make a sequel after this c:
AND LOL it sounds like it would make a really cool video game XD
This is so interesting omg how did you come up with this? I LOVE IT! Great job & update soon c:
kinspiremae #9
Chapter 17: Vision? What vision? OMO not again.. Tell me!!!! I must be a patient waiter... FORGET THAT *hugs a big pikachu plush tightly* update soon author-nim QAQ