The Black and Red Face Off

Black Rose Manor


  “Are you guys ready?” asked Junsu looking at the two younger demons, who both looked tired since they both just woke up.

“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be…” I said, they could easily see that I was exhausted.

“Are you okay…”

“I’m just sore from training earlier…” I said, yawning again.

L.Joe looked away and whispered so only I could hear, “And other things…”

I pinched his side discretely, which made him smile.

“Are you going to be okay for the battle to come?” asked Taecyeon.

I nodded, “I’m fine…”

“Alright, then let’s get going…” said Taecyeon, the others nodded and followed him, and said, “We’ve decided that it’s too dangerous to teleport near the base, so we’re going to have to walk for a bit before we do so…”

“Alright.” Said the rest of us, all of us felt exhausted because the day had been a busy and eventful one. We walked in silence and it was driving me insane, I was limping while biting my thumb.

“Are you ok?” asked L.Joe, gently placing his hand on my lower back caressing it lovingly.

I nodded, “I am…”

“Then what’s wrong?”

“I’m worried about the others…what if they aren’t actually able to be healed…also, what if we don’t get there in time and Jaehyo dies?” I whispered, “What if I lose to your father?”

“You won’t lose to the old man…” said L.Joe, “After all, you have me and the others here to protect you and help you…you’re not going to lose to him.”

I smiled, “It’s always a relief to know that someone is there for you in a time like this.”

He nodded, “Which is why I’m here.”

I laughed and nodded, “That and because you are my lover…”

He nodded, “That I am…So, don’t worry too much about it because you’re a strong male and I know you’re a lot strong than my old man…”

I nodded, smiling, I held his hand tightly in my own and said, “I really hope what you are saying is true, I really hope I’ll do as well you say I will…”

“Chunji, you’re going to be fine…no one else is going to fall victim to this war on our side…I promise you that Chunji…” said Junsu, “I won’t permit it to happen…I won’t let anything happen to any of you.”

We all nodded and smiled at the man who was like a brother to us, I then spoke again, “Good, Junsu-hyung, because I’m not letting them harm any or you either…not one of them will be able to touch you…”

“If you are planning on using your powers Chunji, don’t because they aren’t fully awakened yet, you still can’t fully control them yet…I don’t think your body would be able to take it.” Said Junsu, he looked at me his mouth in a thin line and I knew he wasn’t joking, I knew my body wasn’t ready for the magic I’d use, however, what I do know is that I was going to use it weither they liked it or not.

We then continued to walk in silence and I knew time was ticking down, I could feel that Jaehyo was becoming weaker and weaker. I looked at L.Joe, who could feel my worry going through the bond again, he squeezed my hand only to have me squeeze back in return. He smiled and kissed the crown of my head in return, smiling widely.

“Guy’s we’re a good distance away now, it’s safe to teleport, you all know where we’re going right?” said Taecyeon, we all nodded and he said, “I’ll see you all there…”

He and Junsu vanished followed by Wooyoung and Junho, I looked away and L.Joe looked at me his eyes shone with worry, “Come on Chunji…”

I looked at him and nodded, taking a deep breath as I closed my eyes, forcing what powers I could control to carry me to the black rose capital. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in the middle of a street, the people around glared at me and I took a deep breath, this wasn’t good. I glanced around, L.Joe and the others were nowhere in sight.

“Well…It’s as I predicted…you’d be here…Prince Chunji,” Said the old man, laughing as he looked at me, waving his people off, “You’ve come to over throw me right?” He suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind me, grabbing my head from behind, he shot some type of power into it, making me collapse onto my knees in pain as my vision blurred and spun, I looked at the man one last time, seeing the smirk on his face before I fell unconscious, hearing his voice one last time, “Chunji, you won’t see your little friends ever again…they’re goners without you…However, you will do well in bringing my son to me…”


[L.Joe’s PoV]

I appeared again to see that we were surrounded by black rose members, I looked around in desperation, trying to find Chunji, feeling panicked about the older missing. I hissed as I felt a pain burning in my chest, I felt pain flowing into me from the bond and collapsed as my knees buckled, holding onto the shirt over my chest. I coughed and the four looked at me in worry.

“L.Joe, what’s wrong?” asked Junsu, his voice was soft, but you could clearly hear the worry in it.

“It seems as though my father knew we were coming and purposely separated the two of us…he wants me to find him…”

“How do you know that?”

“He knows that the bond is strongest when Chunji is hurt…so, he’s hurting him…” I gasped out, I felt like fire was consuming my body and looked at Junsu, “Let me go to him…we both know that the plan is already ruined, we both know that Chunji needs me…we both know that he’ll die if I don’t go to him, so please…let me go…”

Taecyeon looked at Junsu who sighed; he then looked at me, “Go.”

“He’s right, go…” said Junsu, “We’ll take care of these guys, you go ahead and get to Chunji, take care of him…find Jaehyo…hopefully we’ll be in there to help you in a little bit…but you never know with these guys. Also, whatever you do L.Joe, do not let Chunji use his powers…”

“Alright, I promise you that I won’t permit him to…” I said, smiling at the two older men before disappearing, this time reappearing in the place I hadn’t entered for years, the castle where the king’s life was stolen from him by the traitors, by my father.

I looked around the once beautiful and once buzzing castle, seeing that the beautiful statues were shattered into pieces that laid all over the floor and saw that there was barely anyone here, or else they all were hiding from me in the shadow. I glanced around, heading to the once elegant throne room, having a feeling that was where Chunji and Jaehyo were being kept by my father.

I walked to the large doors, pushing them open and stepping into the room, and as I predict, there sat my father. He sat in the large throne, his ‘crown’ on his head, a smirk gracing his lips as his heated glare was sent towards something on the side of the room. I heard a pained whimper and my eyes automatically shot to the creature that had made such a sad sound that made my heart feel like it was being shattered, there I saw Jaehyo, cradling the head of a nearly unconscious Chunji, it was obvious of what my father had done, seeing the blisters covering his body I knew the man had done the same thing he did countless times to me when I was younger and first rebelling against him.

My eyes met his, I saw how distant they looked…I saw the pain; I felt it through the bond. I saw that his eyes were glazed in tears weither they were pain or from the other emotion I felt flowing through the bond, I don’t know, but I knew he was going to cry, I looked at him worriedly one last time before turning my glare to my father, my face grew grim as anger boiled up in me, watching his every move. His eyes met mine and I knew that this battle wasn’t going to last long. In his eyes I could see illness, fatigue…I knew that he was far weaker than he acted, which meant that there is no need for Chunji to even be healing anyone.

“L.Joe it’s so wonderful to see you again…” hissed the man, I looked at him emotionlessly and he smirked, standing up, he acted like he was perfectly okay, however, I could see that his legs trembled, however there was one thing I didn’t catch.


[Junsu’s PoV]

“Junsu…We have a visitor…” said Taecyeon, looking at me as I finished off the last enemy, I turned towards him and my eyes widened looking at Chansung, his eyes were dazed like Taecyeon, Wooyoung, and Junho’s were when I met them again. I looked at him, “He’s under his control…”

His? Who is he?” I asked.

Taecyeon looked at him and stayed silent, “Taecyeon.”

“What would you say if I told you that the Devil was brought back by the Black Rose?” asked Taecyeon.

“Oh my god…you have to be joking…”

The other male shook his head, “I’m not…Lucifer is back and he wants vengeance on the people who sealed him away before…”

“Then he’s after Chunji and Jaehyo, but mainly Chunji specifically because the boy has his father’s powers?” I said, the other male nodded, “So, Due to his father sealing Lucifer away he wants Chunji because he’s the closest thing to his father because he holds his father’s powers?”

“Yeah, pretty much,” Said Taecyeon, “Let’s get Chansung back, ok? Then we’ll focus on getting to Chunji and Jaehyo…”

I nodded, sighing, “Chunji better be safe when we get there… all three of them better be safe, or else I won’t be able to control myself…”

Taecyeon nodded, “Same here…that man made me kill my king out of revenge there is no way I’ll let him kill the princes too.”

I nodded, “There is no way he’ll be able to touch a hair on their heads when I get there…”

Taecyeon nodded, “Let’s focus on Chansung for now.”

I nodded, “Let’s.”


[L.Joe’s PoV]

I stared at my father who now laid on the ground in a puddle of his own blood, it hurt to know that he was gone, but at the same time it was pleasing, especially after all those years he hurt me and abused me. It was good to know that my people were free, that Chunji’s people were free. I smiled to myself and walked over to the blistered Chunji, who still laid there weak on the ground, fighting to stay conscious.

He grabbed my hand as soon as I sat beside him and I smiled at him, transferring some of my energy to him, healing him a bit, he smiled at me thankfully as he final came aware of what was going on around him.

“Are you ok?” I asked now, hugging the still rather weak male close, the boy nodded, hugging me back before looking at this still wounded hyung.

“Are you okay Jae-hyung?”

The man nodded, “I’ll be fine…however, both of you should be aware…this isn’t over…”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

I heard haunting laughter and felt Chunji tense up in my arms as the room became unbearably hot.

“You foolish teenage lovers…you two thought this was over…oh…you’re so wrong…this is just the beginning…” said a bone chilling voice, I turned around and my father was standing up, but it was obvious from the pale skin that he was physically dead and that this person speaking wasn’t him, but some one every demon fears.

“Lucifer…” said the three of us, a black flame shot towards us and the next thing we knew, Jaehyo was standing in front of us, he had created a red, slightly transparent wall, something only royal blood could make, it was an extremely strong shield, however it was not good for your body.


[Junsu’s PoV]

I looked down from where I stood, looking at the ground and looking at the face that was there, glaring up at me, from where he was being pinned down by the other three, “Chansung, snap out of it…stop listening to him…stop it…”

The male began to struggle, reaching from my ankle that was really near to his arm, I bit my lip and backed away, not risking it.

“Chansung, fight against him…you’re strong enough, you can block him out…” I said, he glared and began to shake his head, I knew he was trying to take control over his body again, but the shaking turned to spasms and soon the body fell limp in a matter of seconds, Taecyeon and the others looked at him in shock, I kneeled down and checked for a pulse, shaking my head, “He’s gone…the devil knew we were going to do he made the curse worse…he made the curse evolve to the point that you’re either under his control or you’re dead…”

“So does that mean…?”

I nodded, “Chansung might be dead, but he’s free…”

“So, he got away from the curse?” said Junho, looking at me, I nodded, “He’s safe now and far away, where the devil can’t reach him…”

The four of us looked at him sadly, bowing our heads in respect for him, knowing that he quite literally just fought for his life, but ended up losing it anyway. I looked at him as a tear streamed out of my eye, it was my job to watch over all of them…the king had given me that job, but it just seems like I’m failing it.

“Hyung…I promise you, I won’t allow him to touch your boys…” I whispered, before looking up at the others after wiping my eyes and saying, “Let’s get going…I have a feeling the Devil has come out and Jaehyo, Chunji, and L.Joe are in great danger…”

The three nodded and followed me as I vanished, heading towards the castle.


[Chunji’s PoV]

The longer Jaehyo kept the red rose’s signature defense up, the stronger I got. The more energy I absorbed, the more my wounds healed, the more my hyung weakened. I looked at him in worry and L.Joe looked at me then at him, he was worried about both of us, but right now, he had nothing he could do, after all even though he was strong, he wasn’t strong enough to take on Lucifer, he wasn’t strong enough to take on our creator. I looked at L.Joe who was now standing up, the man helped me stand up and despite my body burning I pushed him away a bit, traveling to my hyung. Standing beside him, sticking one of my hands up, I added power into the weakening wall.

“Hyung go take a break…” I said.

He shook his head, “No, you can’t control your powers just yet, there is no way I’ll leave this to you…”

“Hyung, you’re going to pass out…” I said.

“So be it…” said Jaehyo, pushing me behind him and shielding me as both my powers and his went down, the black flames hit Jaehyo, and he fell limply against me and I looked at his bloody body horrified, I glanced at L.Joe, seeing that he too was bloody, however, he wasn’t as bad, because somehow a red shield went around him, however, his leg was wounded to seriously so he couldn’t move. I looked over and there I saw Jaehyo’s crew, all were a little wounded and bloody themselves, but they still had strength in them, I then looked at Jaehyo as the black flames consumed us, I took a deep breath and felt a surge of power flow through me and opened my eyes again, to see that the black flames were gone now and we all were trapped in a red bubble type thing. I looked to my right, to where L.Joe was and saw that he and the other six looked at me horrified from where they were outside of the red bubble I had placed around the three of us.  L.Joe was trying to break through the wall, I knew he wanted me to stop, I know they all did because they knew the powers I held, they all knew what I was capable of and what would happen if I used too much power, they all knew what would happen if I strained myself again.

I looked at Jaehyo hyung and lifted my hand, surrounding him with a red bubble, and slowly moving his limp body out of the larger bubble which was keeping the others out, despite how much they were trying to get in. The red bubble was healing Jaehyo and by the time he was outside of the bubble with the others, he was conscious and trying to get back in, however I looked at them all, mouthing that I was sorry. I then clinched my fist and the wall lost its transparency and became solid, making it so that the others couldn’t see in and so that the others couldn’t interfere, I then looked at the demon who was smirking at me from his now stained red throne.

“Well, you do have your father’s powers in you, don’t you?” asked the man, raising an eye brow as he stood up, “Let’s see if you can control them as well as he did…Let’s see if you’ll be able to seal me as easily as he did…”


[Junsu’s PoV]

We appeared in the throne room only to see what I feared sitting in there. I looked at the red bubble like thing. I then looked over and saw Jaehyo furiously blasting his powers away at the wall, furious about his brother’s ignorance. Furious about his brother doing this on his own, I sighed and looked at my feet.

“We’re too late…” I whispered, I looked at Taecyeon, “There is no way Chunji’s body will be able to take this strain…there is no way he’ll be able to seal the devil, he’s too inexperience with his powers…if anything, he’s going to end up killing himself…he’s going to be dead by the end of this…”

Taecyeon looked back at me, “Don’ think that Junsu…you never know, he could pull through…Chunji is known for his random surprises…The most we can do is go over there and check on all of them, after all they’re wounded while we aren’t and I can assure you that there is no way they’ll leave here to get their wounds check.”

I nodded, sighing as I walked over to the group, followed by the other three. I looked at the red bubble as I worked on wrapping up a silent L.Joe’s bloody and burnt leg, looking at the boy who kept his eyes locked on the red wall that stood between him and his lover, who was currently fighting for his life. I looked at the wall.

Please don’t let anyone else die…


[Chunji’s PoV]

The fight had begun and I began to feel weaker as we continued on, I began to move slowly, I began to feel sluggish and I knew that I wasn’t going to last much longer, I knew that this protective barrier was draining me of energy rapidly and soon none would remain. I looked at the man who was smirking as I stood there, panting, trying to catch my breath. The next thing I knew the man had vanished and reappeared before me, grabbing my neck in a death grip and squeezing tight, making me close my eyes tightly as long nails dug into my skin and I felt like the blood in my veins were burning. I opened my eyes again as I heard him hiss out in pain, dropping me on the ground, I opened my eyes and there I saw his skin bubbling and I looked at it in shock, I then looked at my hands seeing that my skin was glowing red. I looked at myself in complete shock, what the heck was going on? I shrugged and reached for the man, pressing both hands to his chest his skin bubbled again and he looked up and screamed and there I saw a red light burst out of his mouth and eyes hitting the top of the barrier, and I looked up seeing that it was beginning to crack and I knew it would soon shatter, which meant I had to finish him off now…I had no choice anymore. I stuck both hands over his heart again and closed my eyes, focusing on my powers. I then felt another surge I felt the power leave me along with my energy and collapsed onto the ground and the last thing I remember seeing before I fell unconscious was his skin bubble and explode into red ash as well as seeing the barrier shatter and L.Joe’s face looking at my pale and weak body in horror.


[L.Joe’s PoV]

A scream echoed through the throne room and I looked up horrified, thinking that it was Chunji at first, but I could tell that it wasn’t him but the man whom was fighting him, I let out a relieved sigh , but looked up when I heard something cracking, I looked up and there I saw a pillar of light shooting out of the bubble. I saw Jaehyo collapse onto the ground in tears and Junsu look at the pillar horrified, whispering no to himself over and over again. I looked at the cracking barrier in worry, knowing that Chunji had just done what I wasn’t supposed to allow him to do. Soon the whole barrier shattered and fell to the ground where it then vanished from, revealing a weak Chunji who was staring straight at me, his skin was blood red and he smiled weakly before he finally fell limp and unconscious, before I could even get up on my wounded leg, the others were all around him, Jaehyo was hugging his younger brother’s heated, limp body to his chest while tears streamed down his cheeks.


[Chunji’s PoV]

I looked around, I felt like I was on fire as I glanced around, seeing that I was in a lush green meadow that stretch as far as the eye could see, the sky was cloudless and I glanced around, seeing that I was laying with my head in my deceased mother’s lap, she caressed my cheek and whispered, “Sleep now my child.”

I couldn’t help but nod, slowly dozing off as my body slowly cooled and began to get heated nicely by the warm sun, smiling widely when a warm spring breeze caressed my cheek like my mother’s warm had done seconds before. 


I know I said this would be up Sunday, I'm sorry that it wasn't, please forgive me, anyways, I'll have the Epilogue up here in at most a couple of hours, however it will be up sometime tonight, so please keep an eye out. Also, please comment because comments are love! THANK YOU to all of my lovely subscribers and commenters, please keep an eye open for Club Randa in the ChunJoe section, ok? It will be up sometime with in the next three days! 

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authorim you're the best...

added as one of my favorite chunjoe writers..
This is FABULOUSLY AWESOME!!!! It gave me goosebumps and chills and EXCITEMENT!! I love how you write these fics! XD
<3 this was an amazing story ^.^ :D
Wahh!!! Its finished??? :O The ending was so sweet~~ xDD Congratulations! <33
This story was EPIC!..I almost cried at the end of the battle.
ILoveYou_Forever #7
I thought little Channie was dead seriously and he left Hunnie alone.... But that's seriously tense though..... I'm glad it's a happy ending..... After all, they won and everybody is saved from now on.... It makes me so happy to know....
Anyway, thanks for finishing it~~~~ I really always love the epilogue the most~~~ It's so cute~~~~ Good to read that little Channie and Hunnie were both recovering~~~ That's a relief~
Anyway, I'm looking forwards to reading Club Ranada~~~~ Wow~~~ So excited~~
Lacyel #8
Ahhh it came out as soon as I commented! Woot! Can't wait for your next story. Love how this turned out (: Shoooo cute!