Black Rose Manor

Okay, so as I've said before, this story is close to ending and now it is time to choose the next ChunJoe story I should here are your options, all leave your vote in the comments, feel free to tell me about why you like the story or why it intrests you, anyway enjoy looking at the possible stories and their teaser posters. XD



Number One: The Watchful Eyes

Characters: Teen Top, Other minor characters, OCs.

Description: When a civil war breaks out in the kingdom of Miro on the plant Noire, the king and the nine older princes decide that the youngest and true heir to the throne should be taken and hidden in the country side where he’ll be well hidden amongst the tall ever greens and rolling hills…Where the King’s old friend lives raising orphaned boys, however, what happens when the boy who had suddenly appeared at the farm a week before the young prince arrived, the boy who has never talked since he had stepped foot onto the farm, an innocent looking boy covered in bruises turns out to be the son of the enemy?


I sat in the living room as the man gathered the rest of the teenagers and kids who lived here on the farm with him. While he looked for the many, many kids, I sat there across from the boy who had supposedly arrived week before me, the red head sat there staring at me with watchful eyes, the boy looked like he was looking into my soul. His face, neck, his arms, his legs, every visible piece of his milky white skin was marked by ugly black/purple bruises in the shapes of a hand or a fist, in one place, that was nearly hidden by the collar of his shirt; I could have sworn I saw teeth marks, the skin was ready and the wound itself was brown showing that it had once been open before. I looked at the boys expressionless face, I looked into his eyes and what saw in those eyes scared me a little, his eyes looked empty…lifeless…void to what was going on around him. His cheek bones were prominent and jutting out, it looked like the bone would cut through the skin soon, the boy was too skinny, his cheeks were too hollow…for some reason my chest ached looking at the boy in front of me.


Watchful- vigilant or alert; closely observant…

That described the red head perfectly. Even though his appearance has gotten better his face was still expressionless and his eyes looked lifeless, the boy is always glancing around, his vigilant eyes were searching for danger…he looked around as if we were going to hurt him. You raise your hand to brush something off his shoulders, head, or face and he’d flinch away as if you were going to hit him. When he heard arguments he’d vanish and hide somewhere within the ranch, every night I was woken up from my sleep from his whimpers coming from the bed beside mine, I’d be awoken from the sound of him tossing and turning, the sound of his frantic breathing, from him shooting up as he woke from a night mare, I’d be awoken by him opening the door leading to the balcony, I’d be awake until he came back after getting a bit of fresh air and laying back down in bed. Then I’d lay awake, thinking about what could be causing such a beautiful boy nightmares…

I’ve begun to think about him every hour, every minute, every second of every day, but I don’t even know the kid’s name or age…


“Why won’t you die like your parents? You’re the scum of the earth! Just die already!” yelled a man, hitting the poor eight year old boy who was sobbing;  his crimson blood covering his own face, blending in with the dark red hair the boy held on the top of his head.


“I never did realize how beautiful you’ve become you little …” hissed the man, gripping the red head’s chin tightly, bringing out a yelp from the fourteen year old boy. Later that night the boy’s yelps were turned into screams of pure agony and pain…












Club Randa (poster to come later because it’s currently in the making…)

Characters: Teen Top, TVfXQ, ChoShinSei/ChoShinSung/Supernova (for those of you who don’t know who they are, they are a boy band who debuted back in 2007, however due to artists like Girls Generation and others debuting and promoting around those times, they were over shadowed and didn’t get a lot of fans in Korea, however, despite their rather poor debut in South Korea, they went to Japan and worked hard and in turn they gained fans there. They continued to promote there up until 2010 when they came back in South Korea with “On Days That I Missed You” after that they went back to Japan, releasing more songs there, they even held a concert in the Yokohama Arena. In 2011, their leader Yunhak went to his army services, so as of right now they are a five membered group, consisting of the members: Sungmo, Sungje, Kwangsoo, Jihyuk, and Geonil. For those of you who know them, kudos to you! This story idea actually came from one of their songs Randa; check it out through the hyperlink.)

(I’ve been a fan since their debut back in 2007 and I think they keep getting better with each song they release, if you have any questions about them feel free to ask me about them.)

Description: What do you do when your father sells you off to a mafia group to pay off his debt and in turn you get taken far away from your family into a whole different country? Well, you try to survive by not pissing off any of the mafia members who are at the club nightly along with many different teens and es. Chunji, is one of the many people whose life has been sold to the infamous mafia leader Jung Yunho, he used to live as a normal senior high student, but is now forced to work a double life. In the day time he’s a nerd that most people ignore and the bored jocks and Kingka’s enjoy picking on, while at night he’s the clubs most wanted waiter/bartender alongside his sunbaenim, Sungmo, who is the object of desire of Yunho’s oldest son Yunhak. Chunji’s life is actually really peaceful, however, when one of Yunho’s sons returns from studying in the US and meets Chunji in school and later meets him in the club, Chunji’s life is thrown into spirals.


“God, I wish he’d stop staring…” said Sungmo, who stood beside me behind the bar, mixing a costumers drink.

“Who is he?” I asked, glancing up from the glass I was drying off, trying to find the boy who was staring at Sungmo-hyung.

“Jung Yunhak, Sungmo’s secret admirer,” Said Sungje hyung, walking up to the counter to get the drinks that were ready to be served and dropping the new order of food and alcohol off. Sungje set the tray down so that he could pin up the order so both Sungmo and I could easily see it, while he did that, Sungmo finished making the last drink and took a second to punch Sungje’s shoulder. The thinner male pouted and rubbed his shoulder, “Hyung that hurt.”

“Good.” Said Sungmo, he then looked at me “Yunhak is a creeper who you should be cautious around, if you aren’t careful the ert will touch you in inappropriate places.”

 “Hyung, I’m not a little kid, you don’t have to talk to me like one.” I said, looking at him in amusement.

He smiled and said, “Yeah, but you still have an innocent air around you, keep it that way, ok?”

I nodded, “I will hyung, I will…”

We then went back to work, only to have Sungmo speaking up again, “God damn it, would he stop staring at my chest…I feel violated.”

I laughed, “Hyung maybe you should stop taking your shirt off during you performances…I bet you if you did he’d stop staring there…”

“He’d be staring somewhere else then, because it’s either I work in this club and ‘strip’ by taking off my shirt or I go to one of the mafia’s other clubs and work there by taking off ALL my clothes and have him stare at my and manhood all the time…” said Sungmo, I could tell he was getting really aggravated by the guys staring because hyung rarely cursed, “Yeah, Chunji, that’s so much better…”

“I’m sorry hyung…I’d stay here if I were you.” I said.

He laughed and nodded, “There is no way I’m transferring out of here…”

“If it makes you feel better Sungmo, at least you have him staring at you and it’s at your chest, I have es who look like they’re about to die staring at my …”

“God, those type of men are disgusting.”

I nodded, “They are…”


“Who is that?” I asked, pointing at the blonde haired boy who had just entered the club with one of my classmates, “He’s with one of the guys who pick on me daily at school…”

“Ah…I believe that’s one of Yunho’s sons…” said Sungje, “He just returned to Japan from the Americas…I think his name is L.Joe, but I’m not too sure, you should ask Sungmo…he could ask Yunhak…”

“No, hyung I’ll pass putting Sungmo through that misery…” I said, smiling.

I felt an intense stare on me and I looked up, seeing the blonde head’s eyes locked with mine, a smirk appeared on his face and his eyes had a mischievous glint in them, and I knew that this was the beginning of the end of my life.

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authorim you're the best...

added as one of my favorite chunjoe writers..
This is FABULOUSLY AWESOME!!!! It gave me goosebumps and chills and EXCITEMENT!! I love how you write these fics! XD
<3 this was an amazing story ^.^ :D
Wahh!!! Its finished??? :O The ending was so sweet~~ xDD Congratulations! <33
This story was EPIC!..I almost cried at the end of the battle.
ILoveYou_Forever #7
I thought little Channie was dead seriously and he left Hunnie alone.... But that's seriously tense though..... I'm glad it's a happy ending..... After all, they won and everybody is saved from now on.... It makes me so happy to know....
Anyway, thanks for finishing it~~~~ I really always love the epilogue the most~~~ It's so cute~~~~ Good to read that little Channie and Hunnie were both recovering~~~ That's a relief~
Anyway, I'm looking forwards to reading Club Ranada~~~~ Wow~~~ So excited~~
Lacyel #8
Ahhh it came out as soon as I commented! Woot! Can't wait for your next story. Love how this turned out (: Shoooo cute!