
Page À Vu [Eng.]


Some weeks later, had his relationship changed? Only in the fact that there were kisses more often. Also they have even more trust in each other, if that was even posible. If it wasn't because the boys told the news to Mingyu and Wonwoo, they wouldn't have noticed the new stage of their relationship.


There was Seungkwan, looking at the half written pages in front of him, thinking about the last month. He closed the book smiling and he placed it in the shelves.


He new Vernon was a bit absent-minded, be he trusted he was able to see the only different book there. This one had color and a title in its cover. This one wouldn't take him anywhere, but it would help him see further than what Seungkwan could express.


Even after the time they've been together, he still got too nervous to speak his mind, to say what his heart screamed. So this seemed the best idea.


He waited near the book until some hazel eyes met his in that aisle. Both of them smiled instantly.


-Hi -Vernon greeted back pecking quickly on his lips.- I've been waiting you.


-Sorry, I was talking to the guys, you know... -his eyes digressed around until he found the only book that stood out from monotony.- What's that?


-Oh, that's a new book -Seungkwan lied,- I didn't want to open it until you came. Open it -staring at him, Seungkwan kept a smile on his face.


Vernon took the book. "Eloquence" was written on its cover. Leaded by curiosity, he opened it to the first page, waiting for a transportation that never happened. He started reading:


eloquence . noun

1. Vivid, effective, or persuasive communication in speech or artistic performance.

2. Persuasive, moving, or graceful discourse.

3. The skill or power of using such discourse:


Write everything I've never said.


-Seungkwan, what's this? -Vernon looked up to find a pair of shinning eyes above a bright smile. To find all the stars in the universe glowing in front of him.


-Maybe that one time in the forest I didn't say all I wanted to. Maybe I haven't say it yet. That's why, even if I don't say it, I want you to know it all -his hands travelled to Vernon's, still holding the book. The most special book in that special library.


Vernon went across the pages. All the magic trapped inside the books there seemed nothing but dust. An ordinary book would lose it charm after visiting the library, but this wasn't an ordinary book. This was much more than a simple text.


At first you made me nervous.

Now you make me feel at home.


After some pages, they settled down on one of the couches. The same one where everything started. While Vernon was reading, Seungkwan laid his head on Vernon's lap to see his reactions to the book. The excitement, the happiness and thousand more feeling.


I've always feel emptiness inside of me, as if something was missing.

Then I found you, and I understood that you can't complete a puzzle without one of its pieces.

That whatever the story is, it won't be complete without one of its characters.

You're all I've been missing.

Thanks for seeing in me enough potential to write a master piece.


While one of Vernon's hand was holding the book, the other one fitted perfectly with Seungkwan's.

I don't mind staying here in reality.

I don't need to escape.

Because you're my reality.


-I though I was the cheesy one. How much have you written? -he didn't stop reading while asking.


-Counting poems, memories, quotes, letters and all of that... about 200 pages or more. I don't know, I haven't counted them -he laughed.


Some minutes later, Vernon reached blank pages. Seungkwan, noticing this, got up to sit right beside him.


-Although there's nothing more, it doesn't mean I've finished. I promise I'll keep writing on it because, I'll love you tomorrow the same way I love you today. And even if there are no pages left, I'll write a sequel. Two, three. As many as I have to. Because if keep writing on it means I'll be by your side, I could be writing for the rest of my life.


-Because by your side wherever I am I'll be in paradise, -Vernon continued- and because by your side, eternity isn't long enough -he took Seungkwan by his waist to pull him closer.- Thank you for being the writer, the main character and the story of my new favorite book.




It's over. Thank you for being next to me until the end of Page À Vu since the beginning  of Biblichor. Thank your for enjoying Vernon's story and for wanting to know Seungkwan's. I love you all

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This story is parallel to Biblichor so you need to read that before reading this one or you won't understand some things.


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Chapter 18: This is really charming, the idea of the teletransportation books and them living so many things together is super sweet. I still have a question tho, Seungkwan fell in love with a character that was Vernon alike or with Vernon in a book? I truly didn't understand that part, maybe it's because I'm sleepy. Anyways, I loved it. <333 thank you for writing it